EvanKepner / mutatest

Python mutation testing: test your tests! Safely run mutation trials without source code modifications and see what will get past your test suite.

Home Page:https://mutatest.readthedocs.io/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

mutatest: Python mutation testing

Are you confident in your tests? Try out mutatest and see if your tests will detect small modifications (mutations) in the code. Surviving mutations represent subtle changes that are undetectable by your tests. These mutants are potential modifications in source code that continuous integration checks would miss.



Install from PyPI:

$ pip install mutatest

Install from conda-forge:

$ conda install -c conda-forge mutatest

Example Output

This is an output example running mutation trials against the API Tutorial example folder example folder.

$ mutatest -s example/ -t "pytest" -r 314

Running clean trial
2 mutation targets found in example/a.py AST.
1 mutation targets found in example/b.py AST.
Setting random.seed to: 314
Total sample space size: 2
10 exceeds sample space, using full sample: 2.

Starting individual mutation trials!
Current target location: a.py, LocIndex(ast_class='BinOp', lineno=6, col_offset=11, op_type=<class '_ast.Add'>)
Detected mutation at example/a.py: (6, 11)
Detected mutation at example/a.py: (6, 11)
Surviving mutation at example/a.py: (6, 11)
Break on survival: stopping further mutations at location.

Current target location: b.py, LocIndex(ast_class='CompareIs', lineno=6, col_offset=11, op_type=<class '_ast.Is'>)
Detected mutation at example/b.py: (6, 11)
Running clean trial

Mutatest diagnostic summary
 - Source location: /home/user/Github/mutatest/docs/api_tutorial/example
 - Test commands: ['pytest']
 - Mode: s
 - Excluded files: []
 - N locations input: 10
 - Random seed: 314

Random sample details
 - Total locations mutated: 2
 - Total locations identified: 2
 - Location sample coverage: 100.00 %

Running time details
 - Clean trial 1 run time: 0:00:00.348999
 - Clean trial 2 run time: 0:00:00.350213
 - Mutation trials total run time: 0:00:01.389095

Trial Summary Report:

Overall mutation trial summary
 - RUN DATETIME: 2019-10-17 16:57:08.645355

Detected mutations:

 - example/a.py: (l: 6, c: 11) - mutation from <class '_ast.Add'> to <class '_ast.Sub'>
 - example/a.py: (l: 6, c: 11) - mutation from <class '_ast.Add'> to <class '_ast.Mod'>
 - example/b.py: (l: 6, c: 11) - mutation from <class '_ast.Is'> to <class '_ast.IsNot'>

Surviving mutations:

 - example/a.py: (l: 6, c: 11) - mutation from <class '_ast.Add'> to <class '_ast.Mult'>


For full documentation, including installation, CLI references, API references, and tutorials, please see https://mutatest.readthedocs.io/en/latest/. The project is hosted on PyPI at https://pypi.org/project/mutatest/.


Please use the GitHub issue tracker to submit bugs or request features. See the Contributing Guidelines if you are interested in submitting code in the form of pull requests.


Consult the Changelog page for fixes and enhancements of each version.


Copyright Evan Kepner 2018-2020.

Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, mutatest is free and open source software.


Python mutation testing: test your tests! Safely run mutation trials without source code modifications and see what will get past your test suite.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%