FazioNico / dDrive

🌐 An alternative storage solution to Google Drive, open-source and fully decentralized that is built on top of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)

Home Page:https://app.valist.io/d-drive/d-drive-pwa

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

dDrive - Decentralized Drive System

An alternative storage solution to Google Drive, open-source and fully decentralized that is built on top of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)

Launch dDrive PWA with Valist distribution software https://app.valist.io/d-drive/d-drive-pwa

Project Description

dDrive is a fully decentralized and open-source Storage solution which replace traditional storage providers having centralized governance, cumbersome infrastructure, inadequate security and privacy measures with users datasets.

dDrive is build on top of IPFS and inherits all the features of Blockchain Technology to emerge as an immutable, censorship-resistant, tamper-proof and privacy complient with user dataset.

Value Proposition

dDrive integrat IPFS Core powered by Filecoin to enable users to store, manage and share their files in a decentralized way. Few of the core value propositions are:

  • Increased User Adoption: Providing a smooth and intuitive process with seamless user experience to store, manage and share files in a decentralized way will increase the adoption of IPFS and Filecoin.

  • Real-world utility: dDrive provide a real-world utility for censorship-resistant, tamper-proof and privacy complient storage solution by providing multi services composition that allow users to store and share files with total privacy and security controls of data access by using Encryption and Decryption technologies to increase data acces security.

πŸ‘€ Overview

πŸš€ Features

File Management

  • Create folder
  • Delete folder
  • Rename folder
  • Move folder
  • List files from folder
  • Search files in folder
  • Upload files to specific folder
  • Download file
  • Delete file
  • Rename file
  • Move file
  • Share file with public url link
  • Share file with custom access controls
  • Preview file in app

NFTs Management

  • List NFTs from connected wallet
  • Search NFTs by name
  • Filter NFTs by chain


  • Dark mode support
  • Multi chain support
  • Shared file Notifications
  • File encryption
  • File access control with wallet address
  • Desktop app support using PWA technology

Technology Stack

  • IFPS Core Browser implementation of the IPFS protocol to manage files storage and retrieval to IPFS network
  • Pinata API Pinning CID service to pin files to IPFS network
  • Ceramic Decentralized database to manage storage metadata files and user profile data
  • Lit Protocol Decentralized Cryptography Access Control service to encrypt files and manage access control
  • XMTP Decentralized messaging service to manage in app notifications
  • Ceramic 3id Connect Decentralized authentication service to manage user identity
  • Ethersjs Ethereum SDK to manage Web3 wallet connection and account management
  • Moralis NFT API SDK to manage NFTs from Evm networks
  • Valist Software distribution tool to manage releases and updates hosted on IPFS

Usage & Installation

dDrive is a web application that can be used in any modern browser that have a Metamask Extension install.

You can also install dDrive as a desktop application using Progressive Web App (PWA) technology by click install icon from browser url section or from options section of your browser. You can find more informations about PWA installation and specification here.

Distribution link to install dDrive PWA application: https://app.valist.io/d-drive/d-drive-pwa

How it's built

Authentication: 3id Connect & Etherjs

dDrive use 3id Connect to manage user identity and Etherjs to manage Web3 wallet connection and account management.

Click to toggle contents of `code` implementaion
export class DIDService {

  async init(ethereumProvider: any) { 
    if (this.did) {
      return this.did;
    this.web3Provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(ethereumProvider, 'any');
    // Request accounts from the Ethereum provider
    const accounts = await this.web3Provider
      .send('eth_requestAccounts', [])
      .catch((err: any) => {
        throw `Error during Web3 Authetication: ${err?.message||'Unknown error'}`;
    if ((accounts?.length||0) === 0) {
      throw 'No accounts found. Please unlock your Ethereum account, refresh the page and try again.';
    const { chainId =  (await this.web3Provider?.getNetwork())?.chainId} = (this.web3Provider.provider as any);
    if (!chainId) {
      throw 'No chainId found. Please unlock your Ethereum account, refresh the page and try again.';
    this.chainId$.next(chainId.replace('0x', ''));
    // listen event from provider
    // Create an EthereumAuthProvider using the Ethereum provider and requested account
    const account: string = accounts[0];
    this.did = new DID();
    return this.did;

  async connect() {
    const authProvider = new EthereumAuthProvider(this.web3Provider.provider, this.accountId$.value);
    // Connect the created EthereumAuthProvider to the 3ID Connect instance so it can be used to
    // generate the authentication secret
    const threeID = new ThreeIdConnect()
    await threeID.connect(authProvider);
    // Set the DID provider from the 3ID Connect instance

full implementation can be found here: ./apps/browser/src/app/services/did.service.ts

Database: Ceramic Network

dDrive use Ceramic Network to manage storage metadata files and user profile data.

Click to toggle contents of `code` implementaion
export class CeramicService {

  private readonly _db: CeramicClient = new CeramicClient(environment.ceramic.apiHost);
  private readonly _datastore: DIDDataStore = new DIDDataStore({ ceramic: this._db, model: this._getAliases() });

  async getAll() {
    if (!this._db?.did) {
      throw 'No DID found';
    const {dDrive: {documentID = null} = {}} = await this._getProfileFromCeramic()||{};
    if (!documentID) {
      throw new Error('No documentID found');
    this._mainDocuumentId = documentID;
    const datas = await this.getData(documentID);
    return datas;

  async saveData(data: {
    [key: string|number]: any;
  }) {
    if (!this._db?.did) {
      throw 'No DID found';
    const doc = await TileDocument.create(this._db, data);
    const _id = doc.id.toString();
    // The stream ID of the created document can then be accessed as the `id` property
    return {_id};

  async updateData(data: {
    [key: string|number]: any;
  }, docId?: string) {
    if (!data?.['_id'] && !docId) {
      throw new Error('No _id found');
    if (!this._db?.did) {
      throw 'No DID found';
    data['lastModifiedIsoDateTime'] =  new Date().toISOString();
    const doc = await TileDocument.load(this._db, docId||data['_id']);
    await doc.update(data);
    return {
      ...doc.content as any,

  async getData(key: string) {
    if (!this._db?.did) {
      throw 'No DID found';
    const doc = await TileDocument.load(this._db, key);
    return {
      ...doc.content as any,
      _id: doc.id.toString()

  async updateUserProfil(value: Partial<IUserProfil>) {
    if (!this._db?.did) {
      throw 'No DID found';
    const {dDrive: {documentID = null, ...previousProfilData} = {}} = await this._getProfileFromCeramic()||{};
    if (!documentID) {
      throw new Error('No documentID found');
    // save the document `id` to the profile data
    const dDrive: IUserProfil = {
      latestConnectionISODatetime: new Date().toISOString(),
    } as IUserProfil;
    const updatedProfil = { dDrive };
    await this._datastore.merge('BasicProfile', updatedProfil);
    return updatedProfil;
  private async _setupProfile() {
    // create Document to store all files data
    const doc = await TileDocument.create(this._db, {
      files: [],
      lastModifiedIsoDateTime: new Date().toISOString()
    // save the document `id` to the profile data
    const dDrive: IUserProfil = {
      latestConnectionISODatetime: new Date().toISOString(),
      creationISODatetime: new Date().toISOString(),
      documentID: doc.id.toString(),
    await this._datastore.merge('BasicProfile', { dDrive });
    return dDrive;

full implementation can be found here: ./apps/browser/src/app/services/ceramic.service.ts

File Storage: IPFS-Core & Pinata API

dDrive use IPFS-Core to manage file storage.

Click to toggle contents of `code` implementaion
export class IPFSService {
  private _ipfsNode!: IPFS;

    private readonly _pinningService: IPFSPinningService
  ) {}
  async disconect() {
    if (this._ipfsNode) {
      await this._ipfsNode.stop();

  async add(file: File | Blob) {
    if (!this._ipfsNode) {
      this._ipfsNode = await create();
    const nodeIsOnline = this._ipfsNode.isOnline();
    if (!nodeIsOnline) {
      throw new Error('IPFS node is not online');
    const { cid } = await this._ipfsNode.add(file, {
      timeout: 10000,
      preload: true,
      progress: (prog) => console.log(`received: ${prog}`),
    // default call pin method
    await this.pin(cid.toString());
    return {
      cid: cid.toString()

  async pin(cid: string) {
    await this._pinningService.pin(cid);

  async unpin(cid: string) {
    await this._pinningService.unpin(cid);

  async getFromCID(cid: string, type?: string): Promise<File> {
    if (!this._ipfsNode) {
      this._ipfsNode = await create();
    const nodeIsOnline = this._ipfsNode.isOnline();
    if (!nodeIsOnline) {
      throw new Error('IPFS node is not online');
    const asyncUint8Array = this._ipfsNode.cat(cid, {
      timeout: 10000,
      preload: true,
    const blobsPart = [];
    for await (const chunk of asyncUint8Array) {
    const file = new File(blobsPart, cid, { type });
    return file;

full implementation can be found here: ./apps/browser/src/app/services/ipfs.service.ts

export class PinataPinningService implements IPFSPinningService {

    private _pinningServiceConfig: {
      pinning_endpoint: string;
      unpinning_endpoint: string;
      token: string;
  ) {

  async pin(cid: string) {
    const url = this._pinningServiceConfig.pinning_endpoint;
    const token = this._pinningServiceConfig.token;
    if (!url || !token) {
      throw new Error('IPFS pinning service is not configured');
    const body = JSON.stringify({
      "hashToPin": cid
    const config: RequestInit = {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: new Headers({ 
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`, 
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    await fetch(url, config)
      .then(res => res.json())
      .catch(err => {
        throw err;

  async unpin(cid: string) {
    const url = `${this._pinningServiceConfig.unpinning_endpoint}/${cid}`;
    const token = this._pinningServiceConfig.token;
    if (!url || !token) {
      throw new Error('IPFS pinning service is not configured');
    const config: RequestInit = {
      method: 'DELETE',
      headers: new Headers({ 
        'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`, 
    await fetch(url, config)
      .catch(err => {
        throw err;

full implementation can be found here: ./apps/browser/src/app/services/pinata-pinning.service.ts

Cryptography Access Control: Lit Protocol

dDrive use Lit Protocol to encrypt datas saving to IPFS and manage access control datas to enable users to share mediafile with other users have supported blockain wallet address.

Click to toggle contents of `code` implementaion
export class LitService {

  private async _connect() {
    const client: { connect: () => Promise<void> } = new LitJsSdk.LitNodeClient(
      { debug: false }
    await client.connect();
    this._litNodeClient = client;

  async encrypt(
    file: File | Blob,
    accessControlConditions: IAccessControlConditions[],
    chain = this._chain
  ): Promise<{
    encryptedFile: Blob;
    encryptedSymmetricKey: string;
  }> {
    if (!this._litNodeClient) {
      await this._connect();
    if (!this._authSig) {
      this._authSig = await this._getAuthSig(chain);
    const { encryptedFile, symmetricKey } = await LitJsSdk.encryptFile({
      file: file,

    const encryptedSymmetricKey = await this._litNodeClient.saveEncryptionKey({
      authSig: this._authSig,
      permanent: false,
    return {
      encryptedSymmetricKey: LitJsSdk.uint8arrayToString(

  async decrypt(
    encryptedFile: File | Blob,
    encryptedSymmetricKey: string,
    accessControlConditions: IAccessControlConditions[],
    chain = this._chain
  ): Promise<{ decryptedArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer }> {
    if (!this._litNodeClient) {
      await this._connect();
    if (!this._authSig) {
      this._authSig = await this._getAuthSig(chain);
    const symmetricKey = await this._litNodeClient.getEncryptionKey({
      toDecrypt: encryptedSymmetricKey,
      authSig: this._authSig,
    const decryptedArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer = await LitJsSdk.decryptFile({
      symmetricKey: symmetricKey,
      file: encryptedFile,
    return { decryptedArrayBuffer };

  async disconnect() {
    if (!this._litNodeClient) {
    await LitJsSdk.disconnectWeb3();
    this._litNodeClient = null;
    this._authSig = null;

full implementation can be found here: ./apps/browser/src/app/services/lit.service.ts

Notifications: XMTP Protocol

dDrive use XMTP Protocol to send notifications to users when they receive new shared mediafile from other users.

Click to toggle contents of `code` implementaion
export class XMTPService {

  async init(web3Provider: ethers.providers.Web3Provider, opts?: ListMessagesOptions | undefined) {
    this._web3Provider = web3Provider;
    // Create the client with your wallet.
    // This will connect to the XMTP development network by default
    const xmtp = await Client.create(this._web3Provider.getSigner());
    const {conversations = []} = await this.getConversations();
    const messages = await this.getPreviousMessagesFromExistingConverstion(opts);
    return xmtp;

  async disconnect() {
    const xmtp = this._xmtp.getValue();
    if (!xmtp) {
    await xmtp.close();
    this._xmtp.next(null as any);

  async getConversations() {
    if (!this._web3Provider) {
      throw '{XMTPService} Web3Provider not found. Please unlock your Ethereum account, refresh the page and try again.';
    let xmtp = this._xmtp.getValue();
    if (!xmtp) {
      xmtp = await this.init(this._web3Provider);
    const conversations = await xmtp.conversations.list();
    return { conversations };

  async getPreviousMessagesFromExistingConverstion(
    opts?: ListMessagesOptions | undefined
  ): Promise<IXMTPMessage[]> {
    const xmtp = this._xmtp.value;
    const messages = [];
    const conversations = this._conversations.getValue();
    for (const conversation of conversations) {
      // All parameters are optional and can be omitted
      opts = opts
        ? opts
        : {
            // Only show messages from last 24 hours
            startTime: new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1)),
            endTime: new Date(),
      // get messages from conversation
      const messagesInConversation = await conversation
        .then((messages) => {
          // filter out messages from self and return
          return messages.filter(
            (message) => message.senderAddress !== xmtp.address
      // add conversation and messages to messages array
      if (messagesInConversation.length > 0) {
    return messages;

  async sendMessage(conversation: Conversation, message: string) {
    if (!this._web3Provider) {
      throw '{XMTPService} Web3Provider not found. Please unlock your Ethereum account, refresh the page and try again.';
    await conversation.send(message);

  async startNewConversation(address: string) {
    if (!this._web3Provider) {
      throw '{XMTPService} Web3Provider not found. Please unlock your Ethereum account, refresh the page and try again.';
    let xmtp = this._xmtp.getValue();
    if (!xmtp) {
      xmtp = await this.init(this._web3Provider);
    const conversation = await xmtp.conversations
      .catch((e) => {
        throw e?.message || `Failed to start conversation with ${address}`;
    // this._addListener(conversation);
    this._conversations.next([...this._conversations.getValue(), conversation]);
    return { conversation };

  private async _listenAllUpcomingMessages() {
    if (!this._web3Provider) {
      throw '{XMTPService} Web3Provider not found. Please unlock your Ethereum account, refresh the page and try again.';
    const xmtp = this._xmtp.value;
    // Listen for new messages in existing conversations and new conversations
    const streamAllMessages = await xmtp.conversations.streamAllMessages();
    for await (const message of streamAllMessages) {
      // filter out messages from self
      if (message.senderAddress !== xmtp.address) {
          { messagesInConversation: [message] }

full implementation can be found here: ./apps/browser/src/app/services/xmtp.service.ts

NFTs: Moralis SDK

dDrive use Moralis SDK to list and manage user NFTs.

Click to toggle contents of `code` implementaion
export class NFTService {

  async connect() {
    this._core = MoralisCore.create();
    this._evmApi = MoralisEvmApi.create(this._core);
    await this._core.start({
      apiKey: environment.moralis.apiKey,

  async getWalletNFTs(address: string, chain: EvmChain = EvmChain.MUMBAI) {
      apiKey: environment.moralis.apiKey
    const response = await Moralis.EvmApi.nft.getWalletNFTs({
    return response.result;

  async getWalletNFTsFromAllChain(address: string) {
    const chains = this._chains;
    const nfts = await Promise.all(
      chains.map(async (chain) => this.getWalletNFTs(address, chain))
    ).then((nfts) => nfts.flat());
    return nfts;

full implementation can be found here: ./apps/browser/src/app/services/nft.service.ts

Distribution: Valist

dDrive is distributed using Valist. Valist is a decentralized Software distribution tool to manage releases and updates hosted on IPFS.

Click to toggle contents of `code` implementaion
    - name: Valist Deploy
    - uses: valist-io/valist-github-action@v2.5.6
        private-key: ${{ secrets.VALIST_SIGNER }}
        account: d-drive
        project: d-drive-pwa
        release: ${{ github.ref_name }}
        path: dist/apps/browser

full implementation can be found here: .github/workflows/actions.yml


  • Clone the dDrive repository
  • Install dependencies using NodeJS and NPM
  • Install Nx Workspace CLI to manage workspace project
  • Provide environment variables in .env file (see Environment Variables section)
  • Run developpment server using nx serve command will open the dDrive application in the browser
  • This project was generated using Nx Workspace.


  • Run nx build to build the dDrive application for the browser as PWA.

The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.


dDrive is deployed automatically using Github Actions. Every commit to the main branch will trigger a new deployment.


  • Run npm run docs:browser to generate the appplication documentation

The documentation will be generate in the dist/ directory. Open the dist/compodoc/browser/index.html file in browser to see the documentation as website.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are set in the .env file in the root of the project. The following file .env.example at the root of the project contains the list of environment variables used in the project with example values.

Environment variables can be update for each mode. Go to the environment folder and update the environment.{MODE}.ts file to change the environment variables for the desired mode.

Architecture overview

The application is build using Angular and Ionic framework to provide scalable and maintainable web application. The follder architecture is based on Nx Workspace to provide a configurable workspace that can contain multiple applications in the ./apps folder and multiple libraries in the ./libs folder. This is very useful for building large scale applications with multiple components and features that can be easily maintained and updated.

The main application is stored in ./apps/browser folder and it contains files and folders organized according to Angular's best practices structure:

File Description
/src/app contains the application source code
/src/app/components Components that can be reused in other components
/src/app/containers Containers pages
/src/app/directives Directives that are used to extend the functionality of HTML elements
/src/app/guards Guards that are used to protect routes
/src/app/interfaces Interfaces that are used to define the structure of objects
/src/app/pipes Pipes that are used to transform data
/src/app/services Services that are used to provide data to the application
/src/app/app-routing.module.ts Application routing
/src/app/app.component.ts Application root component
/src/app/app.module.ts Application root module
/src/assets Application assets
/src/environments Application environment variables
/src/thems Application theming variables
/src/index.html Application HTML Entry point template
/src/main.ts Application Entry point template


Thanks for taking the time to help out and improve the project! πŸŽ‰

The following is a set of guidelines for contributions and may change over time. Feel free to suggest improvements to this document in a pull request!



Project is Open Source and available under the MIT License.


  • @fazionico - Nicolas Fazio

    Software Architect & Blockchain Developer

    Mr. Fazio is a software architect and blockchain developer with over 15 years of industry experience. He has worked on a variety of projects ranging from cloud enterprise software to blockchain applications focusing last 3 years exclusively in the Web 3 industry. He is passionate about building decentralized solutions and is currently working on the dDrive project.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fazio-nicolas/


If you like this project, please consider supporting it by giving a ⭐️ on Github and sharing it with your friends!


🌐 An alternative storage solution to Google Drive, open-source and fully decentralized that is built on top of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)


License:MIT License


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