Exadra37 / ex_tauri

Utility to build Phoenix Desktop applications using web views from Tauri

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Warning: Still a Proof of Concept with a lot of bad code! Wrapper around Tauri to enable the development of Phoenix Desktop applications



  • Tauri App for building it and providing a ton of support to find the right way to build the PoC
  • Digit / Doawoo for Burrito which enables us to build the binary to be used as a sidecar
  • Kevin Pan / Feng19 for their example that heavily inspired the approach taken with their phx_new_desktop repository
  • yos for a great discussion and bringing Feng19 example into the mix (no pun intended)
  • Phoenix Framework Tailwind which was a big inspiration on the approach to be taken when it came to install an outside package and use it within an Elixir project

How it works


  • Using Rusts cargo install, installs Tauri in your local dependencies
  • Runs tauri init with the given configuration to create your src-tauri folder in your project root
  • Overrides Cargo.toml since original Tauri depends on installation folders which made it trickier
  • Moves build.rs into src-tauri/src due to an error during development
  • Setups the required sidecars in src-tauri/tauri.conf.json


  • Turns off TAURI_SKIP_DEVSERVER_CHECK which was blocking the Tauri code from running main.rs
  • Checks if the project has a Burrito release configured
  • Wraps the Phoenix application using Burrito
  • Renames the output from Burrito to be compatible with Tauri's way of calling a sidecar
  • Runs tauri and passes the arguments into Tauri



  • Zig (0.10.0)
  • Rust

Getting your application ready

For reference please check the example folder in this repository

  • Add dependency
def deps do
    {:ex_tauri, git: "https://github.com/filipecabaco/ex_tauri.git"}
  • Add configuration
config :ex_tauri, version: "1.4.0", app_name: "Example Desktop", host: "localhost", port: 4000
  • Add burrito release
  def project do
      app: :example_desktop,
      version: "0.1.0",
      elixir: "~> 1.14",
      elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
      start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
      aliases: aliases(),
      deps: deps(),
      releases: releases()
  # ...
  defp releases do
      desktop: [
        steps: [:assemble, &Burrito.wrap/1],
        burrito: [
          targets: [
            # At the moment we still need this really specific names
            "aarch64-apple-darwin": [os: :darwin, cpu: :aarch64]
  • Add :inets and other extra_applications you might need since burrito needs to be aware of them
  def application do
      mod: {ExampleDesktop.Application, []},
      extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools, :inets]
  • Extra: Have a way to start up your repos during startup:
defmodule ExampleDesktop.Starter do
  alias ExampleDesktop.Repo

  def run() do

    Ecto.Migrator.run(Repo, :up, all: true)
  • Check your runtime.exs, there's a lot of environment variables that you might need to build your server

  • Setup tauri by running mix ex_tauri.install


  • Run tauri in development mode with mix ex_tauri dev

  • Build a distributable package with mix ex_tauri build


Utility to build Phoenix Desktop applications using web views from Tauri


Language:JavaScript 86.5%Language:Elixir 9.2%Language:CSS 4.0%Language:Rust 0.2%Language:HTML 0.1%