FieldDB / eopas

ETHNOER Online Presentation and Annotation System

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These instructions are geared towards installing the EOPAS application on an Ubuntu Precise LTS system. These instructions assume you will be using capistrano to deploy the application.

Set up the database

Install MySQL if it isn't already installed

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Create the EOPAS database and user

mysql> CREATE DATABASE eopas;
mysql> GRANT ALL ON eopas.* to eopas@`%` IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD'

Edit config/database.yml to suit database name, username and password.

Deploy the application to the EOPAS server

We assume you are using Ubuntu Precise.

First set up the deploy user

sudo adduser deploy

You may find deployments easier if you set up your SSH key on the deploy user's account.

ssh-copy-id $

Create the directory the application will be deployed to and set the permissions.

sudo mkdir -p /srv/www/eopas
sudo chown deploy.deploy /srv/www/eopas

Install all the required dependencies on the server

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.3 git libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libmysqlclient-dev \
                     libsqlite3-dev build-essentials
sudo gem1.9.3 install bundler
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra-53 libavdevice-extra-53 libavfilter-extra-0 \
                     libavformat-extra-53 libpostproc-extra-52 libswscale-extra-2 libav-tools

Install capistrano on your local machine

gem install capistrano

Setup the application for deployment the first time

cap deploy:setup

Check everything is ready

cap deploy:check

Deploy the application

cap deploy
  • Run the migrations
cap deploy:migrations

You will also need to deploy an nginx configuration that looks something like

server {
  listen [::]:80;

  access_log  /srv/www/eopas/shared/log/access.log;
  error_log  /srv/www/eopas/shared/log/error.log;

  location / {
    error_page 500 502 503 504 /500.html;

    root /srv/www/eopas/current/public;

    try_files /system/maintenance.html $uri @app;

  location @app {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
    proxy_redirect off;

    proxy_pass http://unix:/srv/www/eopas/shared/pids/unicorn.socket;


Set up the application

Browse to http://DOMAIN and follow the prompts

Information about automatic transcoding

When you deploy with capistrano, the delayed_jobs gem will be set up for you and take care of the transcoding tasks necessary after uploading audio and video files. Normally, everything should be fine. But occasionally you may need to deal with stuck jobs or other issues.

  • Running the delayed_jobs demon by hand if necessary

    RAILS_ENV=production ./scripts/delayed_job start

  • Clearing the jobs queue

    rake jobs:clear

  • Checking the jobs queue as an admin user


Updating the language codes

The language codes in use for EOPAS are sourced from

To update them:


Transcoding XML files

You can use the scripts in the bin directory to directly deal with XML files. Use the following formats: Elan, Toolbox, Transcriber, Eopas

  • Transcoding to eopas: e.g.

    rails runner bin/transcode.rb features/test_data/toolbox2.xml Toolbox

  • Validating an XML file: e.g.

    rails runner bin/validate.rb features/test_data/toolbox2.xml Toolbox

  • Run an xsl tranform: e.g.

    rails runner bin/xslt.rb features/test_data/toolbox2.xml public/XSLT/fixToolbox.xsl


ETHNOER Online Presentation and Annotation System