ErwanDouaille / test-git

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The task is to create a compositor based on Mir

Technical choices

By reading multiple blogs/articles, I found an "user-friendly" api for creating a compositor based on Mir. This library is named Miral. Really easy to use for creating a simple compositor. I was able to get my first window with miral after few minutes.

I decided to get all applications with fullscreen by modifying the place_new_window and handle_modify_window (personnal choice).

The window manager policy also include a set of shortcuts such as :

  • alt + tab : focus next application
  • alt + F4 : close current applicaiton
  • alt + shift + F8 : print count application
  • alt + shift + F9 : print applications informations

The MirRunner comes with shortcuts as well :

  • ctrl + alt + shift + backspace : stop MirRunner
  • ctrl + alt + shift + G : launch gedit
  • ctrl + alt + shift + X : launch xfce4-terminal

I lost a lot of time trying to get my own wallpaper class. Without success I decided to re-use egmde classes and make it works in few minutes. I had issues trying to get wayland surface trough miral api. I tried to found a solution but api is quite opaque ...

Souce code explanations


A simple CMakelist, I added the miral module plus freetype, wayland_client and boost for the printer and wallpaper.


The main file is composed of a a MirRunner. An internal launcher allowing us to launch application from our mir compositor. An external launcher allowing us to handle external application inside our compositor, tested with : WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-99 xfce4-terminal.

A wallpaper class : erwanTest::Wallpaper wallpaper; runner.add_stop_callback([&] { wallpaper.stop(); });\

At startup with a Configuration option gedit is launch. auto run_startup_apps = [&](std::string const& apps)

The event filter allow us to launch applications and quit the current mir session. AppendEventFilter event_filter{[&](MirEvent const* event)

MirRunner class is run with multiple options composed of what is describe above.

erwan_window_management h/cpp

ErwanWindowManagement handle the behavior of windows and inputs. Inherit from CanonicalWindowManagerPolicy virtual class.

I removed the touch event because I don't need it.

I added events filter inside this function : handle_keyboard_event I tried to print and play with workspace and trees (removed) but AFAIK there is one session with one default workspace and I didn't succeed switching between multiple workspace even if they were created by myself.

Inside functions place_new_window and handle_modify_window I forced the fullscreen state for all windows.

erwan_wallpaper h/cpp

Copied from [3]. Needed for the wallpaper.

printer h/cpp

Copied from [3]. Needed for the text on top of the wallpaper.


Copied from [3]. Needed for the wallpaper/printer. I simply removed a depency with xkb because I don't need it.

Ressources :

  1. Developing a Wayland Compositor using Mir
  2. Egmde: Wayland reboot
  3. Egmde Alan Griffiths github repo
  4. Miral github repository
  5. Blog mir
  6. Mir documentation
  7. MirServer github repository
