FangSen9000 / FangSen9000

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Hi there 👋

Hi guys, I'm Wirth, you can also call me Sen. I am a Font-End engineer from Zhengzhong, China.
I have some works with JavaScript, mainly reac.js, Node.js and WeChat small program, contact me if you have same interesting or some questions!

You can visit my page

📫 Contact Me on Social Media

✉️ Main-Email | 👨‍🎓 All-Emails/Connections | ✍️ Zhihu | 🧑‍💼 LinkedIn | 💬 Issue Me about everything!

💡 Projects with My Work

@Apache @NTU @NUS @UTD @UCF @Bytedance @AWS

Industrial world
Academic world
  • CS MS/PhD Lab: Online laboratory I initiated for scientific research communication based on CS application organization.
  • signGPT proj: We work on a demo site, a milestone in sign language generation work., You can visit our page.
  • PaperName1: Code of thesis. Anonymous period, no publicity.
  • PaperName2: Code of thesis. Anonymous period, no publicity.
  • PaperName3: Code of thesis. Anonymous period, no publicity.
  • PaperName4: Code of thesis. Prepare period, no publicity.
  • HENU-CS: Organization I initiated: Survival Handbook/Study Abroad Handbook (生存/飞跃手册) of HENU.
  • Ai-tools: Tools, I wrote for deep learning.

📚 Tech Articles and Ideas

You can get all my post articles in my blog 📝 Sen's CSDN blog.

💻 Open Source Work Stats

❤️ More about Me


Name: Sen Fang (Wirth)



Time Zone: UTC+08:00 (China)

Location: Zhengzhou, Henan, China

Education: Henan University, Victoria University, Australia, double major in
Computer Science and Technology.

Telephone: +86 15836057829

CSDN blog: Wirth‘s blog(Chinese)


As for me, I am a pathfinder, I love open source, and really enjoy the atmosphere of Open source the community and writing code. I have rich experience in image processing under the guidance of my professor Yan in the virtual reality lab. I have participated in be akin to ACM International University Student Programming Competition and have some experience in algorithms. I have experience in bytedance youth training camp, get the teaching and guidance of systematic development engineers.

It is worth mentioning that I've been a long-term Apache APISIX (Top-Level-Project) contributor since my sophomore year, mentor is @杨陶(SkyeYoung). The person who took me to the field of scientific research was Professor @张德道(Teoh TeikToe) of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
