Farrukh Aijaz's repositories
A Model Predictive Algorithm based on an IEEE Journal for Lane Keeping and Obstacle Avoidance on Low Curvature Roads
A 3D Mapping Algorithm that generates PointCloud2 Messages which can be used with OctoMap or Cartographer to visualise 3D Voxels on Rviz/Rviz2
Implemented assembly and embedded C projects encompassing subroutine programming, parameter passing, stack utilization, recursion concepts, parallel I/O, keyboard interfacing, interrupt handling, stepper motor control, general-purpose timer modules, and analog-to-digital conversion.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
An application that creates Autosar Classic Software Components in MATLAB Simulink as Models or Subsystmes for each of the Software Components/Sub Components/Units based on a pre defiend user configuration
An LED driver based system that changes the brightness and color of RGB LED based on the detected luminosity
A standalone Architecture including data paths, Controller and Testbench for the 32 bit Risc V Architecutre
A manual implementation of runge kutta 4 stages method for SEIRS Model based on IEEE Journal
A ROS 2 package that controls a servo motor via PWM signals and continuously rotates the servo smoothly between specified angles while publishing the angle values to a ROS 2 topic.
Architecure for the Data path and Controller as well as Hazard Units for a 32 bit ARM based Single Cycle, Multi Cycle and Pipelined Based Processor
A Video Graphics Array Screen was designed and displayed via VGA Interface using an FPGA for sending and receiving packets of data via the FPGA