FaresM0hamed / Lamp-Puzzle-Game

This is an Android application that simulates a lamp puzzle game. The goal of the game is to turn on a main lamp while keeping three smaller lamps off. The twist is that if you keep turning the main lamp on, it will eventually break. The challenge is to figure out the correct sequence to light the smaller lamps without breaking the main lamp.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lamp Puzzle Game for Android

This is an Android application that simulates a lamp puzzle game. The goal of the game is to turn on a main lamp while keeping three smaller lamps off. The twist is that if you keep turning the main lamp on, it will eventually break. The challenge is to figure out the correct sequence to light the smaller lamps without breaking the main lamp.


  • Main Lamp Control: The main lamp can be turned on and off by tapping it.
  • Small Lamp Control: Three smaller lamps are present, and their states change based on the main lamp.
  • Main Lamp Breaking: The main lamp can be intentionally broken by a long press, which advances the game state.
  • Retry Button: After breaking the main lamp, a retry button appears to reset the game.
  • Play Again Button: After completing the game or losing, a "Play Again" button allows you to start a new game.

How to Play

  1. Start with the main lamp off and the smaller lamps off.
  2. Tap the main lamp to turn it on and see how the smaller lamps respond.
  3. Keep track of the sequence of smaller lamps that light up.
  4. Avoid breaking the main lamp.
  5. If the main lamp breaks, use the retry button to reset the game.
  6. If you successfully light up all three smaller lamps in the correct sequence, you win.

Technologies Used

  • Android Studio
  • Kotlin



This is an Android application that simulates a lamp puzzle game. The goal of the game is to turn on a main lamp while keeping three smaller lamps off. The twist is that if you keep turning the main lamp on, it will eventually break. The challenge is to figure out the correct sequence to light the smaller lamps without breaking the main lamp.


Language:Kotlin 100.0%