Evizero / ISICArchive.jl

Julia package to interact with the ISIC Archive REST API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Status: Inactive - The project has reached a stable, usable state but is no longer being actively developed; support/maintenance will be provided as time allows. License Build Status

A Julia package to interact with the ISIC Archive REST API.


You can clone the package from Github

using ISICArchive

Getting Started

The following API calls are supported



List of available lesion datasets.

dataset_list = get(DatasetListRequest(limit = 5))
5-element Array{ISICArchive.ListEntry,1}:
 ISIC_MSK-1_1: id = 5627f42b9fc3c132be08d84f, updated = 2015-10-21T20:33:21
 ISIC_MSK-2_1: id = 5627f5f69fc3c132be08d852, updated = 2015-10-21T20:33:29
 ISIC_SONIC_1: id = 5627eefe9fc3c132be08d84c, updated = 2015-10-21T20:01:02
 ISIC_UDA-1_1: id = 54b6e869bae4785ee2be8652, updated = 2014-11-10T02:39:56
 ISIC_UDA-2_1: id = 54ea816fbae47871b5e00c80, updated = 2015-03-06T14:54:30


Details of a lesion image dataset.

# info = get(DatasetMetadataRequest(id = "5627f42b9fc3c132be08d84f"))
info = get(DatasetMetadataRequest(dataset_list[1]))
  .name: ISIC_MSK-1_1
  .id: 5627f42b9fc3c132be08d84f
  .modelType: folder
  .creatorId: 54cb974fbae47819d8e4c727
  .created: 2015-06-30T14:48:42
  .updated: 2015-10-21T20:33:21

Moles and melanomas.
Biopsy-confirmed melanocytic lesions, both malignant and benign.



List of available images in a lesion datasets.

# image_list = get(ImageListRequest(datasetId = "5627f42b9fc3c132be08d84f", limit = 5))
# image_list = get(ImageListRequest(info, limit = 5))
image_list = get(ImageListRequest(dataset_list[1], limit = 5))
5-element Array{ISICArchive.ListEntry,1}:
 ISIC_0011408: id = 5592ac579fc3c13155a57a80, updated = 2015-11-06T15:08:47
 ISIC_0011409: id = 5592ac599fc3c13155a57a85, updated = 2015-09-03T12:24:51
 ISIC_0011420: id = 5592ac779fc3c13155a57abc, updated = 2015-09-03T12:31:02
 ISIC_0011426: id = 5592ac899fc3c13155a57ada, updated = 2015-09-03T12:33:28
 ISIC_0011427: id = 5592ac8c9fc3c13155a57adf, updated = 2015-08-28T13:45:31


Details of an image.

# img_info = get(ImageMetadataRequest(id = "5592ac579fc3c13155a57a80"))
img_info = get(ImageMetadataRequest(image_list[1]))
  .name: ISIC_0011408
  .id: 5592ac579fc3c13155a57a80
  .modelType: item
  .creatorId: 54cb974fbae47819d8e4c727
  .created: 2015-06-30T14:48:55
  .updated: 2015-11-06T15:08:47
  .class: benign



Download a thumbnail of an image

# img = get(ImageThumbnailRequest(id = "5592ac579fc3c13155a57a80"))
# img = get(ImageThumbnailRequest(img_info))
img = get(ImageThumbnailRequest(image_list[1]))
RGB Images.Image with:
  data: 255x170 Array{ColorTypes.RGB{FixedPointNumbers.UFixed{UInt8,8}},2}
    colorspace: sRGB
    spatialorder:  x y


Download the high-quality version of an image

# img = get(ImageDownloadRequest(id = "5592ac579fc3c13155a57a80"))
# img = get(ImageDownloadRequest(img_info))
img = get(ImageDownloadRequest(image_list[1]))
RGB Images.Image with:
  data: 6668x4439 Array{ColorTypes.RGB{FixedPointNumbers.UFixed{UInt8,8}},2}
    colorspace: sRGB
    spatialorder:  x y


This Julia code of ISICArchive.jl is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.

Please note and respect that the content of ISIC Archive is protected under is own license.


Julia package to interact with the ISIC Archive REST API



Language:Julia 100.0%