FabianHardt / k3d-bootstrap-cluster

K3d bootstrap cluster with httpbin example and other optional samples

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K3d Bootstrap Cluster

This project creates an k3d demo cluster. It comes with an interactive setup, which allows you to setup a Kubernetes cluster for demo and showcase purposes.


  • You should have installed k3d with it's dependencies on your system. See official installation guide: https://k3d.io/v5.5.1/#installation

    • Min k3d version: v5.5.1
  • For the [Manual examples](#Manual examples) you should have installed HELM > 3.0. See official installation guide: https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/

  • jq needs to be installed on your system. See official installation guide:https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/

  • For Confluent (Kafka/Schema-Registry) it'S necessary to assign 16GB RAM to Docker, otherwise it won't deploy successfully

Sample Cluster incl. demo deployments

The creation of the cluster and a simple sample deployment from the local registry can be called up as follows:

⚠️ If a cluster with the same name already exists, it will be deleted before recreating it!

bash create-sample.sh
# sudo rights are needed, cause the script adds an dummy entry for the registry to /etc/hosts
# you will be asked for your users password

You will be asked some questions about the cluster deployment, like numer of nodes, Ingress ports and the deployment of Calico CNI instead of default Flannel installation. It's also possible to deploy NGINX Ingress Controller instead of Traefik.

At least you have the option to deploy httpbin sample deployment, which is deployed to the namespace demo. The container from https://kennethreitz.org/ is used here. The sample uses the Ingress, also a NodePort is exposed, to demonstrate this in k3d. A PVC is created and mounted to the httpbin container. The httpbin demo is deployed from the local running container registry, just for demo purpose, to show the usage of a user defined registry with k3d.

Optional (K8s > 1.24 needed): Kubernetes Dashboard can be deployed on your sample cluster. After successful deployment you can browse the dashboard. The nessecary login token you can get with the following command: kubectl -n k8s-dashboard describe secrets dashboard-admin-token | grep token:

After running this script you can visit the Demo HTTPBin Application by typing 127-0-0-1.nip.io:<Load-Balancer-Port> in your Browser. If you are using an other DEMO_DOMAIN you can use <Cluster-Name>.<DEMO_DOMAIN>:<Load-Balancer-Port> (e.q. demo.example.com:8080).

More details

The default parameters look like this:

apiVersion: k3d.io/v1alpha4
kind: Simple
  name: demo
servers: 1
agents: 1
  - port: 8080:80
      - loadbalancer
  - port: 8081:443
      - loadbalancer
  - port: <RANDOM PORT>:30001
      - agents:*
  - port: <RANDOM PORT>:30053/udp
      - servers:*
  - port: <RANDOM PORT>:30053/tcp
      - servers:*
    name: registry.localhost
    host: ""
    hostPort: "5002"
  config: |
          - http://registry.localhost:5002
    wait: true

Manual examples

There are some samples included, which are not deployed automatically. They are useful to demonstrate the usage of some commonly used Kubernetes tools.

Samples included under the examples folder:


This k3d cluster deployment uses nip.io DNS resolution for demo purposes. DNS names for registry and demo Ingresses are resolved to local IP. Example: registry.127-0-0-1.nip.io is resolved to static IP

Caution: In some cases your network-router doesn't allow to resolve IPs of your own, or private IP address range. As a workaround you can change the ENV variable DEMO_DOMAIN in helpers.sh. This will automatically add the registry entry in your local /etc/hosts file. But it doesn't add any sample Ingress hostnames to your local /etc/hosts, you have to do this manually.


K3d bootstrap cluster with httpbin example and other optional samples


Language:Shell 100.0%