FCOO / jquery-time-slider

A extention to jquery-base-slider with selection of time and date

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A extension to jquery-base-slider with selection of time and date

A plugin to create sliders with selection of time. There are four different types:

There are four different types:

  1. Simple time selection:
    options = {type: "single", format: { ..., showRelative:false } }
  2. Relative time selection (eq. Now + 5 hours):
    options = {type: "single", format: { ..., showRelative:true } }
  3. Time period:
    options = {type: "double", format: { ..., showRelative:false } }
  4. Relative time period (eq. Now - 3 hours to Now + 10 hours):
    options = {type: "double", format: { ..., showRelative:true } }



bower install https://github.com/FCOO/jquery-time-slider.git --save




$('#timeSliderId').timeSlider( options )

where options are described below


The options are the same as in jquery-base-slider with the following extensions

noDateLabels    : BOOLEAN; If true no labels with the date are shown;
dateAtMidnight  : BOOLEAN; If true the time-LABEL for midnight is replaced with a short date-label. Normally used together noDateLabels: true

toMoment        : MOMENT; Same as min, max, from, to in jquery-base-slider but as moment-object

    date        : STRING;   Date format. "DMY" or "MDY" or "YMD" If none is given the format is set by [moment-simple-format](https://github.com/FCOO/moment-simple-format)
    showYear    : BOOLEAN;  If true the date-time info in handler includes the year
    time        : STRING;   Time format. "12" or "24"
    timezone    : STRING;   "local"` or `"utc"` or abbreviation of time zone. Only if showRelative: false
    text        : {hourAbbr:"h", minAbbr:"m", now:"now", to:"to"}; Text used to format the date

    showRelative: BOOLEAN; If true the grid etc show the relative time ('Now + 2h') Default = false

    showUTC                  : BOOLEAN; When true a scale for utc is also shown, but only if the time-zone isn't utc or forceUTC is set. Default = false. Only if showRelative == false
    forceUTC                 : BOOLEAN; If true and showUTC: true the utc-scale is included
    noGridColorsOnUTC        : BOOLEAN; If true the UTC-grid will not get any grid colors
    noExtendedGridColorsOnUTC: BOOLEAN; If true the UTC-grid will not get any extended grid colors
    noLabelColorsOnUTC       : BOOLEAN; If true the UTC-grid will not get any labels with colors
    UTCGridClassName         : STRING; Class-name(s) for the grids use for UTC time-lime

    showExtraRelative                  : BOOLEAN; If true and showRelative = false => A relative scale is included
    noGridColorsOnExtraRelative        : BOOLEAN; If true the extra relative-grid will not get any grid colors
    noExtendedGridColorsOnExtraRelative: BOOLEAN; If true the extra relative-grid will not get any extended grid colors
    noLabelColorsOnExtraRelative       : BOOLEAN; If true the extra relative-grid will not get any labels with colors
    extraRelativeGridClassName         : STRING; Class-name(s) for the grids use for the extra relative grid

showRelative        : as format.showRelative
showUTC             : as format.showUTC
forceUTC            : as format.forceUTC
noGridColorsOnUTC           : as format.noGridColorsOnUTC
noExtendedGridColorsOnUTC   : as format.noExtendedGridColorsOnUTC
noLabelColorsOnUTC          : as format.noLabelColorsOnUTC
UTCGridClassName            : as format.UTCGridClassName

showExtraRelative                   : as format.showExtraRelative
noGridColorsOnExtraRelative         : as format.noGridColorsOnExtraRelative
noExtendedGridColorsOnExtraRelative : as format.noExtendedGridColorsOnExtraRelative
noLabelColorsOnExtraRelative        : as format.noLabelColorsOnExtraRelative
extraRelativeGridClassName          : as format.extraRelativeGridClassName


.setFormat( format ); //Update the slider with the new format

Copyright and License

This plugin is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2015 FCOO

Contact information

Niels Holt nho@fcoo.dk


A extention to jquery-base-slider with selection of time and date

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%