ExtensionEngine / tailor

Content authoring platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tailor CMS

CircleCI build status Codacy Badge Known Vulnerabilities GitHub package version GitHub license js @extensionengine style style @extensionengine style Open Source Love

Configurable headless CMS for complex content structures.


  • Node.js (>= 16.16.0)
  • npm (>= 8.11.0)
  • PostgreSQL (>= 9.4)




  • Run npm install in the repo directory
  • Create a database in PostgreSQL
  • Application is configured via environment variables contained in a file named .env. Use the .env.example file as a template: cp .env.example .env and enter configuration details.
  • Initialize database by running npm run db migrate
  • To enable demo repository schema configuration copy tailor.config.js.example into tailor.config.js.. For more details about the custom schema configuration please refer to this guide.
  • Configure asset storage proxy by following the steps in this guide based on your environment.
  • You can create admin user by running npm run add:admin <email> <password>
  • App branding is configured via values set in a file named .brandrc.js. Use the .brandrc.js.example file as a template: cp .brandrc.js.example .brandrc.js and enter configuration details (Optional).



  • Server: npm run dev:server
  • Client (webpack dev server): npm run dev:client

This project uses a monorepo setup. In order to contribute to packages following commands should be executed:

  • Run npm run packages:setup - initial setup, dependency installation, package linking, etc. This command should be executed only a single time.
  • Run npm run packages:build - build all packages. Run this command after altering the package's code.
  • Run npm run packages:build --package=<package-name> to build only specified package. For example: npm run packages:build --package=core-components.


  • Bundle client by issuing npm run build
  • npm run start

Content repository structure

Repository structure can be altered using tailor configuration file, which must be placed inside the root directory and named tailor.config.js.

Use the tailor.config.js.example file as a template:

$ cp tailor.config.js.example tailor.config.js

and enter the configuration details. At the current time, it is not possible to override the filename or location of the configuration file.

Content repository structures are defined using the following properties:


An array of Schema objects.


  • id String - Schema identifier.
  • name String - Schema display name.
  • workflowId String - Workflow identifier.
  • meta Array<Metadata> - An array of objects defining repository metadata.
  • structure Array<ActivityConfig> - An array of objects which define schema structure.
  • contentContainers Array<ContentContainer> - Array of content container configs.
  • elementMeta Array<ElementMetaConfig> - An array of objects defining content element metadata.

ActivityConfig - Schema structure elements

Configuration for schema structure nodes (activities). Contains the following properties:

  • type String - Const for marking activity type.
  • rootLevel Boolean - Used to define first level (root) activity types
  • subLevels Array<String> - An array of sub-types.
  • label String - Display label.
  • color String - Display color in hexadecimal notation.
  • isTrackedInWorkflow Boolean - Defines whether the workflow status will be tracked for this activity type.
  • contentContainers Array<String> - Array of content container types that define which content containers can be added.
  • hasExams Boolean - Activity allows adding exam activities to it.
  • exams Object - Configuration for activity exams.
  • relationships Array<ActivityRelationship> - Defines what relationships this activity has to other activities.
  • meta Array<Metadata> - An array of objects defining activity metadata.


Defines the structure of the activity relationship field.

  • type String - Defines the name of the relationship. The relationship will be published under this value.
  • label String - Display label.
  • placeholder String - Display label for the select picker.
  • multiple Boolean - Defines if the relationship can have multiple associations chosen. True by default.
  • searchable Boolean - Defines if the list of activities can be searched. True by default.
  • allowEmpty Boolean - Defines if the member list can be empty. True by default.
  • allowCircularLinks Boolean - Defines if a member of the relationship instance can set the owner of that instance as a member of its own instance of that relationship. Example, activity X sets activity Y as its prerequisite. If allowCircualLinks is set to true then activity Y can set activity X as its prerequisite. False by default.
  • allowInsideLineage Boolean - Defines if an ancestor or a descendant can be a member of the relationship. False by default.
  • allowedTypes Array<String> - Defines activity types that can be associated in a relationship.


Defines the structure of the activity metadata field.

  • key String - Unique key for the field.
  • type String - Type of the input component used on the client.
  • label String - Display label.
  • placeholder String - Input component placeholder.
  • validate MetadataValidator - Validator object.
  • defaultValue * - Default field value.


Defines validation rules on an activity metadata field.

  • rules Object - Contains the following properties:
  • max Number - Maximum character count.
  • required Boolean - Defines if the field is required.


An array of ContentContainer objects.


Configuration for content containers. Contains the following properties:

  • type String - const-cased string for marking ContentContainer type.
  • templateId String - const-cased string that defines which custom ContentContainer is used to display this container. Needs to match the templateId property of the desired custom ContentContainer. If not specified the default ContentContainer is used to display this container.
  • label String - String used for referencing ContentContainer on the UI.
  • multiple Boolean - Defines if there can be multiple instances of the ContentContainer inside a single Activity. False by default.
  • types Array<String> - An array of possible content element types that can exist inside a ContentContainer. If not specified all types of elements are allowed.
  • displayHeading Boolean - Defines if a heading is displayed on top of the ContentContainer. False by default.
  • layout Boolean - Defines if elements inside a ContentContainer instance can be placed two in a row. True by default.
  • config Object - Defines ContentContainer specific properties.
  • required Boolean - Defines if an instance of the ContentContainer is created if non exist. True by default.
  • publishedAs String - Defines the name of the file under which the container will be published. Defaults to container. The name of the structure component used is the kebab-cased version of the type property. (example: ABC_DEF -> abc-def)


Defines the structure of an content element metadata.

  • type String - Type of content element (example: "IMAGE", "HTML").
  • inputs Array<ElementMeta> - Defines what meta fields content element has.
  • relationships Array<ElementRelationship> - Defines what relationship metadata content element has (relationships with content elements from the same or other activities in the repository).


Defines the structure of an content element relationship field.

  • key String - Defines the name of the relationship. The relationship will be published under this value.
  • label String - Display label.
  • placeholder String - Label for relationship add button and modal title.
  • multiple Boolean - Defines if the relationship can have multiple associations chosen. True by default.
  • allowedTypes Array<String> - Defines to what type of content elements given content element can have relationship with (example: ['VIDEO']).


Defines what meta fields content element has.

  • key String - Unique key for the field.
  • type String - Type of the input component used on the client.
  • label String - Display label.
  • description String - Description of meta field.
  • options Array<Object> - Options for certain types of input component. For example, for select component, options would be:
    "type": "SELECT"
    "options": [{
        "label": "First",
        "value": "first"
      }, {
        "label": "Second",
        "value": "second"


A string template that will be interpolated on the client using two route params, repositoryId and activityId, into a preview URL for each activity. Example: https://my.url.com/#/repository/{repositoryId}/activity/{activityId}/preview


For each schema, workflow can be defined to enable users to track and assign activities which are flagged for tracking. Each workflow is defined by a set of statuses that the activity can have. Workflows are assigned to schemas through schema's workflowId option in tailor configuration file.

Workflows are configured with the following options in the tailor configuration file:


An array of Workflow objects.


Defines activity statuses for repository workflow. Workflow can be reused across multiple schemas by assigning the same workflow ID to schema's workflowId option.

  • id String - Workflow identifier.
  • statuses Array<ActivityStatus> - An array of possible activity statuses.
  • dueDateWarningThreshold Object - Defines threshold (in days, weeks or months) relative to activity's due date, after which the warning of upcoming due date is displayed.


  • id String - Activity status identifier.
  • label String - Display label.
  • color String - Display color.
  • default Boolean - Defines that the status is the default, which the activity has when it's created.


Tailor supports creation of custom content elements and custom containers. These extensions can have unique content and structure that the default content elements and containers do not support. The template for creating custom content elements can be found here while the template for creating custom containers can be found here.

Installing extensions

  1. copy (or git clone) extension files in extensions/content-<elements or containers>/<my-extension-name>
  2. create index.js file in extensions/content-<elements or containers> directory
  3. in the file from the previous step add
module.exports = ['my-extension-name'];

Note that module.exports is an array and you can add as many extensions and just include their folder names in this array to include all of them. After installation, the extension is ready for use and should be listed in tailor.config.js file.


Content authoring platform

License:MIT License


Language:Vue 54.4%Language:JavaScript 44.7%Language:SCSS 0.6%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Mustache 0.1%Language:HTML 0.1%