FPerezP / reactive-system

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Reactive System

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Branch Build Status Codacy
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master Build Status NA



The new documentation website is available here

Import the Library

Add patricknoir bintray repository to your resolvers:

resolvers += "patricknoir-bintray" at "https://dl.bintray.com/patricknoir/releases"

Add to the dependencies the latest stable version (Scala 2.12):

"org.patricknoir.kafka" %% "kafka-reactive-service" % "0.3.0"


Reactive System is a library which is aiming to make easy to publish and consume services using asynchronous message exchange pattern. With Reactive System create and consume services should be as easy as using HTTP/REST.

Using message exchange rather than synchronous communication helps to build more decoupled systems, which gives us several advatages like:

  1. Isolation: if a reactive system fails it doesn't affect its client.
  2. Location transparency: reactive systems they don't communicate directly but through messages sent to an address (topic), that way is not necessary to know the location of the reactive system exposing the service as long we can send a message to the topic address.
  3. Elasticity: reactive services can implement scaling strategy on the way they consume the messages from a topic allowing to add (scale out) and remove (scale down) more reactive systems depending on the current demand.
  4. DOS Immune: ...

Reactive System

With Reactive System library you can easily create both: the server and the client applications.

Server - Service Publishing

In order to create a reactive system server you need to put together 3 elements:

  1. A source of ReactiveRequest messages
  2. A router able to dispatch ReactiveRequest messages to the associated ReactiveService
  3. A sink of ReactiveResponse messages which will send the response to the right destination
   |               REACTIVE SYSTEM               |
   |                                             |
   |      ________      _______      ______      |
   |     |        |    |       |    |      |     |
   |     | Source | ~> | Route | ~> | Sink |     |
   |     |________|    |_______|    |______|     |
   |                                             |

Scala API:

import org.patricknoir.kafka.reactive.server.dsl._

implicit val system: ActorSystem = ...
import system.dispatcher

val source: Source[KafkaRequestEnvelope, _] = ...

val route: ReactiveRoute = ...

val sink: Sink[Future[kafkaResponseEnvelope], _] = ...

val reactiveSys: ReactiveSystem = source ~> route ~> sink

Or alternatively the DSL exposes also:

val reactiveSys: ReactiveSystem = source via route to sink


val reactiveSystem: ReactiveSystem = ReactiveSystem(source, route, sink)

Message Delivery Semantic

Reactive System provides implementation for the following message delivery semantics:

  • At-Most-Once: This approach doesn't guarantee the message is delivered, it favours the performance and avoid messages are duplicated.
  • At-Least-Once: This approach guarantees that a message is delivered to the destination, however it comes with a cost in performance and in case of failure messages can be duplicated.

Reactive Source

A reactive source is the inbound gateway from which request messages are processed by the reactive system. As part of the Kafka-Reactive-System there is a KafkaReactiveSource object which provides a method create to build a reactive source able to consume from a Kafka topic.

   _________________       ______________________________________ . _ . _ _ 
  |      KAFKA      |     |                                 REACTIVE SYSTEM 
  |     _______     |     |     ________________________________     
  |    | topic |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|  Source[KafkaRequestEnvelope]  |
  |    '-------'    |     |    |________________________________|
  |_________________|     |_______________________________________ . _ . _ .

Scala API:

val source: Source[KafkaRequestEnvelope, _] = ReactiveKafkaSource.create(
  requestTopic = "simpleService", 
  bootstrapServers = Set("localhost:9092"), 
  clientId = "simpleServiceClient1"

Reactive Route

The reactive route is the component in charge to analise the KafkaRequestEnvelope message and dispatch the request to the relevant service. In order to accomplish to its task the reactive route must know all the reactive services we want to expose.

A reactive route can be though as a mapping between the Reactive Service URI and its current implementation:

                                        /---->{Service: echo}
             __________                 |                    
            |          |----------------'                    
            | Reactive |                                     
            |  Route   |------------------------>{Service: size}
            |          |                                        
                    \--------------->{Service: reverse}         

Reactive Service

The reactive service represents the entry point of your business logic. A reactive service is nothing more than a function which has an input and can produce a result, because the input and output are delivered through messages the input type must be deserializable and the output serializable.

Scala API:

case class ReactiveService[-In: ReactiveDeserializer, +Out: ReactiveSerializer](id: String)(f: In => Future[Error Either Out])

From the Scala API you can notice that the service has a unique ID, the execution of the ReactiveService is "intrinsicly" asynchronous and eventually returns a business error.

Reactive Route DSL

In order to make it easy to create a ReactiveRoute with all its services associated a specific dsl has been developed.

Scala API:

val route: ReactiveRoute = request.aSync[String, String]("echo") { in => 
    s"echoing: $in"
  } ~ request.aSync("size") { (in: String) =>
  } ~ request.sync("reverse") { (in: String) =>

Route DSL: The request object

The Reactive Route DSL is built around the request object which exposes the following functions:

object request {
    def apply[In: ReactiveDeserializer, Out: ReactiveSerializer](id: String)(f: In => Future[Error Either Out]): ReactiveRoute =
      ReactiveRoute().add(ReactiveService[In, Out](id)(f))
    def sync[In: ReactiveDeserializer, Out: ReactiveSerializer](id: String)(f: In => (Error Either Out)): ReactiveRoute =
      ReactiveRoute().add(ReactiveService[In, Out](id)(in => Future.successful(f(in))))
    def aSync[In: ReactiveDeserializer, Out: ReactiveSerializer](id: String)(f: In => (Error Either Out))(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): ReactiveRoute =
      ReactiveRoute().add(ReactiveService[In, Out](id)(in => Future(f(in))))

It allows to map ReactiveService against a specific service ID, lifting the service to a future in a synchronous or asynchronous way. If the function in request is already returning a Future than you can simply use the apply function.

sync vs aSync

So the DSL offers you the option to lift a function to a reactive service by lifting it to a future:

def sync[In: ReactiveDeserializer, Out: ReactiveSerializer](id: String)(f: In => (Error Either Out)): ReactiveRoute =
      ReactiveRoute().add(ReactiveService[In, Out](id)(in => Future.successful(f(in))))

In this scenario we will be using the same thread the router is running on.

In the case of aSync:

def aSync[In: ReactiveDeserializer, Out: ReactiveSerializer](id: String)(f: In => (Out))(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): ReactiveRoute =
      ReactiveRoute().add(ReactiveService[In, Out](id)(in => Future(f(in))))

the ReactiveService is using a Future on a new thread and an implicit execution context is necessary.

Route DSL: Future Flatten

Last but not least if your function is already returning a Future you can simply use the request.apply:

def apply[In: ReactiveDeserializer, Out: ReactiveSerializer](id: String)(f: In => Future[Out]): ReactiveRoute =
      ReactiveRoute().add(ReactiveService[In, Out](id)(f))

Route DSL: Handle Either

As you could have noticed the ReactiveService combine the effect of a Future with a Either[Error, A]. If your function is not already returning a Either[Error, A] then we will implicitly lift it:

implicit def unsafe[Out: ReactiveSerializer](out: => Out): (Throwable Either Out) = Try(out).toEither

Reactive Sink

Once a ReactiveService has been executed by the ReactiveRoute a Future[Error Either A] will be returned where if you remember the signature of the ReactiveService the type A is a member of ReactiveSerialzable. What we need to do now is to send this Future to a Sink which can handle that type, once the Future completes we can then Serialize either the result A or the Error from the Either, wrap it into a KafkaResponseEnveplope and send it back to the client who requested it.

     REACTIVE SYSTEM                                |
       ______________________________________       |
      |  Sink[Future[KafkaRequestEnvelope]]  |      |
      |                                      |      |           ____________________
      |     ______________________           |      |          |    KAFKA BROKER    |
      |    |    KAFKA PRODUCER    |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>|____________________|
      |    |______________________|          |      |
      |                                      |      |
      |                                      |      |
      |______________________________________|      |

Reactive Client


trait ReactiveClient {

  def request[In: ReactiveSerializer, Out: ReactiveDeserializer]
    (destination: String, payload: In)(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[Error Either Out]


Kafka Implementation:

class KafkaReactiveClient(settings: KafkaRClientSettings)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends ReactiveClient

Scala API:

implicit system: ActorSystem = ...
import system.dispatcher
implicit val timeout = Timeout(3 seconds)
val client = new KafkaReactiveClient(KafkaRClientSettings.default)
val fResponse = client.request[String, String]("kafka:echoInbound/echo", "patrick")

result.onSuccess { 
    case Right(result: String) => println(result)


Reactive Serializer/Deserializer

In order to serialise/deserialise message payloads two methods are available which make usage of the relative Typeclasses: ReactiveSerializer/ReactiveDeserializer: ...

package object common {

  object deserializer {
    def deserialize[Out: ReactiveDeserializer](in: String): Either[Error, Out] = implicitly[ReactiveDeserializer[Out]].deserialize(in.getBytes)

  object serializer {
    def serialize[In: ReactiveSerializer](in: In): String = new String(implicitly[ReactiveSerializer[In]].serialize(in))


Default Serializers

trait ReactiveSerializer[Payload] {

  def serialize(payload: Payload): Array[Byte]


object ReactiveSerializer {
  implicit val stringSerializer = new ReactiveSerializer[String] {
    override def serialize(payload: String) = payload.getBytes

  implicit def circeEncoderSerializer[In: Encoder] = new ReactiveSerializer[In] {
    override def serialize(payload: In) = payload.asJson.noSpaces.getBytes

  implicit val byteArraySerializer = new ReactiveSerializer[Array[Byte]] {
    override def serialize(payload: Array[Byte]) = payload

Default Deserializers

trait ReactiveDeserializer[Payload] {

  def deserialize(input: Array[Byte]): Either[Error, Payload]


object ReactiveDeserializer {
  implicit val stringDeserializer = new ReactiveDeserializer[String] {
    override def deserialize(input: Array[Byte]) = Right(new String(input))

  implicit def circeDecoderDeserializer[Out: Decoder] = new ReactiveDeserializer[Out] {
    override def deserialize(input: Array[Byte]) = decode[Out](new String(input)).left.map(err => new Error(err)) //FIXME : use custom errors

  implicit val byteArrayDeserializer = new ReactiveDeserializer[Array[Byte]] {
    override def deserialize(input: Array[Byte]) = Right(input)

Actor Per Request - Correlation Header




Language:Scala 96.5%Language:Java 3.5%