Explorer1092 / terraform-alicloud-fc

Terraform module which creates Function Compute service, function and trigger on Alibaba Cloud

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Alicloud Function Compute (FC) Terraform Module

Terraform module which creates FC resources on Alibaba Cloud.

These types of resources are supported:

Root module calls these modules which can also be used separately to create independent resources:


You can use this in your terraform template with the following steps.

  1. Adding a module resource to your template, e.g. main.tf

    module "tf-fc" {
      source = "terraform-alicloud-modules/fc/alicloud"
      service_name           = "tf-example"
      create_http_function   = true
      http_function_name     = "tf-example"
      http_function_handler  = "http.handler"
      http_function_filename = "../http_function.py"
      http_function_runtime  = "python3"
      http_triggers = [
          type   = "http"
          config = <<EOF
              "authType": "anonymous",
              "methods": ["GET", "POST"]
  2. Setting values for the following variables through environment variables:


Conditional creation

This moudle can create FC Function and Triggers using a existing FC Service.

  1. To create http function and triggers, but not create service:

    create_service                 = false
    filter_service_with_name_regex = "existing-service-name-regex"
    create_http_function           = true
    http_triggers = [
        type   = "http"
        config = "http-trigger-conf"
  2. To create service, events function and triggers:

    create_service        = true
    create_event_function = true
    events_triggers = [
        type   = "timer"
        config = "timer-trigger-conf"
  3. Create both http and event functions and retrieve the existing role by name regex, you can also retrieve role by policy name and policy type:

    create_event_function    = true
    create_http_function     = true
    service_role_name_regex  = "existing-role-name-regex"
    trigger_role_name_regex  = "existing-role-name-regex"
    trigger_role_policy_name = "existing-policy-name"
    trigger_role_policy_type = "your-policy-type"
  4. Create several event triggers:

    create_service        = true
    create_event_function = true
    events_triggers = [
        type   = "timer"
        config = "timer-trigger-conf"
        type       = "mns"
        source_arn = "mns-source-arn"
        config     = "mns-trigger-conf"
  5. Create several event triggers and use different roles:

    create_service        = true
    create_event_function = true
    events_triggers = [
        type   = "timer"
        config = "timer-trigger-conf"
        type       = "mns"
        role       = "exist-role-arn"
        source_arn = "mns-source-arn"
        config     = "mns-trigger-conf"
  6. Create functions but not triggers:

    create_service        = true
    create_event_function = true
    create_http_function  = true

Examples of triggers

  1. HTTP trigger:

     create_http_function = true
     http_triggers = [
         type   = "http"
         config = local.http_trigger_conf
  2. ApiGatway trigger:

     module "apigateway-trigger" {
       # omitted for brevity
       create_event_function    = true
     resource "alicloud_api_gateway_api" "apiGatewayApi" {
       # omitted for brevity
       service_type = "FunctionCompute"
       fc_service_config {
         region        = data.alicloud_regions.this.id
         function_name = module.apigateway-trigger.this_events_function_name
         service_name  = module.apigateway-trigger.this_service_name
         arn_role      = alicloud_ram_role.this.arn
         timeout       = 10
  3. CDN trigger:

     create_event_function = true
     events_triggers = [
         type       = "cdn_events"
         source_arn = "acs:cdn:*:[account_id]"
         config     = local.cdn_trigger_conf
  4. Log trigger:

     create_event_function = true
     events_triggers = [
         type       = "log"
         source_arn = "acs:log:[region_id]:[account_id]:project/[log_project_name]"
         config     = local.log_trigger_conf
  5. Mns trigger:

     create_event_function = true
     events_triggers = [
         type       = "mns_topic"
         source_arn = "acs:mns:[region_id]:[account_id]:/topics/[mns_topic_name]"
         config     = local.mns_trigger_conf
  6. Oss trigger:

    create_event_function = true
    events_triggers = [
        type       = "oss"
        source_arn = "acs:oss:[region_id]:[account_id]:[oss_bucket_name]"
        config     = local.oss_trigger_conf
  7. Timer trigger:

     create_event_function = true
     events_triggers = [
         type       = "timer"
         config     = local.timer_trigger_conf


Name Description Type Default Required
create_service Whether to create a new FC service. Default to true. bool true no
filter_service_with_name_regex A regex string to filter results by FC service name. string "" no
service_name The FC service name string "terraform-fc-service" no
service_internet_access Whether to allow the FC service to access Internet. Default to true. bool true no
service_role RAM role arn attached to the FC service. This governs both who / what can invoke your Function, as well as what resources our Function has access to. string "" no
service_role_name_regex A regex string to filter roles by name regex. string "" no
service_role_policy_name A string to filter roles by policy name. string "" no
service_role_policy_type A string to filter roles by policy type. string "" no
service_log_config Provide this to store your FC service logs. list [] no
service_vpc_config Provide this to allow your FC service to access your VPC. list [] no
function_memory_size Amount of memory in MB your Function can use at runtime. Defaults to 128. Limits to [128, 3072]. int 128 no
function_timeout The amount of time your Function has to run in seconds. int 60 no
create_http_function Whether to create http function. bool false no
http_function_name The FC http function name. string "terraform-fc-http-function" no
http_function_filename The path to the function's deployment package within the local filesystem. It is conflict with the oss_-prefixed options. string "" no
http_function_oss_bucket The bucket of function's deployment package within the oss service. It is conflict with the filename. string "" no
http_function_oss_key The key of function's deployment package within the oss service. It is conflict with the filename. string "" no
http_function_runtime The FC function runtime type. Valid values: ["nodejs6", "nodejs8", "python2.7", "python3", "php7.2", "java8"] string "nodejs6" no
http_function_handler The FC function entry point in your code. string "index.handler" no
create_event_function Whether to create event function. bool false no
events_function_name The FC events function name. string "terraform-fc-events-function" no
events_function_filename The path to the function's deployment package within the local filesystem. It is conflict with the oss_-prefixed options. string "" no
events_function_oss_bucket The bucket of function's deployment package within the oss service. It is conflict with the filename. string "" no
events_function_oss_key The key of function's deployment package within the oss service. It is conflict with the filename. string "" no
events_function_runtime The FC function runtime type. Valid values: ["nodejs6", "nodejs8", "python2.7", "python3", "php7.2", "java8"] string "nodejs6" no
events_function_handler The FC function entry point in your code. string "index.handler" no
trigger_role Default RAM role arn attached to the FC trigger. Role used by the event source to call the function. The value format is "acs🐏:$account-id:role/$role-name". string "" no
trigger_source_arn Event source resource address. string "" no
trigger_role_name_regex A regex string to filter roles by name regex. string "" no
trigger_role_policy_name A string to filter roles by policy name. string "" no
trigger_role_policy_type A string to filter roles by policy type. string "" no
source_role_name_regex A regex string to filter source roles by name regex. string "" no
source_role_policy_name A string to filter source roles by policy name. string "" no
source_role_policy_type A string to filter source roles by policy type. string "" no
http_trigger_name The FC http trigger default name. string "terraform-http-trigger" no
http_triggers List trigger fields to create http triggers list(map(string)) [] no
events_trigger_name The FC events trigger default name. string "terraform-events-trigger" no
events_triggers List trigger fields to create events triggers list(map(string)) [] no


Name Description
this_service_id The ID of the Service
this_service_name The name of the Service
this_http_function_id The ID of the http Function
this_http_function_name The name of the http Function
this_http_trigger_ids The IDs of the http Triggers
this_http_trigger_names The names of the http Triggers
this_events_function_id The ID of the events Function
this_events_function_name The name of the events Function
this_events_trigger_ids The IDs of the events Triggers
this_events_trigger_names The names of the events Triggers


From the version v1.3.0, the module has removed the following provider setting:

provider "alicloud" {
   version                 = ">=1.56.0"
   profile                 = var.profile != "" ? var.profile : null
   shared_credentials_file = var.shared_credentials_file != "" ? var.shared_credentials_file : null
   region                  = var.region != "" ? var.region : null
   skip_region_validation  = var.skip_region_validation
   configuration_source    = "terraform-alicloud-modules/fc"

If you still want to use the provider setting to apply this module, you can specify a supported version, like 1.2.0:

module "tf-fc" {
   source               = "terraform-alicloud-modules/fc/alicloud"
   version              = "1.2.0"
   region               = "cn-beijing"
   profile              = "Your-Profile-Name"
   service_name         = "production-triggers"
   create_http_function = true
   // ...

If you want to upgrade the module to 1.3.0 or higher in-place, you can define a provider which same region with previous region:

provider "alicloud" {
  region  = "cn-beijing"
  profile = "Your-Profile-Name"
module "tf-fc" {
   source               = "terraform-alicloud-modules/fc/alicloud"
   service_name         = "production-triggers"
   create_http_function = true
  // ...

or specify an alias provider with a defined region to the module using providers:

provider "alicloud" {
  region  = "cn-beijing"
  profile = "Your-Profile-Name"
  alias   = "bj"
module "tf-fc" {
   source               = "terraform-alicloud-modules/fc/alicloud"
   providers            = {
      alicloud = alicloud.bj
   service_name         = "production-triggers"
   create_http_function = true
   // ...

and then run terraform init and terraform apply to make the defined provider effect to the existing module state.

More details see How to use provider in the module

Terraform versions

Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.0
alicloud >= 1.56.0


Created and maintained by Alibaba Cloud Terraform Team(terraform@alibabacloud.com)



Terraform module which creates Function Compute service, function and trigger on Alibaba Cloud

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 100.0%