Fairy-Neko / miniRAID

A web-based realtime RPG game where you can build up a team! (very early dev)

Home Page:https://fairy-neko.github.io/miniRAID/bin/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

We are making a turn-based tactical RPG for miniRAID instead. Please check miniRAIDs.

Please refer to e.g. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-a-simple-game-in-the-browser-with-phaser-3-and-typescript-bdc94719135/ for build up the enviorment, phaser and typescript.
I used NPM as the package manager.

Basically, you need to:

  1. git clone --recursive path/to/this/repo.git
    or if you forgot the --recursive, run git submodule update --init --recursive inside the root folder to get the submodules inited.
  2. npm i to install dependencies.
  3. tsc to run the typescript compiler. It will keep running and detect any changes, which will trigger a re-compile.
  4. The compiled javascript and html files will be in bin/ and a HTML bin/index.html.

You can view the docs under docs/index.html.
To generate the docs, first install typedoc then npx typedoc under the root folder.

Github Pages


  • Let MobListener able to listen to MobListeners (e.g. char listen to weapon, team buff listen to all player's weapon)
  • Let testGirl attack the woodLog with a fireball (which applies a burnt debuff) !


A web-based realtime RPG game where you can build up a team! (very early dev)



Language:JavaScript 97.7%Language:TypeScript 2.3%Language:HTML 0.0%Language:CSS 0.0%