FarhadG / coffeescript-summons

A collection of CoffeeScript exercises to get you grooving.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is in its early stages and will continue to grow with new tests to summon. If something is not working or you would like a new feature, please use the issues page.

Do you have what it takes to summon CoffeeScript? Let's find out!


Language CoffeeScript
Test Suite Mocha
Exercises 25


To summon, you must first have npm installed.

Once you have npm, install mocha globally by running the following command:

  $ npm install -g mocha

Then fork and clone (or download) CoffeeScript Summons into your local directory:

  $ git clone https://www.github.com/farhadg/coffeescript-summons


All of the exercises are located in the src directory. They contain the necessary directions for the challenges; for more infomation regarding the tests, you can locate them in the spec directory.

Navigate to the src directory and fire up an exercise:


  Write a function that returns an array 
  containing all of the factors of a number.

  For example: factors(10) returns [1, 2, 5, 10]

factors = (num) ->
  "summon here"

Solve the exercise and summon the test by running the following command:

  $ mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script filenameSpec.js

Be sure to run this command within the spec directory.


Mocha's browser support may later be added; if you'd like this feature, let me know so that it'll be implemented into future updates.

To summon with Mocha's different reporters, run the following command (e.g. spec):

  $ mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script filenameSpec.js -R spec

You can view a list of Mocha's reporters by running the following command:

  $ mocha --reporters


These summons were inspired by the many wonderful online resources (e.g. RubyMonk, Hack Reactor, CoderByte, App Academy, etc.) that challenge developers everyday to become better.


A collection of CoffeeScript exercises to get you grooving.


Language:CoffeeScript 100.0%