EthioMarketPlace / EMP-Post-Management-Bot

EMP Telegram bot, that users use to register their products and integrate their channels.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EMP Post Management Bot


  • Create your own Telegram bot for development purposes
  • Setup mongoDB localy

⚡️ Environmental Variables

  • BOT_TOKEN=<create your own telegram bot for development>
  • MONGO_URL=mongodb://
    • Setup your mongo DB server locally
  • API=

⚡️ Explanation of the main folders and files:

  • src/: This is where most of your code will reside.
  • commands/: Contains the logic for each user command or action.
  • middleware/: Middleware functions for global processing and tracking.
  • config: different configurations like mongodb, dotenv.
  • models/: Define your data models (e.g., User, Product) using TypeScript interfaces or classes.
  • services/: Business logic services that handle interactions with the database, cache, external channels, etc.
  • utils/: Utility functions used throughout the application.
  • index.ts: Entry point of your bot's application.

⚡️ Rule and Regulation of contribution:

Writing Test Cases:

  • All code changes and new features must be accompanied by comprehensive unit tests.
  • Test cases should cover different scenarios, edge cases, and expected outcomes.
  • Regularly review and update test cases as the codebase evolves.

Code and Documentation:

  • Adhere to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles when designing and implementing code.
  • Follow SOLID principles to create modular, maintainable, and extensible code.
  • Use meaningful variable and function names to enhance code readability.
  • Include comments to document the purpose and functionality of functions, classes, and important code segments.

Branching and Testing:

  • Every new feature, bug fix, or enhancement should be developed on a separate branch.
  • Include a descriptive name for each branch that reflects the purpose of the changes.
  • Each branch must include relevant unit tests that validate the feature's functionality.
  • Test your code locally before creating a pull request to ensure it works as intended.

Code Review:

  • Before merging a branch into the main codebase, it must undergo a code review.
  • Code reviews help ensure code quality, consistency, and adherence to coding standards.
  • Address feedback and make necessary changes based on the code review process.


EMP Telegram bot, that users use to register their products and integrate their channels.


Language:TypeScript 99.5%Language:JavaScript 0.5%