Faeshal / go-vertical-slice-architecture


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

⚡ go-vertical-slice-architecture

This structure, created following the development guide's for vertical slice architecture, will help to isolate the dependencies, make development easier and have a cleaner and testable code in every package.

👩‍💻 Authors

Sebastián Ituarte

Luis Fernando Miranda

🖍 Vertical slice architecture

Vertical slice architecture is an approach to software development where code and functionality are organized around individual features or user stories, encompassing all layers of the application from user interface to data access, promoting autonomy, reduced dependencies, and iterative development.

alt text

📚 Code Structure

alt text

A brief description of the layout:

  • .github has two template files for creating PR and issue. Please see the files for more details.
  • .gitignore varies per project, but all projects need to ignore bin directory.
  • .golangci.yml is the golangci-lint config file.
  • Makefile is used to build the project. You need to tweak the variables based on your project.
  • CHANGELOG.md contains auto-generated changelog information.
  • OWNERS contains owners of the project.
  • README.md is a detailed description of the project.
  • cmd contains the main.go file that is our starting point to execute
  • pkg places most of project business logic.
  • migrations contains all vendored code.
  • internal contains all the api logic.

🚀 Stack

Programming language Go

Framework Fiber

Dependency injection Uber dig

Database Postgre SQL

Container Docker

Live reload Air

🧐 This app uses conventional commits

Conventional commits url

🤜 How to create a new use case (Example)

  POST /api/product
Parameter Type Description
name string Required. Product Name
sku string Required. Product Sku must be Unique
category string Required. Product Category
price float Required. Product Price

Internal folder structure for a new domain all folders and files go in internal/product/

│   ├───product
│   │   │   port.go
│   │   │   product.go
│   │   │
│   │   ├───handler
│   │   │       createProduct.go
│   │   │       handler.go
│   │   │
│   │   ├───infrastructure
│   │   │       productRepository.go
│   │   │
│   │   ├───mock
│   │   │       mockProductRepository.go
│   │   │
│   │   └───service
│   │           createProduct.go
│   │           service.go

1 - Create product.go (domain)


2 - Create infrastructure/productRepository.go (DB query)


│   ├───product
│   │   ├───infrastructure
│   │   │       productRepository.go

3 - Create port.go (dp injection for the service)


4 - Create service/createProduct.go (create a new product use case implementation)

│   ├───product
│   │   └───service
│   │           createProduct.go
│   │           service.go


5 - Create service/service.go (dependency injection service using uber dig)

│   ├───product
│   │   └───service
│   │           createProduct.go
│   │           service.go


6 - Create handler/createProduct.go (create a new hanlder presenter to call the use case)

│   ├───product
│   │   ├───handler
│   │   │       createProduct.go
│   │   │       handler.go


7 - Create handler/handler.go (handles all the routes for all the presenters)

│   ├───product
│   │   ├───handler
│   │   │       createProduct.go
│   │   │       handler.go


8 - Create mock/ProductRepository.go (mocks the user repository implementation for unit testing)

│   ├───product
│   │   ├───mock
│   │   │       mockProductRepository.go
    # It uses mockery Run

9 - Create service/createProduct_test.go (create a unit test for the service)

│   ├───product
│   │   └───service
│   │           createProduct.go
│   │           service.go


10 - Add dependency injection service using uber dig

│   ├───injection


⚙️ Usage without Make

Docker usage

    # Build server
        docker-compose -p go-vertical-slice-architecture build

    # Start server
        docker-compose up -d

    # Stop server
        docker-compose down

Standalone usage

    # Live reload


    # To run unit testing
        go test ./...

    # To run unit testing coverage
        go test -cover ./...

Formatting, Linting and Vetting

    # Clean dependencies
        go mod tidy

    # Run formating
        go fmt ./...

    # Remove unused imports
        goimports -l -w .

    # Run linting
        golangci-lint run ./...

    # Run vetting
        go vet ./...

    # Run shadow to check shadowed variables
        # Install shadow
        go install golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/shadow/cmd/shadow@latest
        # Run shadow
        shadow ./...

Database migration script

    # Create the script
        migrate create -ext sql -dir /migrations -seq [script_name]
    # Run the script
        migrate -database ${POSTGRESQL_URL} -path /migrations up

    # It will run automatically when the database initializes

⚙️ Usage with Make

Docker usage

    # Build server
        make build-server

    # Start server
        make start-server

    # Stop server
        make stop-server

Standalone usage

    # Live reload
        make live-reload


    # To run unit testing
        make test

    # To run unit testing coverage
        make test-coverage

Formatting, Linting and Vetting

    # Clean dependencies
        make clean-deps

    # Run formating
        make format

    # Remove unused imports
        make clean-imports

    # Run linting
        make lint

    # Run vetting
        make vet

    # Run shadow to check shadowed variables
        # Install shadow
        go install golang.org/x/tools/go/analysis/passes/shadow/cmd/shadow@latest
        # Run shadow
        make check-shadow

    # Run vetting to lint, format and vet your once
        make lint-format

Database migration script

    # Create the script (replace your_script_name with the actual name)
        make migrate-create name=your_script_name
    # Run the script
        make migrate-up

    # It will run automatically when the database initializes

💻 Environment variables

To modify/add configuration via environment variables, use the .env file, which contains basic app configuration.



License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 94.0%Language:Makefile 6.0%