EthicalSource / open-social-compact-template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Open Social Compact - Template Repository

This repository is designed as a starting point for digital communities to establish a "citizenship model" tailored to their particular needs and contexts.

What problem are we trying to solve?

A code of conduct makes a community's norms and values explicit and enforceable. Governance makes decision-making within a community explicit and accountable. A license makes the conditions of adoption and reuse of the community's work explicit and legally binding.

What's missing is "connective tissue" bringing norms, governance, adoptions, and use together into a cohesive whole, supported by a robust ethical framework that promotes just, equitable, and pro-social outcomes in the work of our open source communities.

About the Open Social Compact

The Open Social Compact lets communities define the fundamental rights of all their participants; the specific responsibilities that participants have toward the community; and the privileges that are extended to participants who respect these rights and meet these responsibilities.

The Open Social Compact will also provide an innovative model for centering and elevating the safety and well-being not only of maintainers, collaborators, adopters, and users, but– most importantly– the safety and well-being of those who are most impacted by technologies we create, whether explicitly or implicitly, directly or indirectly, consensually or coercively.


How to use this repository


How to adopt the Open Social Compact for your community


Maintaining your OSC in a public git repository


Maintaining your OSC on a dedicated static site



Link to FAQ on official OSC website

About the Open Social Compact

Link to About page on official OSC website

How to support this project

Link to dedicated OSC open collective project

About the Organization for Ethical Source

We are a global community of open source maintainers and contributors, tech ethicists and advocates, legal experts, academics, sociologists, human rights workers, and others who work together on ways to center justice and equity in the software commons.

OES stewards the continuing development of Contributor Covenant and developed the Hippocratic License, both examples of innovative policy instruments specifically designed to meet the evolving needs of open source communities. You can find out more about us at

