Fanerst / Papers

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Paper Repository

Papers of my interest


Learning theory

  • Geometrical and Statistical Properties of Systems of Linear Inequalities with Applications in Pattern Recognition [paper]

Generative models


  • Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes [paper]
  • Hierarchical Representations with Poincaré Variational Auto-Encoders [paper]

Autoregressive models

  • The Neural Autoregressive Distribution Estimator(NADE) [paper]
  • MADE: Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation(MADE) [paper]
  • Fast Generation for Convolutional Autoregressive Models [paper]
    Comments: proposed a way to accelerate autoregreesive models like wave net and pixelcnn, need second thought about whether it can be used into VAN
  • Autoregressive Quantile Networks for Generative Modeling [paper]
  • Transformation Autoregressive Networks [paper]

Flow-based networks

  • Normalizing Flow [paper]
  • Monge-Ampere Flow [paper]
  • Neural Ordinary Differential Equations [paper]
  • Density Estimation using Real NVP [paper]
  • Improved Variational Inference with Inverse Autoregressive Flow [paper]
  • Glow: Generative Flow with Invertible 1×1 Convolutions [paper]


  • Variational discriminator bottleneck: improving imitation learning, inverse RL, and GANs by constraining information flow [paper]

Nerual network and MCMC

  • Variational Rejection Sampling [paper]
  • Discriminator Rejection Sampling [paper]
  • Metropolis-Hastings Generative Adversarial Networks [paper]
  • Generative Adversarial Training for Markov Chains [paper]
  • A-NICE-MC: Adversarial Training for MCMC [paper]
    Comments: improvement of above paper using HMC and NICE to improve MCMC, could it be used to physical system?
  • Metropolis-Hastings view on variational inference and adversarial training [paper]

Graph Neural Networks


  • Graph Neural Networks: A Review of Methods and Applications [paper]
  • A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks [paper] *to read
  • Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks [paper] *to read
  • A Tutorial on Network Embeddings [paper]

Graph embeddings

  • GraphGAN: Graph Representation Learning with Generative Adversarial Nets [paper]
  • Learning Steady-States of Iterative Algorithms over Graphs [paper]

Graph Convolutional Networks

  • Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks(GCN) [paper]
  • Simplifying Graph Convolutional Networks(SGCN) [paper]
  • Predict then Propagate: Graph Neural Networks meet Personalized PageRank [paper]
  • Graph Attention Networks [paper]
  • PAN: Path Integral Based Convolution for Deep Graph Neural Networks [paper]

Relational networks

  • A simple neural network module for relational reasoning(RN) [paper]
  • Recurrent Relational Networks [paper]

GNN for combinatorial optimization problems

  • Learning Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms over Graphs [paper]
    Comments: pretty interesting, but don't understand the point for now, probably because of lacking basic knownledge about reinforcement learning.

  • Coloring Big Graphs with AlphaGoZero [paper]

GNN adversial attack

  • Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data [paper]
  • Can Adversarial Network Attack be Defended? [paper]

Topological interpretation of ML

  • Topology of Learning in Artificial Neural Networks [paper]
    Commments: find a way to visualize evolution of weights through training, hinting that the learning ability comes from branching off of weights

  • A Geometric View of Optimal Transportation and Generative Model [paper]

Optimal transport at ML

  • Latent Space Optimal Transport for Generative Models [paper]
  • Wasserstein Dependency Measure for Representation Learning [paper]

Energy Based Model(EBM)

  • A Tutorial on Energy-Based Learning [paper]
  • Implicit Generation and Generalization in Energy-Based Models [paper]

Gradient Estimators

  • Neural Variational Inference and Learning in Belief Networks[paper]
  • Reweighted Wake-Sleep [paper]
  • Importance Weighted Autoencoders [paper]
  • Variational Inference for Monte Carlo Objectives [paper]

Tensor Networks

  • Matrix Product Operators for Sequence to Sequence Learning [paper]

Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

Replica symmetry breaking

  • Infinite Number of Order Parameters for Spin-Glasses [paper] *to read
  • Order Parameter for Spin-Glasses [paper] *to read
  • The order parameter for spin glasses: a function on the interval 0-1 [paper] *to read

Message Passing

Belief propagation

  • Understanding Belief Propagation and its Generalizations [paper]
  • Correctness of belief propagation in Gaussian graphical models of arbitrary topology [paper]

Approximate Inference


  • Tractable Approximations for Probabilistic Models: The Adaptive Thouless-Anderson-Palmer Mean Field Approach [paper]
  • Adaptive and self-averaging Thouless-Anderson-Palmer mean-field theory for probabilistic modeling [paper]

Expectation propagation

  • Expectation Propagation for Approximate Bayesian Inference(EP) [paper]
  • Expectation Consistent Approximate Inference(EC) [paper]
  • Expectation Consistent Approximate Inference: Generalizations and Convergence(GEC) [paper]
  • Expectation Propagation for Exponential Families [paper]

Density consistency

  • Loop corrections in spin models through density consistency [paper]

Compressed Sensing

  • Message-passing algorithms for compressed sensing(AMP) [paper]
  • Vector Approximate Message Passing(VAMP) [paper]
  • Compressed Sensing by Shortest-Solution Guided Decimation(SSD) [paper] *to read

Physics and Learning

  • Neural Network Renormalization Group [paper, support material]
  • Uncover the Black Box of Machine Learning Applied to Quantum Problem by an Introspective Learning Architecture [paper]

Markov Chain Monte Carlo

###MCMC of graphs

  • Fastest Mixing Markov Chain on a Graph[paper]

    **Comments**: A way to find optimal transfer matrix of MCMC on graphs. How can it been used in our research, and how to improve it. 

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

  • MCMC Using Hamiltonian Dynamics [paper] *to read
  • A Conceptual Introduction to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo [paper] *to read

Network Science

  • Estimating network structure from unreliable measurements [paper]
  • Spectral redemption in clustering sparse networks [paper]
    Comments: using non-backtracking operator in spectral method to do clustering in sparse networks, proving superiority of non-backtracking operator than other structural matrices like adjacency matrix.
  • Asymptotic analysis of the stochastic block model for modular networks and its algorithmic applications [paper]
**Comments**: using cavity method to construct belief propagation algorithm to solve stochastic block model, some equations needed to be revisited.



  • The effects of massive graviton on the equilibrium between the black hole and radiation gas in an isolated box [paper]

To be read


  • Low-Scaling Algorithm for Nudged Elastic Band Calculations Using a Surrogate Machine Learning Model [paper]
  • Dynamical Computation of the Density of States and Bayes Factors Using Nonequilibrium Importance Sampling [paper]
  • Random Language Model [paper]

Spin Glass and Statistical Physics

  • Materials Physics and Spin Glasses [paper]
  • Compressed sensing reconstruction using Expectation Propagation [paper]

Cavity method and matrix product state

  • A matrix product algorithm for stochastic dynamics on networks, applied to non-equilibrium Glauber dynamics [paper]
  • The matrix product approximation for the dynamic cavity method [paper]

Physics and Learning

  • Learning a Gauge Symmetry with Neural-Networks [paper]

Machine Learning


  • Theoretical Impediments to Machine Learning With Seven Sparks from the Causal Revolution [paper]
  • A lattice-based approach to the expressivity of deep ReLU neural networks [paper]
  • Deep learning as closure for irreversible processes: A data-driven generalized Langevin equation [paper]
  • On the Impact of the Activation Function on Deep Neural Networks Training [paper]

Generative Model

  • Latent Translation: Crossing Modalities by Bridging Generative Models [paper]
  • Semi-supervised Learning with Deep Generative Models [paper]
  • Diagnosing and Enhancing VAE Models [paper]

Structured Data

  • The Emerging Field of Signal Processing on Graphs [paper]
  • Discriminative Embeddings of Latent Variable Models for Structured Data [paper]


  • Hyperbolic Neural Networks [paper]
  • Bayesian Neural Networks at Finite Temperature [paper]


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