FeijiangHan / mprpc

Distributed framework based on muduo high performance network library +Protobuf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Overview

This project is a microservices RPC framework based on muduo+protobuf+zookeeper. Service providers can register RPC nodes and publish services through the mprpc framework. Clients can discover services through the ZooKeeper service configuration center and make remote method calls.

Development Environment

  1. protobuf 3.11.0
  2. gcc version 7.5.0
  3. Zookeeper version: 3.4.10

Project Build

Install Dependencies

  • protobuf
  • ZooKeeper
  • muduo


git clone https://github.com/timothy020/Rpc_Framework.git

The generated header files and dynamic libraries will be placed in the lib directory.

Framework Design

Design Concept

Protobuf natively provides an RPC service method calling code framework without implementing descriptions of service interfaces. The focus is on service management and RPC communication processes. Additionally, protobuf uses binary serialization of data, which has higher communication efficiency. Therefore, the initial framework concept is designed based on protobuf as follows:

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The gray areas are provided by protobuf, and the red areas are parts to be developed for the framework:

  • Service Mapping Table: Records the local service name and service object published by the service provider. When the client initiates a call, it inputs the RPC method name, looks up the table, gets the service object, and calls it.

  • Service Registration Middleware: The service provider registers the published services. The client obtains the URL of the machine where the service and method are located from the service registration middleware to locate the communication object.

  • Network Middleware: Sending RPC requests and returning service call responses require a network middleware to realize client-server communication.

  • Communication Protocol: When a client calls a remote RPC service, it needs to provide the service name, method name, and method input parameters. Therefore, the client needs to package these parameters in advance according to an agreed communication protocol.

Specific Implementation

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  • Service Mapping Table: Implemented by provider class -> publicService to publish local services as RPC services.

  • Service Registration Middleware: Uses ZooKeeper's service registration and discovery capabilities. It has two advantages: 1) The client and server are decoupled, and the client does not need to manually modify the service URL configuration file. 2) There is heartbeat detection and service coordination between the provider and the service center to detect and update the URL of the provided service in real-time.

  • Network Middleware: Uses the muduo network library for communication. The muduo library uses a one loop per thread design and runs multiple event loops concurrently in multiple threads. Each event loop uses a non-blocking + epoll I/O model for high performance.

  • Communication Protocol: A head_size + head_str + request_str design is used to avoid TCP packaging issues. The head_str contains the request_size information to avoid TCP packaging issues.

Interaction Flowchart Alt text

  1. Publish local service
  2. Start service and register with ZooKeeper
  3. Client initiates call
  4. Establish connection
  5. Server receives data
  6. Server unpacks data
  7. Server binds callback
  8. Server calls method
  9. Server returns response

Example Usage

详细例程间 /example 定义rpc接口: user.proto

// protobuf版本
syntax = "proto3"; 
// 包名,在C++中表现为命名空间
package example;
// 生成service服务类的描述,默认不生成
option cc_generic_services=true;
// 状态
message ResultCode
    int32 errcode = 1;
    bytes errmsg = 2;
// 请求
message LoginRequest
    bytes name=1;
    bytes pwd=2;
// 响应
message LoginResponse
    ResultCode result=1;  // 复合message
    bool success = 2;
// 定义RPC接口
service UserRpcService
    rpc Login(LoginRequest) returns(LoginResponse);


#include <iostream>
#include <mpzrpc/mpzrpcapplication.h>
#include <mpzrpc/mpzrpcprovider.h>
#include "example.service.pb.h"

class UserService : public example::UserRpcService
    bool Login(const std::string &name, const std::string pwd) // 本地服务
        std::cout << "local service: Login" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "name:" << name << "pwd" << std::endl;
        return pwd == "123";
    void Login(::google::protobuf::RpcController *controller, // RPC服务
               const ::example::LoginRequest *request,
               ::example::LoginResponse *response,
               ::google::protobuf::Closure *done)   
        // 框架给业务上报了请求参数LoginRequest,应用获取相应数据做本地业务
        std::string name = request->name();
        std::string pwd = request->pwd();
        // 做本地业务
        bool ret = Login(name, pwd);
        // 把响应写入,包括错误码、错误消息、返回值
        example::ResultCode *result_code = response->mutable_result();
        // 执行回调操作, 执行响应对象数据的序列化和网络发送(都是由框架来完成的)

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    MpzrpcApplication::init(argc, argv);  
    std::cout << MpzrpcApplication::getApp().getConfig().getRpcServerIp() << std::endl;
    MpzrpcProvider provider; 
    provider.publishService(new UserService()); // 2.发布服务(将本地Login发布为RPC Login)
    provider.run(); // 3.启动服务
    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include "example.service.pb.h"
#include <mpzrpc/mpzrpcchannel.h>
#include <mpzrpc/mpzrpcapplication.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // 1.初始化框架 
    MpzrpcApplication::init(argc, argv); 
    // 2.在客户端创建服务调用类对象stub
    example::UserRpcService_Stub stub(new MpzrpcChannel()); 
    // 3.创建RPC调用的请求对象和响应对象;
    example::LoginRequest request;
    request.set_name("zhang san");
    example::LoginResponse response;
    // 4.调用
    stub.Login(nullptr, &request, &response, nullptr);
    // 5.打印响应结果
    if (0 == response.result().errcode())
        std::cout << "rpc login response success:" << response.success() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "rpc login response error : " << response.result().errmsg() << std::endl;
    return 0;

Key Designs

Service Interface Design


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// 服务端:Service->CallMethod
// 客户端:Service_Stub->CallMethod

void CallMethod(
	const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *method,
	google::protobuf::RpcController *controller,
	const google::protobuf::Message *request,
	google::protobuf::Message *response,
	google::protobuf::Closure *done);

Publishing Services


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服务映射表C++代码设计 :

struct ServiceInfo
	google::protobuf::Service *m_service;
	std::unordered_map<std::string, const google::protobuf::MethodDescriptor *> m_methodmap;

std::unordered_map<std::string, ServiceInfo> m_servicemap;


Async Logging Design



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  • 线程安全:多个线程同时操作消息队列,因此,在队列的push和pop方法中添加mutex锁保证线程安全;
  • 线程通信:pop操作中,若消息队列为空,则一直等待,同时Muduo无法获取锁,而不能添加消息,此时造成死锁;因此,在push和pop间使用condition_variable条件变量实现线程通信,当push操作执行后,通知pop操作可以取锁执行;



Communication Protocol Design


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// protobuf版本
syntax = "proto3"; 

// 包名,在C++中表现为命名空间
package rpcheader;

message rpcheader
    bytes service_name=1;
    bytes method_name=2;
    uint32 request_size=3;



// 设置包头
rpcheader::rpcheader header;

// 序列化包头->header_str
std::string header_str;
if (!header.SerializeToString(&header_str))
	LOG_ERR("%s", "message header_str serialization failed");

// 4字节int32_t类型包头大小转换为4字节字符类型
uint32_t header_size = header_str.size();
std::string send_str;
send_str.insert(0, std::string((char *)&header_size, 4));

// 打包
send_str += header_str + args_str;


// 设置包头
rpcheader::rpcheader header;

// 序列化包头->header_str
std::string header_str;
if (!header.SerializeToString(&header_str))
	LOG_ERR("%s", "message header_str serialization failed");

// 4字节int32_t类型包头大小转换为4字节字符类型
uint32_t header_size = header_str.size();
std::string send_str;
send_str.insert(0, std::string((char *)&header_size, 4));

// 打包
send_str += header_str + args_str;


Distributed framework based on muduo high performance network library +Protobuf


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