FHPythonUtils / PyRlottie

Convert .tgs and .lottie to .webp or .gif using rlottie.

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Convert .tgs and .lottie to .webp or .gif using rlottie.


convMultLottie, convSingleLottie

Format Animated

convMultLottieFrames, convMultLottieTransparentFrames, convSingleLottieFrames, convSingleLottieTransparentFrames

Format Animated
etc... ...


Basic Usage

Convert multiple tgs files to webp

# convMultLottie
				FileMap(LottieFile(f"test_data/file_43{i}.tgs"), {f"test_data/file_43{i}.webp"})
				for i in range(4, 10)

Convert multiple tgs files to transparent frames dictionary of lottie file paths to LottieFrames. The list of pillow images can be accessed with .frames for each lottie file path

frames = run(
		[LottieFile(f"test_data/file_43{i}.tgs") for i in range(4, 10)], 1


A high-level overview of how the documentation is organized organized will help you know where to look for certain things:

  • The Technical Reference documents APIs and other aspects of the machinery. This documentation describes how to use the classes and functions at a lower level and assume that you have a good high-level understanding of the software.

Install With PIP

pip install pyrlottie

Language information

Built for

This program has been written for Python versions 3.8 - 3.12 and has been tested with both 3.8 and 3.12

Install Python on Windows


choco install python

Windows - Python.org

To install Python, go to https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ and download the latest version.

Install Python on Linux


sudo apt install python3.x


sudo dnf install python3.x

Install Python on MacOS


brew install python@3.x

MacOS - Python.org

To install Python, go to https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/ and download the latest version.

How to run


  • Module py -3.x -m [module] or [module] (if module installs a script)

  • File py -3.x [file] or ./[file]

Linux/ MacOS

  • Module python3.x -m [module] or [module] (if module installs a script)

  • File python3.x [file] or ./[file]


pip install build
python -m build .


pip install .[dev]

Alternatively use tox to run tests over python 3.8 - 3.12


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  4. Type 'git clone' followed by URL in step 2

    git clone https://github.com/FHPythonUtils/PyRlottie

More information can be found at https://help.github.com/en/articles/cloning-a-repository

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  2. Click open in desktop
  3. Choose the path for where you want and click Clone

More information can be found at https://help.github.com/en/desktop/contributing-to-projects/cloning-a-repository-from-github-to-github-desktop

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  1. Download this GitHub repository
  2. Extract the zip archive
  3. Copy/ move to the desired location

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Convert .tgs and .lottie to .webp or .gif using rlottie.



Language:Python 72.2%Language:FreeMarker 20.3%Language:CMake 7.4%