FengYen-Chang / UnsupportedLayerTraining

The training project which includes MO and IE for OpenVINO unsupported layer.

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The training project which includes MO and IE for OpenVINO unsupported layer - cosh.

Create a tensorflow* model with unsupported layer cosh and convert it to IR.

  1. Create tf_cosh.py to generate the model and save as cosh.pb

    import tensorflow as tf 
    import tensorflow.contrib.layers as layers
    import numpy as np
    weights = {
        'wc1': tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([1, 1, 1, 32]))
    biases = {
        'bc1': tf.Variable(tf.zeros([32]))
    def model (inputs) :
        conv1 = tf.nn.conv2d(inputs, weights['wc1'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') + biases['bc1']
        out = tf.math.cosh(conv1)
        return out
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, 32, 32, 1))
    o = model(x)
    sess = tf.Session()
    print (sess.run(o, {x : np.ones((1, 32, 32, 1))}))
    from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_io
    frozen = tf.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(sess, sess.graph_def, ['Cosh'])
    graph_io.write_graph(frozen, '.', 'cosh.pb', as_text=False)
  2. Run tf_cosh.py

    $ python tf_cosh.py
  3. Convert cosh.pb to IR

    • Run:

      $ python $MO_ROOT/mo.py  \
          --input_model=$ROOT_OF_TF_MODEL/cosh.pb \
          --input_shape=[1,32,32,1] \
          --disable_nhwc_to_nchw \
          -o $OUTPUT_DIR
    • Output:

      [ ERROR ]  List of operations that cannot be converted to Inference Engine IR:
      [ ERROR ]      Cosh (1)
      [ ERROR ]          Cosh
      [ ERROR ]  Part of the nodes was not converted to IR. Stopped. 
      For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/
      latest/_docs_MO_DG_prepare_model_Model_Optimizer_FAQ.html), question #24.

      Got the errors since the Cosh layer was not supported by model optimizer.

Add unsupported TF layer into Model Optimizer

  • Use existing operation to construct a new operation - Add Cosh operator into activation_ops.py.

    1. Add Cosh operator into list activation_ops

      • From:

        activation_ops = ['Sigmoid', 'Tanh', 'ReLU6', 'Exp', 'Elu', 'Not', 'Floor']
      • To:

        activation_ops = ['Sigmoid', 'Tanh', 'ReLU6', 'Exp', 'Elu', 'Not', 'Floor', 'Cosh']
    2. Create a class for Cosh operator which inherit from class Activation

      class Cosh(Activation):
          op = 'Cosh'
          operation = staticmethod(lambda x: np.cosh(x))
    3. Create the file cosh_ext.py in the directory $OPENVINO_ROOT/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf to add the layer extractor for unsupported layer - Cosh

      from extensions.ops.activation_ops import Cosh
      from mo.front.extractor import FrontExtractorOp
      class LeakyReLUFrontExtractor(FrontExtractorOp):
          op = 'Cosh'
          enabled = True
          def extract(node):
              return __class__.enabled
    4. Convert the model again

      • Run:

        $ python $MO_ROOT/mo.py \
            --input_model=$ROOT_OF_TF_MODEL/cosh.pb \
            --input_shape=[1,32,32,1] \
            --disable_nhwc_to_nchw \
            -o $OUTPUT_DIR
      • Output:

        [ SUCCESS ] Generated IR model.
        [ SUCCESS ] XML file: $OUTPUT_DIR/cosh.xml
        [ SUCCESS ] BIN file: $OUTPUT_DIR/cosh.bin
        [ SUCCESS ] Total execution time: 1.32 seconds.
  • Construct a new operation

    • Create a templates for Cosh custom layer

      1. Run extgen.py with parameter --mo-tf-ext, --mo-op, --ie-cpu-ext, and --ie-gpu-ext.

        python $OPENVINO_ROOT/deployment_tools/tools/extension_generator/extgen.py new \
            --mo-tf-ext \
            --mo-op \
            --ie-cpu-ext \
            --ie-gpu-ext \
      2. Information based on execution commands

          Model Optimizer:
            Extractor for Caffe Custom Layer: No
              Extractor for MxNet Custom Layer: No
            Extractor for TensorFlow Custom Layer: Yes
              Framework-agnostic operation extension: Yes
            Inference Engine:
              CPU extension: Yes
              GPU extension: Yes
      3. Answer the questions

        Enter layer name:   Cosh
        Do you want to automatically parse all parameters from the model file? (y/n)
          Yes means layer parameters will be automatically parsed during Model Optimizer work as is.
          No means you will be prompted for layer parameters in the following section    n
        Enter all parameters in the following format:
          <param1> <new name1> <type1>
          <param2> <new name2> <type2>
        Where type is one of the following types:
          b - Bool,                               padding - Padding type,                 list.b - List of bools,
          f - Float,                              batch - Get batch from dataFormat,      list.f - List of floats,
          i - Int,                                channel - Get channel from dataFormat,  list.i - List of ints,
          s - String,                             spatial - Get spatial from dataFormat,  list.s - List of strings,
          shape - TensorShapeProto,               list.shape - List of TensorShapeProto,  type - DataType, list.type - List of DataType,
          length attr_length i
        If your attribute type is not shown in the list above, or you want to implement your own 
        attribute parsing, omit the <type> parameter.
        Enter 'q' when finished:    q
        Check your answers for TensorFlow* extractor generation:
        1.  Layer name:                                                            Cosh
        2.  Automatically parse all parameters from model file:                    No
        3.  Parameters entered:  <param1> <new name1> <type1>                      []
        Do you want to change any answer (y/n) ? Default 'no'
        Do you want to use the layer name as the operation name? (y/n)    y
        Does your operation change shape? (y/n)    n
        Check your answers for the Model Optimizer operation generation:
        4.  Use layer name as operation name? (y/n)                                Yes
        5.  Operation changes shape? (y/n)                                         No
        Do you want to change any answer (y/n) ? Default 'no'
      4. Generate files

        Stub file for TensorFlow Model Optimizer extractor is in ${OUTPUT_DIR}/user_mo_extensions/front/tf folder
        Stub file for the Model Optimizer operation is in ${OUTPUT_DIR}/user_mo_extensions/ops folder
        Stub files for the Inference Engine CPU extension are in ${OUTPUT_DIR}/user_ie_extensions/cpu folder
        Stub files for the Inference Engine GPU extension are in ${OUTPUT_DIR}/user_ie_extensions/gpu folder
      5. Tree structure of generate files

        ├── user_ie_extensions
        │   ├── cpu
        │   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
        │   │   ├── ext_base.cpp
        │   │   ├── ext_base.hpp
        │   │   ├── ext_cosh.cpp
        │   │   ├── ext_list.cpp
        │   │   └── ext_list.hpp
        │   └── gpu
        │       ├── cosh_kernel.cl
        │       └── cosh_kernel.xml
        └── user_mo_extensions
            ├── front
            │   ├── caffe
            │   │   └── __init__.py
            │   ├── __init__.py
            │   ├── mxnet
            │   │   └── __init__.py
            │   └── tf
            │       ├── cosh_ext.py
            │       └── __init__.py
            ├── __init__.py
            └── ops
                ├── cosh.py
                └── __init__.py
    • Construct a new operation - Cosh

      1. Patch the file cosh.py and move to directory $OPENVINO_ROOT/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/ops

        from mo.ops.op import Op
        from mo.front.common.partial_infer.elemental import copy_shape_infer
        from mo.graph.graph import Node
        class CoshOp(Op):
            op = 'Cosh'
            def __init__(self, graph, attrs):
                mandatory_props = dict(
                super().__init__(graph, mandatory_props, attrs)
            def infer(node: Node):
                return copy_shape_infer(node)
      2. Cosh Extractor (Choose one method)

        1. Move the file cosh_ext.py to directory $OPENVINO_ROOT/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf

          import numpy as np
          from mo.front.extractor import FrontExtractorOp
          from mo.ops.op import Op
          from mo.front.tf.extractors.utils import *
          from mo.front.common.partial_infer.utils import convert_tf_padding_to_str
          class CoshFrontExtractor(FrontExtractorOp):
              op = 'Cosh' 
              enabled = True
              def extract(node):
                  proto_layer = node.pb
                  param = proto_layer.attr
                  # extracting parameters from TensorFlow layer and prepare them for IR
                  attrs = {
                      'op': __class__.op
                  # update the attributes of the node
                  Op.get_op_class_by_name(__class__.op).update_node_stat(node, attrs)
                  return __class__.enabled
        2. Patch the file cosh_ext.py and move to directory $OPENVINO_ROOT/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions/front/tf

          from mo.front.extractor import FrontExtractorOp
          from extensions.ops.cosh_tf import CoshOp
          class CoshFrontExtractor(FrontExtractorOp):
              op = 'Cosh'
              enabled = True
              def extract(node):
                  # update the attributes of the node
                  return __class__.enabled
      3. Convert the model again

        • Run:

          $ python $MO_ROOT/mo.py \
              --input_model=$ROOT_OF_TF_MODEL/cosh.pb \
              --input_shape=[1,32,32,1] \
              --disable_nhwc_to_nchw \
              -o $OUTPUT_DIR
        • Output:

          [ SUCCESS ] Generated IR model.
          [ SUCCESS ] XML file: $OUTPUT_DIR/cosh.xml
          [ SUCCESS ] BIN file: $OUTPUT_DIR/cosh.bin
          [ SUCCESS ] Total execution time: 1.32 seconds.

Run inference

  • Create infer.py for inference

    import sys, os, time
    import numpy as np
    import argparse
    import time
    from openvino.inference_engine import IENetwork, IECore
    # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
    def parsing():
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help = False)
        parser.add_argument('-m', '--model', default='', type=str)
        parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', default='CPU', type=str)
        parser.add_argument('-c', '--gpu_extension', default='', type=str)
        parser.add_argument('-l', '--cpu_extension', default='', type=str)
        return parser
    def main() :
        args = parsing().parse_args()
        model_graph = args.model
        model_weight = args.model[:-3] + 'bin'
        net = IENetwork(model = model_graph, 
                        weights = model_weight)
        iter_inputs = iter(net.inputs)
        iter_outputs = iter(net.outputs)
        inputs_num = len(net.inputs)
        print (inputs_num)
        input_blob = []
        for _inputs in iter_inputs:
        output_blob = []
        for _outputs in iter_outputs:
        input_l = []
        for i in input_blob:
            input_l.append(np.ones(shape=net.inputs[i].shape, dtype=np.float32))
        inputs = dict()
        for i in range (inputs_num):
            inputs[input_blob[i]] = input_l[i]
        plugin = IECore()
        if args.cpu_extension and 'CPU' in args.device:
            plugin.add_extension(args.cpu_extension, "CPU")
        if args.gpu_extension and 'GPU' in args.device:
            plugin.set_config({"CONFIG_FILE": args.gpu_extension}, "GPU")
        exec_net = plugin.load_network(network = net, device_name = args.device)
        s_time = time.time()
        out = exec_net.infer(inputs)
        e_time = time.time()    
        print (out)
        print ('execution time: ', e_time - s_time)
    if "__main__" :
  • Run inference on CPU

    1. Execute infer.py with parameter –m, –d and –l.

      • Run:

        • Use existing layer to construct an operation

          $ python infer.py \
              -m $USING_EXISTING_LAYER/cosh.xml \
              -l $SAMPLE_BUILD_DIR/intel64/Release/lib/libcpu_extension.so \
              -d CPU
        • Construct a new operation

          $ python infer.py \
              -m $AS_NEW/cosh.xml \
              -l $SAMPLE_BUILD_DIR/intel64/Release/lib/libcpu_extension.so \
              -d CPU
      • Output:

        • Use existing layer to construct an operation

          RuntimeError: Unsupported primitive of type: cosh name: Cosh

          Since the math extension is supported Cosh layer not cosh layer. Solution: Add CPU extension for IE

        • Construct a new operation

          Run the model well

          Since the math extension is supported ‘Cosh’ layer

    2. Add CPU extension for IE

      • Create the file ext_cosh.cpp in the directory $OPENVINO_ROOT/deployment_tools/inference_engine/src/extensio or patch the file ext_cosh.cppwhich under$GEN_OUTPUT/user_ie_extensions/cpu/`

        #include "ext_list.hpp"
        #include "ext_base.hpp"
        #include <algorithm>
        #include <string>
        #include <vector>
        #include <cmath>
        #include <utility>
        #include <functional>
        namespace InferenceEngine {
        namespace Extensions {
        namespace Cpu {
        class coshImpl: public ExtLayerBase {
            explicit coshImpl(const CNNLayer* layer) {
                try {
                    if (layer->insData.size() != 1 || layer->outData.empty())
                        THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Incorrect number of input/output edges!";
                    addConfig(layer, {DataConfigurator(ConfLayout::PLN)}, {DataConfigurator(ConfLayout::PLN)});
                } catch (InferenceEngine::details::InferenceEngineException &ex) {
                    errorMsg = ex.what();
            StatusCode execute(std::vector<Blob::Ptr>& inputs, std::vector<Blob::Ptr>& outputs,
                            ResponseDesc *resp) noexcept override {
                SizeVector in_dims = inputs[0]->getTensorDesc().getDims();
                SizeVector out_dims = outputs[0]->getTensorDesc().getDims();    
                float* src_data = inputs[0]->buffer();
                float* dst_data = outputs[0]->buffer();
                int _dsize = 1;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < in_dims.size(); i++)
                    _dsize *= in_dims[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < _dsize; i++)
                    double __exp = exp(src_data[i]);
                    dst_data[i] = (__exp + (1 / __exp)) / 2;
                return OK;
        REG_FACTORY_FOR(ImplFactory<coshImpl>, cosh);
        }  // namespace Cpu
        }  // namespace Extensions
        }  // namespace InferenceEngine
    3. Build extension file

      • Create file by yourself

        $ ./$OPENVINO_ROOT/deployment_tools/inference_engine/demos/build_demos.sh
      • Generate by extgen.py

        $ cd ${OUTPUT_DIR}/user_ie_extensions/cpu
        $ mkdir build && cd build 
        $ cmake .. && make -j8
    4. Execute infer.py with parameter –m, –d and –l again.

      • Run:

        • Construct a new operation

          $ python infer.py \
              -m $AS_NEW/cosh.xml \
              -l $SAMPLE_BUILD_DIR/intel64/Release/lib/libcpu_extension.so \
              -d CPU
        • Generate by extgen.py

          $ python infer.py \
              -m $AS_NEW/cosh.xml \
              -l ${GEN_OUTPUT}/user_ie_extensions/cpu/build/intel64/Release/lib/libcpu_extension.so \
              -d CPU
  • Run inference on GPU

    1. Execute infer.py with parameter –m and –d.

      • Run:

        • Use existing layer to construct an operation

          $ python infer.py \
              -m $USING_EXISTING_LAYER/cosh.xml \
              -d GPU
        • Construct a new operation

          $ python infer.py \
              -m $AS_NEW/cosh.xml \
              -d GPU
      • Output:

        • Use existing layer to construct an operation

            File "ie_api.pyx", line 85, in openvino.inference_engine.ie_api.IECore.load_network
            File "ie_api.pyx", line 92, in openvino.inference_engine.ie_api.IECore.load_network
          RuntimeError: Unknown Layer Type: cosh
        • Construct a new operation

            File "ie_api.pyx", line 85, in openvino.inference_engine.ie_api.IECore.load_network
            File "ie_api.pyx", line 92, in openvino.inference_engine.ie_api.IECore.load_network
          RuntimeError: Unknown Layer Type: Cosh

          Since the GPU didn't support Cosh and cosh layer. Solution: Add GPU extension for IE

    2. Add GPU extension for IE

      Here provide 2 method to enable GPU extension for IE.

      • Use existing layer to construct an operation

        • Patch cosh_kernel.cl which under $GEN_OUTPUT/user_ie_extensions/gpu/

          #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable
          __kernel void cosh_kernel(
              // Insert pointers to inputs, outputs as arguments here
              // If your layer has one input and one output, arguments will be:
                  const __global INPUT0_TYPE*  input0, __global OUTPUT0_TYPE* output
              // Add the kernel implementation here:
              // Get data dimensions
              const uint T_ = INPUT0_DIMS[0];
              const uint N_ = INPUT0_DIMS[1];
              const uint X_ = INPUT0_DIMS[2];
              const uint Y_ = INPUT0_DIMS[3];
              // Perform the hyperbolic cosine given by: 
              //    cosh(x) = (e^x + e^-x)/2
              for (int ii = 0; ii < T_*N_*X_*Y_; ii++) 
                  output[ii] = (exp(input0[ii]) + exp(-input0[ii]))/2;
        • Patch cosh_kernel.xml which under $GEN_OUTPUT/user_ie_extensions/gpu/

          <CustomLayer name="cosh" type="SimpleGPU" version="1">
              <Kernel entry="cosh_kernel">
                  <Source filename="cosh_kernel.cl"/>
                  <!-- Parameters description /-->
              <!-- Buffer descriptions /-->
                  <Tensor arg-index="0" type="input" port-index="0" format="BFYX"/>
                  <Tensor arg-index="1" type="output" port-index="1" format="BFYX"/>
              <CompilerOptions options="-cl-mad-enable"/>
              <!-- define the global worksize. The formulas can use the values of the B,F,Y,X dimensions and contain the operators: +,-,/,*,% 
                  (all evaluated in integer arithmetics). Default value: global="B*F*Y*X,1,1"/-->
              <WorkSizes global="B,F"/>
      • Construct a new operation

        • Create Cosh_kernel.cl which under $GEN_OUTPUT/user_ie_extensions/gpu/

          #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable
          __kernel void Cosh(const __global INPUT0_TYPE* input0, __global OUTPUT0_TYPE* output)
              // global index definition set in the XML configuration file
              const uint idx = get_global_id(0);
              const uint idy = get_global_id(1);
              const uint idbf = get_global_id(2);
              const uint feature = idbf%OUTPUT0_DIMS[1];
              const uint batch = idbf/OUTPUT0_DIMS[1];
              const uint in_id = batch*INPUT0_PITCHES[0] + feature*INPUT0_PITCHES[1] +
                      idy*INPUT0_PITCHES[2] + idx*INPUT0_PITCHES[3] + INPUT0_OFFSET;
              const uint out_id = batch*OUTPUT0_PITCHES[0] + feature*OUTPUT0_PITCHES[1] +
                      idy*OUTPUT0_PITCHES[2] + idx*OUTPUT0_PITCHES[3] + OUTPUT0_OFFSET;
              INPUT0_TYPE value = input0[in_id];
                  output[out_id] = (exp(value) + exp(-value))/2;
        • Create Cosh_kernel.xml which under $GEN_OUTPUT/user_ie_extensions/gpu/

          <CustomLayer name="Cosh" type="SimpleGPU" version="1">
              <Kernel entry="Cosh">
                  <Source filename="Cosh_kernel.cl"/>
                  <Tensor arg-index="0" type="input" port-index="0" format="BFYX"/>
                  <Tensor arg-index="1" type="output" port-index="0" format="BFYX"/>
              <CompilerOptions options="-cl-mad-enable"/>
              <WorkSizes global="X,Y,B*F"/>
    3. Execute infer.py with parameter –m, –d and –c.

      • Run:

        • Construct a new operation

          python infer.py \
              -m $USING_EXISTING_LAYER/cosh.xml \
              -c $GEN_OUTPUT/user_ie_extensions/gpu//cosh_kernel.xml \
              -d GPU 
        • Generate by extgen.py

          python infer.py \
              -m $AS_NEW/cosh.xml \
              -c $GEN_OUTPUT/user_ie_extensions/gpu//Cosh_kernel.xml \
              -d GPU



The training project which includes MO and IE for OpenVINO unsupported layer.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 64.1%Language:C 24.4%Language:C++ 11.5%