Farid-Karimi / Digit-Recognizer

Digit Recognizer Neural Network

Repository from Github https://github.comFarid-Karimi/Digit-RecognizerRepository from Github https://github.comFarid-Karimi/Digit-Recognizer


This is a Digit Recognizer Neural Network using only Pandas and NumPy on the MNIST Dataset

Project Goals

The goal of this project was to gain a deeper understanding of neural networks and their inner workings. Initially, the complexity of concepts like backpropagation, activation functions, and gradient descent seemed overwhelming. To overcome this, I decided to implement a neural network from scratch without using any libraries or wrappers. This hands-on approach allowed me to grasp the foundational concepts and gain a solid understanding of the underlying principles.

Fortunately, there were others who had undertaken similar projects, and I leveraged their experiences and resources available on the internet to build my own version.


Throughout this project, I gained knowledge in several key areas, including:

  • Backpropagation: I learned how to propagate errors backward through the network, updating weights and biases to improve the network's performance.
  • Activation Functions: I explored different activation functions and their significance in introducing non-linearity to the network, enabling it to learn complex relationships.
  • Gradient Descent Techniques: I studied various techniques in gradient descent, such as batch gradient descent, to optimize the network's learning process.
  • Setting a Good Learning Rate (Alpha): I discovered how to choose an appropriate alpha value for the gradient descent function, ensuring efficient convergence.

These were just a few of the many small but important details I encountered during this project, which greatly enhanced my understanding of neural networks.

Project Timeline

The entire project took approximately 2-3 days. During this time, I devoted myself to learning the necessary concepts and implementing the neural network from scratch. The process was enjoyable and rewarding, as it allowed me to gain hands-on experience and deepen my knowledge.


I would like to share the resources that proved invaluable in my journey of understanding neural networks:

These resources provided valuable insights and guidance throughout my learning process, and I hope they prove helpful to you as well.


Digit Recognizer Neural Network


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%