FZambia / xqueue

Imbue tarantool space with power of queue

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • reload/upgrade and feature switch
  • composite primary keys
  • switch - turn non-taken task into any state
  • snatch - take away Taken task from its owner and turn it into R/W
  • restart (renew, requeue?) - take task from W/D/Z states and put it into R/W
  • it seems, that ttl/ttr/bury requires attrs field


  • R - ready - task is ready to be taken

    • created by put without delay
    • turned on by release/kick without delay
    • turned on from W when delay passed
    • deleted after ttl if ttl is enabled
  • T - taken - task is taken by consumer. may not be taken by other.

    • turned into R after ttr if ttr is enabled
  • W - waiting - task is not ready to be taken. waiting for its delay

    • requires runat
    • delay may be set during put, release, kick
    • turned into R after delay
  • B - buried - task was temporary discarded from queue by consumer

    • may be revived using kick by administrator
    • use it in unpredicted conditions, when man intervention is required
    • Without mandatory monitoring (stats.buried) usage of buried is useless and awry
  • Z - zombie - task was processed and ack'ed and temporary kept for delay

  • D - done - task was processed and ack'ed and permanently left in database

    • enabled when keep feature is set


Creator methods:

  • .upgrade(space, options)

Imbue space with power of queue

M.upgrade(space, {
	format = {
		-- space format. applied to space.format() if passed
	fields = {
		-- id is always taken from pk
		status   = 'status_field_name'    | status_field_no,
		runat    = 'runat_field_name'     | runat_field_no,
		proirity = 'proirity_field_name'  | proirity_field_no,
	features = {
		id = 'auto_increment' | 'time64' | 'uuid' | 'required' | function
			-- auto_increment - if pk is number, then use it for auto_increment
			-- uuid - if pk is string, then use uuid for id
			-- required - primary key MUST be present in tuple during put
			-- function - funciton will be called to aquire id for task
		retval = 'table' | 'tuple'
			-- table requires space format. default if applicable. a bit slower

		buried = true,           -- if true, support bury/kick
		delayed = true,          -- if true, support delayed tasks, requires `runat`

		keep = true,             -- if true, keep ack'ed tasks in [D]one state, instead of deleting
			-- mutually exclusive with zombie

		zombie = true|number,    -- requires `runat` field
			-- if number, then with default zombie delay, otherwise only if set delay during ack
			-- mutually exclusive with keep

		ttl    = true|number,    -- requires `runat` field
			-- Time To Live. Task is expired unless taken within time
			-- if number, then with default ttl, otherwise only if set during put/release
		ttr    = true|number,    -- requires `runat` field
			-- Time To Release. Task is returned into [R]eady unless processed (turned to ack|release from taken) within time
			-- if number, then with default ttl, otherwise only if set during take

Producer methods:

  • space:put
    • task - table or array or tuple
      • table
        • requires space format
        • suitable for id generation
      • array
        • ignores space format
        • for id generation use NULL (not nil)
      • tuple
        • ignores space format
        • can't be used with id generation
    • attr - table of attributes
      • delay - number of seconds
        • if set, task will become W instead of R for delay seconds
      • ttl - number of seconds
        • if set, task will be discarded after ttl seconds unless was taken
box.space.myqueue:put{ name="xxx"; data="yyy"; }
box.space.myqueue:put{ "xxx","yyy" }
box.space.myqueue:put(box.tuple.new{ 1,"xxx","yyy" })

box.space.myqueue:put({ name="xxx"; data="yyy"; }, { delay = 1.5 })
box.space.myqueue:put({ name="xxx"; data="yyy"; }, { delay = 1.5; ttl = 100 })

Consumer methods

  • space:take(timeout)

    • timeout - number of seconds to wait for new task
      • choose reasonable time
      • beware of readahead size (see tarantool docs)
    • returns task tuple or table (see retval) or nothing on timeout
    • TODO: ttr must be there
  • space:ack(id, [attr])

    • id:
      • string | number - primary key
      • tuple - key will be extracted using index
      • TODO: composite pk
    • attr:
      • update - table for update, like in space:update
      • delay - number of seconds
        • applicable only when zombie enabled
        • if zombie is enabled, delay deletion for delay time
    • returns task tuple or table (see retval)
  • space:release(id, [attr])

    • id - as in :ack
    • attr
      • update - table for update, like in space:update
      • ttl - timeout for time to live
      • delay - number of seconds
        • if set, task will become W instead of R for delay seconds
  • space:bury(id, [attr])

    • id - as in :ack
    • attr
      • update - table for update, like in space:update
      • ttl - timeout for time to live (?)

Admin methods:

  • space:dig(id, [attr]) - dig out task from buried state

    • id - as in :ack
    • attr
      • update - table for update, like in space:update
      • ttl - timeout for time to live
      • delay - number of seconds
        • if set, task will become W instead of R for delay seconds
    • returns task tuple or table (see retval)
  • space:plow(N, [attr]) - dig out N oldest tasks from buried state

    • N - number. To dig out all buried tasks set infinity or nil
    • attr - attrs for every task, like in dig
  • space:queue_stats()

    • returns table
      • TODO


Imbue tarantool space with power of queue


Language:Lua 100.0%