FacialLandmark / impSDM

The Matlab implementation of Supervised Descent Method (SDM) for Face Alignment.

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Matlab Implementation of Supervised Descent Method

A Matlab implementation of Supervised Descent Method (SDM) for Face Alignment.

We provide both training and testing modules. It is under development for an improvement version: Global Supvervised Descent Method (GSDM).

The ogirinal paper:

Xiong et F. De la Torre, Supervised Descent Method and its Applications to Face Alignment, CVPR 2013.



Datasets in use:

[300-W] http://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/resources/facial-point-annotations/

How to use:

  1. Download 300-W data (i.e. LFPW) from above link and put into "./data" folder, then correct the dataset path to your dataset foler in setup.m

    mkdir -p data

    For example:

    options.trainingImageDataPath = './data/lfpw/trainset/';

    options.trainingTruthDataPath = './data/lfpw/trainset/';

    options.testingImageDataPath = './data/lfpw/testset/';

    options.testingTruthDataPath = './data/lfpw/testset/';

  2. Download and install dependencies: libLinear, Vlfeat, mexopencv, put into "./lib" folder and compile if necessary. Make sure you already addpath(...) all folders in matlab. Check and correct the library path in setup.m.

    mkdir -p lib


    • Open Matlab
    • Go to i.e. lib/liblinear-1.96/matlab/ in Matlab editor.
    • Run make.m to comile *.mex files.


    • cd lib/vlfeat/ && make

    • cd ./toolbox in Matlab editor.
    • Run vl_setup
    • Compile mex Hog functions:

      cd misc mex -L../../bin/glnx86 -lvl -I../ -I../../ vl_hog.c

    • Setup libvl.so path.
    • Assume that your libvl.so located at: <vlfeat_folder>/bin/glnx86 Create soft link:

      ln -s <vlfeat_folder>/bin/glnx86/libvl.so /usr/local/libvl.so Check if the libvl.so is ready to use. ldd vl_hog.mexglx If libvl.so still not found. Add /usr/local/lib into /etc/ld.so.conf (sudo). sudo ldconfig ldconfig -p | grep libvl.so Check again: >> ldd vl_hog.mexglx

  3. If you run first time. You should set these following parameters to learn shape and variation. For later time, reset to 0.

    options.learningShape = 1; options.learningVariation = 1;

  4. Do training:


  5. Do testing:


Note: in the program, we provide training models of LFPW (68 landmarks) in folder: "./model". The program does not optimize speed and memory during training, the memory problem may happens if you train on too much data.


The Matlab implementation of Supervised Descent Method (SDM) for Face Alignment.

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:MATLAB 99.8%Language:Mercury 0.2%