is a pulsar and FRB data analysis library for python. It provides an OOP approach to pulsar data handling through the use of
objects representing different data types (e.g. SIGPROC filterbank,
PSRFITS, time-series, fourier-series, etc.).
As pulsar data processing is often time critical, speed is maintained using
the excellent numba library.
The quickest way to install the package is to use pip:
pip install -U git+
Note that you will need Python (>=3.8) installed to use sigpyproc
Also check out the installation documentation page for more options.
is currently undergoing major developements which will modify the existing API in order to be a modern python
replacemet for SIGPROC. To use the older API, you can install the legacy
branch of this repo, or install the last released version 0.5.5.
from sigpyproc.readers import FilReader, PFITSReader
fil = FilReader("tutorial.fil")
fits = PFITSReader("tutorial.fits")
Check out the tutorials and API docs on the docs page for example usage and more info.
Check out the developer documentation for more info about getting started.