FabienHenon / app-object

Provide an object that extends the model and cmd objects returned by side effect functions with a model and cmd scoped to the whole application

Home Page:https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/FabienHenon/app-object/latest/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The AppObject is an object that encapsulates the Model and Cmd Msg of a component (returned in side effect functions like init or update) plus and appData object and a Cmd appMsg. These new elements are a model and commands related to the entire application.

Let's say for instance that you have a component that does something (whatever) and that needs to open a modal, or set the connected user, or set the user language of the application, ... All of these states/effects are related to the application, not to the component. Indeed, the component itself can't open a modal because it's the application's responsibility. Also, the component could save the connected user to its own state, but it's a data the entire application would like to know about and with the classic architecture of elm apps it's not possible for a component to tell the app that it should update its state.

To make it simpler: a component can't change the state of its parent component and can't send commands with its parent's messages.

This is what AppObject is for, it allows you to:

  • define a model that any component in the application can read and update
  • send commands that the root component can handle



You should start by defining what is your global state and what are your global messages. Also, you could create an alias of AppObject which is resolved by your own appData and appMsg:

type alias MyAppObject model msg =
    AppObject.AppObject Data AppMsg model msg

type alias Data =
    { isModalOpen : Bool

type AppMsg
    = ToggleModal Bool

Your components

In your components each of your functions (init, update, view, subscriptions) should take your appData as parameter and your side effect functions (init, update) must return an AppObject.

type Msg
    = OnClick Bool

type alias Model =

init : Data -> MyAppObject Model Msg
init data =
    AppObject.init data ()

update : Msg -> Data -> Model -> MyAppObject Model Msg
update msg data model =
    case msg of
        OnClick isModalOpen ->
            AppObject.init data model
                |> AppObject.batchAppCmd (Task.perform AppData.ToggleModal (Task.succeed (not isModalOpen)))

This way you can read the values in your appData model, everywhere in your application. For instance, you could know wether or not the modal is opened:

view : Data -> Model -> Html Msg
view data model =
    div []
        [ button [ onClick (OnClick (AppData.isModalOpen data)) ]
            [ if AppData.isModalOpen data then
                text "Close Modal"

                text "Open Modal"

Your root component

In your root component you should keep the appData in your state:

type alias Model =
    { component : Component.Model
    , data : Data

You must also:

  • update your state with your component's new model (this is not new)
  • execute your component's commands (this is not new)
  • update your state with the new appData returned by your component (this is new)
  • execute the global commands sent by your component (this is new)
type Msg
    = ComponentMsg Component.Msg
    | AppMsgHandler AppMsg

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ComponentMsg msg_ ->
            AppObject.init model.data model.component
                |> AppObject.andThen (Component.update msg_)
                |> AppObject.mapMsg ComponentMsg
                |> AppObject.mapModel (\component -> { model | component = component })
                |> AppObject.run mergeAppData AppMsgHandler

        AppMsgHandler (AppData.ToggleModal isModalOpen) ->
            AppObject.init (AppData.setModalOpen isModalOpen model.data) model
                |> AppObject.run mergeAppData AppMsgHandler

mergeAppData : Data -> Model -> Model
mergeAppData data model =
    { model | data = data }


To run the examples go to the examples directory, install dependencies and run elm reactor:

> cd examples/
> elm reactor


Provide an object that extends the model and cmd objects returned by side effect functions with a model and cmd scoped to the whole application


License:MIT License


Language:Elm 100.0%