EvoEsports / docker-trackmania

Repository of the Trackmania (2020) server docker images.

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Trackmania image

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This Docker image provides an easy and efficient way to deploy a Trackmania game server. It allows for quick setup, customizable configurations, and supports persistent storage to retain server data across restarts. With this image, you can effortlessly manage your Trackmania server using Docker’s containerization benefits.

Table of Contents

How to use this image

... with 'docker run'

To start a TrackMania server with docker run:

docker run \
  -e TM_MASTERSERVER_LOGIN='YourMasterserverLogin' \
  -e TM_MASTERSERVER_PASSWORD='YourMasterserverPassword' \
  -p 2350:2350/tcp \
  -p 2350:2350/udp \
  #-p 5000:5000/tcp \ # Be careful opening XMLRPC! Only if you really need to.
  #-p 9000:9000/tcp \ # For the prometheus exporter.
  -v UserData:/server/UserData \

... with 'docker compose'

Here is the compose.yml:

    image: evoesports/trackmania:latest
      - 2350:2350/udp
      - 2350:2350/tcp
      #- 5000:5000/tcp # Be careful opening XMLRPC! Only if you know what you're doing.
      #- 9000:9000/tcp # For the prometheus exporter.
      TM_MASTERSERVER_LOGIN: "YourMasterserverLogin"
      TM_MASTERSERVER_PASSWORD: "YourMasterserverPassword"
      - UserData:/server/UserData

In both cases, the server will launch and be bound to port 2350 TCP & UDP. Port 5000 (XMLRPC) & 9000 (Prometheus metrics) won't usually be forwarded to the host, because apps who need it (e.g. server controllers) are supposed to run in the same stack. You need to provide server credentials you can register here, and put the login into the TM_MASTERSERVER_LOGIN variable, and the password into the TM_MASTERSERVER_PASSWORD variable. The server only needs one volume to store your user data (e.g. maps, configs), which is mounted to /server/UserData. You can also use bind mounts.

Environment Variables

Below is a list of all possible environment variables that can be set through Docker.

Environment Variable Description Default Value1
TM_AUTHORIZATION_SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD Sets the password for the SuperAdmin access level, granting the highest level of permissions. SuperAdmin
TM_AUTHORIZATION_ADMIN_PASSWORD Sets the password for the Admin access level, granting intermediate-level permissions. Admin
TM_AUTHORIZATION_USER_PASSWORD Sets the password for the User access level, granting basic user permissions. User
TM_MASTERSERVER_LOGIN The login name for the server account on the Trackmania master server (e.g., 'yourcoolserverlogin'). If not specified, the server starts in LAN mode.
TM_MASTERSERVER_PASSWORD The password associated with the server's master server account, obtained from the Trackmania player page.
TM_SERVER_NAME The display name of the server as seen by players. Only used if no server name is set in the server config file. Docker TrackMania Server
TM_SERVER_COMMENT A description or comment about the server, shown to players in server listings.
TM_SERVER_MAX_PLAYERS The maximum number of players that can join the server simultaneously. 32
TM_SERVER_PASSWORD Password required for players to join the server, if set.
TM_SERVER_MAX_SPECTATORS The maximum number of spectators that can watch the server's matches. 32
TM_SERVER_PASSWORD_SPECTATOR Password required for spectators to join the server, if set.
TM_SERVER_KEEP_PLAYER_SLOTS If True, keeps a player's slot and records/points when they switch to spectator mode. False
TM_SERVER_CALLVOTE_TIMEOUT Duration in milliseconds before a callvote expires if no decision is reached. 60000
TM_SERVER_CALLVOTE_RATIO The minimum percentage of 'Yes' votes needed for a callvote to pass. 0.5
TM_SERVER_CALLVOTE_RATIOS Specify a list of ratios. For example Ban:-1 Kick:-1
TM_SERVER_ALLOW_MAP_DOWNLOAD If True, allows players to download maps directly from the server. False
TM_SERVER_AUTOSAVE_REPLAYS If True, the server will automatically save replays of each match. False
TM_SERVER_AUTOSAVE_VALIDATION_REPLAYS If True, the server will automatically save replays used for map validation. False
TM_SERVER_USE_CHANGING_VALIDATION_SEED If True, uses a dynamic seed for server-side validation checks to enhance security. False
TM_SERVER_DISABLE_PROFILE_SKINS If True, disables the use of custom player skins, enforcing default skins for all players. False
TM_SERVER_CLIENTINPUTS_MAXLATENCY Sets the maximum latency (in milliseconds) allowed for client inputs before the server simulates physics without new inputs. If the server doesn’t receive inputs within this time frame due to lag, it assumes the player's inputs remain unchanged or maintains their last known position. This setting directly impacts players with high ping, as exceeding this value can disrupt their gameplay or lead to inaccurate physics calculations. 2 200
TM_SYSTEM_CONNECTION_UPLOADRATE The maximum upload speed (in bytes per second) the server can utilize. 102400
TM_SYSTEM_CONNECTION_DOWNLOADRATE The maximum download speed (in bytes per second) the server can utilize. 102400
TM_SYSTEM_WORKERTHREADCOUNT Specifies the number of CPU threads that the server can use to perform its tasks.2 2
TM_SYSTEM_PACKETASSEMBLY_MULTITHREAD If True, enables the server to assemble data packets using multiple threads for improved performance.2 True
TM_SYSTEM_PACKETASSEMBLY_PACKETSPERFRAME This setting determines how many smaller "heartbeat" packets the server sends per frame, containing only essential network information and player inputs. These packets are less costly for the server to send but offer limited benefits in improving gameplay performance. The impact of this setting can vary depending on the server’s configuration and network conditions, so it’s recommended to experiment with different values to find the optimal balance for your specific situation.2 60
TM_SYSTEM_PACKETASSEMBLY_FULLPACKETSPERFRAME This setting defines how many full data packets the server prepares and sends to clients per frame. Each packet includes game mode options, checkpoint times, and other relevant data. Preparing these packets is resource-intensive because the server must analyze all changes since the last packet and decide what information to send to each player. If the setting is too low, it can create a "virtual ping," as players might experience an artificial delay in receiving updates. Therefore, it’s essential to balance this setting to optimize server performance and client experience without overloading the server.2 30
TM_SYSTEM_DELAYEDVISUALS_S2C_SENDINGRATE This setting determines the frequency at which the server sends player position data to all clients when CrudeExtrapolation is enabled. Adjusting this rate affects the visual display of opponents in the game. While a higher rate can make player movements appear smoother, it can also increase the server's bandwidth usage. If performance issues arise or optimization is needed, consider lowering this rate first, as the visual display of opponents is less critical than gameplay mechanics.2 32
TM_SYSTEM_TRUSTCLIENTSIMU_C2S_SENDINGRATE This setting controls how often clients send their physics simulation results and inputs to the server. A higher rate ensures smoother physics calculations by reducing the wait time for player inputs, leading to a more responsive game experience. However, this comes at the cost of increased server bandwidth usage and higher client CPU demand due to packet compression. A balance must be struck to optimize both gameplay quality and resource usage, as beyond a certain point, further increasing the rate yields minimal gameplay benefits while significantly increasing resource consumption.2 64
TM_SYSTEM_FORCE_IP_ADDRESS Forces the server to bind to a specific IP address and port (e.g.,
TM_SYSTEM_BIND_IP_ADDRESS Specifies the IP address that the server should bind to for incoming connections.
TM_SYSTEM_USE_NAT_UPNP If True, allows the server to use NAT traversal via UPnP for better connectivity in complex network setups.
TM_SYSTEM_XMLRPC_ALLOWREMOTE If True, permits the server to accept external connections via XML-RPC for remote management and integration. False4
TM_SYSTEM_BLACKLIST_URL URL pointing to a remote blacklist of banned players, which the server uses to enforce bans.
TM_SYSTEM_GUESTLIST_FILENAME The filename of the guest list, which contains users who are allowed special access or privileges on the server.
TM_SYSTEM_BLACKLIST_FILENAME The filename of the blacklist, containing the names of players who are banned from the server.
TM_SYSTEM_DISABLE_COHERENCE_CHECKS If True, disables the built-in anti-cheat measures, allowing more flexibility but less security. False
TM_SYSTEM_DISABLE_REPLAY_RECORDING If True, disables the recording of replays, potentially improving performance but losing gameplay records. False
TM_SYSTEM_SAVE_ALL_INDIVIDUAL_RUNS If True, saves the replay of each individual player's run, useful for detailed analysis and reviews. False
TM_DEDICATED_CFG Specifies a custom server configuration file to use instead of the default settings. dedicated_cfg.txt
TM_GAME_SETTINGS Specifies a custom match settings file to use, allowing detailed control over game rules and behavior. default.txt
PROMETHEUS_ENABLE If True, enables the Prometheus exporter for monitoring the server, providing performance metrics and stats. False
PROMETHEUS_PORT The network port on which the Prometheus exporter listens for requests, used for gathering server metrics. 9000
PROMETHEUS_SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD The SuperAdmin password required by the Prometheus exporter to authenticate and access the server metrics if the default was changed. SuperAdmin
PROMETHEUS_INTERVAL The frequency, in seconds, at which the Prometheus exporter collects metrics from the Trackmania server. 15


Prometheus Exporter

The image contains a small (~6MB) prometheus exporter. It can be enabled through the PROMETHEUS_ENABLE variable. The container will then expose metrics about the TrackMania server on port 9000.

Example output:

# HELP trackmania_player_count Current player count by type.
# TYPE trackmania_player_count gauge
trackmania_player_count{type="online"} 8.0
trackmania_player_count{type="spectating"} 0.0
trackmania_player_count{type="driving"} 8.0
# HELP trackmania_moderation_count Current players count being moderated by type.
# TYPE trackmania_moderation_count gauge
trackmania_moderation_count{type="banned"} 1.0
trackmania_moderation_count{type="blacklisted"} 1.0
trackmania_moderation_count{type="guestlisted"} 0.0
trackmania_moderation_count{type="ignored"} 0.0
# HELP trackmania_player_count_mean The mean value of the player count.
# TYPE trackmania_player_count_mean gauge
trackmania_player_count_mean 6.0
# HELP trackmania_server_uptime Time since the TrackMania server has started in seconds.
# TYPE trackmania_server_uptime gauge
trackmania_server_uptime 459307.0
# HELP trackmania_connection_count Total connections made to the TrackMania server.
# TYPE trackmania_connection_count gauge
trackmania_connection_count 1397.0
# HELP trackmania_connection_time_mean The mean value of the connection time in ms.
# TYPE trackmania_connection_time_mean gauge
trackmania_connection_time_mean 2041.0
# HELP trackmania_net_rate_recv Connection rate inbound in kbps.
# TYPE trackmania_net_rate_recv gauge
trackmania_net_rate_recv 137.0
# HELP trackmania_net_rate_send Connection rate outbound in kbps.
# TYPE trackmania_net_rate_send gauge
trackmania_net_rate_send 76.0
# HELP trackmania_maps_count Amount of maps the server currently has loaded.
# TYPE trackmania_maps_count gauge
trackmania_maps_count 99.0
# HELP trackmania_player_max Max configured amount of players the server can hold.
# TYPE trackmania_player_max gauge
trackmania_player_max{type="players"} 150.0
trackmania_player_max{type="spectators"} 32.0


If you have any questions, issues, bugs or suggestions, don't hesitate and open an Issue! You can also join our Discord for questions.

You may also help with development by creating a pull request.


  1. Default values are specific to this Docker image setup and may differ from those provided by the official TrackMania server from Ubisoft Nadeo.

  2. More information to this can be gathered from the Trackmania Wiki page about the Dedicated Config. 2 3 4 5 6 7

  3. If not set, the TrackMania server may report its internal Docker IP address to the master server, which can prevent external users from connecting to it.

  4. Setting this to True allows only other Docker containers, such as server controllers like EvoSC or PyPlanet, to connect to the XML-RPC interface, not public external connections.


Repository of the Trackmania (2020) server docker images.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 63.2%Language:Python 27.6%Language:Dockerfile 9.2%