Fematich / cloudml-examples

Examples of using CloudML with genomic data.

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This is not an official Google product.


This repository contains an example of applying machine learning to genomic data using Google Cloud ML. The particular learning problem demonstrated is an ancestry inference. Identification of genetic ancestry is important for adjusting putative genetic associations with traits that may be driven largely through population structure. It is also important for assessing the accuracy of self-reported ancestry.

The instructions below train a model to predict 1000 Genomes super population labels. The training data are the 1000 Genomes phase 3 variants stored in BigQuery. The evaluation data are the Personal Genome Project variants stored in BigQuery. The training data is pre-processed using pipelines written with Apache Beam and executed on Google Cloud Dataflow. Prediction also uses Beam and Dataflow and the results can be written to the local file system or Cloud Storage.

This approach uses continuous vectors of genomic variants for analysis and inference on Machine Learning pipelines. For related work, see also Diet Networks: Thin Parameters for Fat Genomics Romero et. al.

Getting Started

The CloudML setup instructions list a few ways to get setup. We recommend the Docker setup option and have included some scripts to make that a bit easier.

  • One time setup:

    • Set up CloudML by following the Docker Container instructions.
    • Create a directory which will be mounted inside of your Docker container: mkdir $HOME/dockerVolume
    • Copy this tree of code into $HOME/dockerVolume
  • To update your environment to the latest code:

    • Set some environment variants to make copy/pasting commands a bit easier.
      • BUCKET_NAME=<YOUR_BUCKET> this should be the regional bucket you created during CloudML setup.
    • Run start_docker.sh from your shell to start the container.
    • Run setup_docker.sh ${PROJECT_ID} within the container to configure it further.

Pre-processing using Apache Beam

  • See if a query for the data you want to work with is already available in the preprocess directory. If not:
    • See also Select Genomic Data to work with for other public data and how to load your own data.
    • Write jinja files containing the queries for your desired data.
    • Copy the jinja files into $HOME/dockerVolume
  • From within the Docker container run pipeline preprocess_data.py to convert the data from BigQuery to TFRecords in Cloud Storage. For example:

Preprocess training data:

python -m trainer.preprocess_data \
  --setup_file ./setup.py \
  --output gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/1000-genomes \
  --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --metadata ./preprocess/1000_genomes_metadata.jinja \
  --data ./preprocess/1000_genomes_phase3_b37.jinja \
  --runner DataflowPipelineRunner \
  --worker_machine_type n1-highmem-8 \

Preprocess evaluation data:

python -m trainer.preprocess_data \
  --setup_file ./setup.py \
  --output gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/pgp \
  --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --metadata ./preprocess/pgp_metadata.jinja \
  --data ./preprocess/pgp_data_b37_1kg_variants_only.jinja \
  --runner DataflowPipelineRunner \

Training using CloudML

EXAMPLES_SUBDIR=<the date-time subdirectory created during the training data preprocess step>
gcloud beta ml jobs submit training MY_JOB_NAME \
  --config config.yaml \
  --region us-central1 \
  --module-name trainer.variants_inference \
  --staging-bucket gs://${BUCKET_NAME} \
  --package-path ./trainer \
  --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
  -- \
  --input_dir gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/1000-genomes/${EXAMPLES_SUBDIR}/ \
  --sparse_features all_not_x_y \
  --num_classes 5 \
  --target_field super_population \
  --hidden_units 20 \
  --output_path gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/models/1000-genomes-super-population/ \
  --num_train_steps 50000 \
  --num_buckets 50000

To inspect the behavior of training, launch TensorBoard and point it at the summary logs produced during training — both during and after execution. From within the Docker container, run the following command:

tensorboard --port=8080 \
    --logdir gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/models/1000-genomes-super-population/

Tip: When running all of these commands from Google Cloud Shell, the web preview feature can be used to view the tensorboard user interface.

Batch predict using Apache Beam

From within the Docker container, run pipeline batch_predict.py.

Specify the model_dir if you need the model to be deployed.

EXAMPLES_SUBDIR=<the date-time subdirectory created during the evaluation data preprocess step>
EXPORT_SUBDIR=<the export subdirectory created during model training>
python batch_predict.py \
  --model_dir gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/models/1000-genomes-super-population/export/${EXPORT_SUBDIR}/ \
  --deploy_model_name MY_MODEL_NAME \
  --deploy_model_version MY_MODEL_VERSION \
  --input gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/pgp/${EXAMPLES_SUBDIR}/examples* \
  --output gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/pgp/predictions/super-population/ \
  --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --runner DataflowPipelineRunner

Otherwise just use the name and version of the deployed model.

python batch_predict.py \
  --input gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/pgp/${EXAMPLES_SUBDIR}/examples* \
  --output gs://${BUCKET_NAME}/pgp/predictions/super-population/ \
  --deploy_model_name MY_MODEL_NAME \
  --deploy_model_version MY_MODEL_VERSION \
  --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --runner DataflowPipelineRunner


Examples of using CloudML with genomic data.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 83.0%Language:HTML 12.8%Language:Shell 4.3%