EthanDai / angular-easyfb

Super easy AngularJS + Facebook JavaScript SDK.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AngularJS + Facebook JavaScript SDK.


  • Full Facebook JavaScript SDK support
  • Seemless FB SDK initialization(asynchronouslly load script and FB.init)
  • All SDK API callbacks are automatically applied with AngularJS context
  • Bundled a handy directive for parsing Facebook XFBML plugins dynamically
  • Support both callback and $q promise


Getting started

Include the angular-easyfb module with AngularJS script in your page.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>

Add ezfb to your app module's dependency.

angular.module('myApp', ['ezfb']);

Install with Bower

bower install angular-easyfb


$FB service


getInitParams / setInitParams

Configure paramters for the original FB.init with $FBProvider.setInitParams. (See also $FB.init)


.config(function ($FBProvider) {
    // This is my FB app id for plunker demo app
    appId: '386469651480295'
getLocale / setLocale

Configure the locale of the original FB script file. Default locale is en_US.


.config(function ($FBProvider) {


In the case that you don't want to(or you can't) configure your FB.init parameters in configuration block, you may use $FB.init in run block. And any $FB API call will not run until $FB.init is called.


.run(function ($FB) {
    // This is my FB app id for plunker demo app
    appId: '386469651480295'

using $FB

This is the original FB wrapping service, all FB.* APIs are available through $FB.*.

No need to worry about FB script loading and Angular context applying at all.


 * Inject into controller
.controller('MainCtrl', function ($FB) {
   * Origin: FB.getLoginStatus
  $FB.getLoginStatus(function (res) {
    $scope.loginStatus = res;

    (more || angular.noop)();

   * Origin: FB.api
  $FB.api('/me', function (res) {
    $scope.apiMe = res;

Watch the demo to see it in action.

$q promise support

Support of $q promise create more possibility for $FB service.

Only the APIs with callback support returning promise.

Combine multiple api calls
.then(function (rsvList) {
  // result of api('/me')

  // result of api('/me/likes')
Convenient view integration (deprecated in AngularJS 1.2.0-rc3)
 * In controller
$ = $FB.getLoginStatus()
  .then(function () { 
    return $FB.api('/me');
<!-- In view template -->
<p>{{ }}</p>


<p>Robin Fan</p>

Watch the promise version api demo to see them in action.

ezfb-xfbml directive

<ANY ezfb-xfbml[="{expression}"]
   {XFBML content}

Simply put XFBML contents inside the directive.

<!-- an embedded post plugin -->
<div class="tab" ng-if="currentTab == 'Embedded Posts'" ezfb-xfbml>
  <div class="fb-post" 

ezfb-xfbml paramater

The directive itself may work as an reload trigger, it will reload directive contents when ezfb-xfbml evaluates as true.

Moreover, it'll try to reset ezfb-xfbml value to false after reload triggered(if the value is fed through an scope variable rather than an expression).

<!-- button for triggering reload -->
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="model.reloadWidget['Comments'] = true">Trigger reload</button>

<!-- a comments plugin -->
<div class="tab" ng-if="currentTab == 'Comments'" ezfb-xfbml="model.reloadWidget['Comments']">
  <div class="fb-comments" 
       data-href="{{ pageUrl }}" 
       data-width="{{ widgetWidth }}"></div>

onrender parameter

onrender expression will be evaluated every time the ezfb-xfbml target gets rendered(via FB event xfbml.render).

<div class="tab" 
     ezfb-xfbml="model.reloadWidget['Like Button']" 
     onrender="model.renderedWidget = 'Like Button'">
     <div class="fb-like" 
          data-href="{{ pageUrl }}" 
          data-width="{{ widgetWidth }}" 

Watch the demo to see them in action.


See the changelog here.


  • Test
  • Better documentation?


Super easy AngularJS + Facebook JavaScript SDK.

License:MIT License