EvanZhouDev / dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


These dotfiles have been built from the ground up with modern standards and 3 goals: Speed, simplicity, and elegance.

The goal of this repository is to provide inspiration for your own dotfiles, and not necessary just a copy-paste solution. As such, I've tried to document the reason I install everything, instead of simply what I installed. This should give you a basis to cherry-pick the features you want, and leave the rest that you don't need.

What's Included?

A quick list of all the configurations that are in this repo, and why I chose the tools I did:

Karabiner Elements

A powerful keyboard remapping tool that allows me to remap keys on my keyboard to make it more comfortable to use.

What's Remapped:

  • The Caps Lock key has been rebound to the Hyper key, which is essentially all the modifiers combined, serving as an additional modifier key.
  • The Hyper key, when used with P, N, W, and A have been remapped to Control, to suit use with nvim and tmux

Kitty Terminal

Why Kitty?

ZSH Shell

I mainly chose ZSH because it's more customizable than Bash, and it's also the default shell for macOS now.

I have decided to opt-out of a package manager, mainly because of my small amount of plugins, and the speed bonus that comes with not having a package manager.

This config loads in under a quarter of a second on my M1 MacBook Air.

Here's what I have installed:

  • Powerlevel10k Prompt: Enables transient prompt, to reduce clutter
  • Pure Theme: A super clean theme that displays only the necessary info
  • ZSH Syntax Highlight: Shows syntax errors before I run the command
  • Zoxide: Making directory navigation faster and easier


This Neovim configuration is completely custom-built, on the Lazy plugin manager.

There's a ton of things in there, so check out the .config/nvim/README.md for more info.


More comprehensive installation instructions coming soon!

To install these dotfiles, simply clone the repo, and run stow ..

As I have explained in the start, I still strongly recommend cherry-picking features that you like! It's always more beneficial to build the config yourself, rather than copying it completely from someone else.



Language:Lua 96.8%Language:Shell 3.2%