EtharAlali / commits-n-crosses

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Commits N Crosses

Game Board:

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Player X: Ethar 1

Player O: Ethar 2

Both players should clone the repository:

git clone<username>/<reponame>.git
cd <reponame>

Once in the repository directory, both players should set their config file to identify themselves to Git:

git config "<>"
git config "<user name>"	

And to save typing the password with every push, both players should tell Git to remember it:

git config credential.helper store

Player 1 should create a new local branch, and check it out

git branch game1
git checkout game1

Player 1 then makes a move.

To make the first move Player 1 should open in a text editor, add the player names, make the first move, and save. Once the change is saved, Player 1 should stage it for committing, commit it, and push to the remote:

git add .
git commit -m "some witty comment"
git push -u origin game1

Enter password when prompted. If it's on the command line, there will be no output when you type, just hit enter once you've typed it.

After the first move, Player 2 should fetch the changes, and check out the game branch.

git fetch
git checkout game1

Player 2 can see the commit message using:

git show

If there is no command prompt after viewing git show, pressing "q" will exit the viewer.

Player 2 should then open the in a text editor to see their opponent's first move. They should then make a move in the same way Player 1 did, committing and pushing to the remote.

After the initial move, once both players have checked out the game branch, they can see their opponents move after they have committed and pushed by pulling changes:

git pull

And using show to view the commit message

git show

Reopen and view their opponent's move, make their own move and save. Then the players should share the move by staging, comitting and pushing:

git add .
git commit -m "another comment"
git push origin game1

Each player should repeat the pull, change, stage, commit and push steps until someone wins the game.

To start a new game Player 2 checks out master branch, creates a new branch, checks it out and continues as Player 1 did with the first move:

git checkout master
git branch game2
git checkout game2

Begin again!
