Fayyez Farrukh's repositories
a high-precision model as a cost-effective alternative for the early detection of PCOS, assisting medical professionals without relying on more invasive methods.
Cosmic Assault is our version of the famous arcade game, "space invaders", that we have made as the final semester project for the course of Object Oriented Programming in the second semester of our bachelor's degree in software engineering.
Hazir-IO is a state-of-the-art AI attendance management which is further powered by computer vision and facial recogniton capabilities to faciliate seemless attendance management and classroom management for teachers and tutors.
A collection of pdfs of different books that are part of the syllabus of different degree programs in FAST NUCES.
As the name suggests, this is a console version of sudoku game coded in C++ which I made as my semester project in the course of pf. Just like the classic Sudoku, the objective here is to fill a 9 × 9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3X3 subgrids that compose the main board contain all of the digits from 1 to 9.
WeatherWatch is a java application made for weather forecasting and air pollution insights.
A collection of simple python scripts for image and video process automation, useful for creation of datasets for model training.