Feifannaner / part-action-network

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This project descibes the Part Action Network proposed in our paper in ICCV2017: Single Image Action Recognition using Semantic Part Actions, Zhichen Zhao, Huimin Ma and Shaodi You.

In general, the main purpose of this paper is to capture "part action" cues to improve the body action recognition. We view a body action as a combination of several part actions. Some part actions are shown as follows:

Part actions

we define 5 kinds of parts: head, torso, lower body, two arms and two hands. For each of them, we define some actions, such as "head: lokking up", "hand: half holding" etc.

index part action index part action
1 head breathing 18 lower body standing
2 head drinking 19 lower body walking
3 head laughing 20 arms curving down
4 head looking down 21 arms curving up
5 head looking through 22 arms straight down
6 head looking up 23 arms straight up
7 head normal 24 hands cutting
8 head speaking 25 hands half holding
9 head brushing teeth 26 hands fully holding
10 torso bending 27 hands merging
11 torso fading away 28 hands slack
12 torso normal 29 hands printing
13 torso lying 30 hands proping
14 lower body crouching 31 hands supporting
15 lower body forking 32 hands washing
16 lower body running 33 hands waving
17 lower body sitting 34 hands writing

The part action set we have collected is not perfect now, if you find annotation errors or you have good ideas on how to design the set, please feel free to contact me.


The annotations are provided as "txt" files, in each of them, we label part actions in order of head-torso-lower_body-left_arm-right_arm-left_hand-right_hand. Since in any case you need to locate part locations in the test phase by algprithms, we do not provide part locations in the training set, which keeps consistency for the part localization.

Download the annotations: Annotations


you can download the model from my google drive: PAN of Stanford40


To test the network, you need to follow the steps:

  1. download the Stanford-40 dataset in data/stanford40
  2. use tools/PersonImage.m to generate bbox images in BBOXImages/(the whole images are stored in JPEGImages/).
  3. use tools/Realtime_Multi_Person_Pose_Estimation-mater/testing/demo.m to generate parts in PARTImages/, these programs are modified from the Part Affinity Field Network (see citations).
  4. run test_stanford40/test.py


coming soon


Our modified Caffe

coming soon

If you find that our paper or this project help, please cite the paper:

author = {Zhao, Zhichen and Ma, Huimin and You, Shaodi},
title = {Single Image Action Recognition Using Semantic Body Part Actions},
booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {Oct},
year = {2017}



Language:MATLAB 86.7%Language:Python 12.8%Language:Shell 0.5%