Err-G / libft

42porto libft implementation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Libft is the inaugural project of the Common Core curriculum, designed to create a robust and tested library of essential C functions. Rigorous testing is essential as this library will serve as a foundation for future projects. The code is intended to be correct, concise, and easily understandable for maintenance and expansion.


Part 1 - Libc functions

Function Description Status
ft_isdigit Check if the character is a digit
ft_isalnum Check if the character is alphanumeric
ft_isascii Verify if the character belongs to the ASCII table
ft_isprint Check if the character is printable
ft_strlen Return the length of a string
ft_memset Fill a memory area with a specific byte
ft_bzero Set the first n bytes of a memory area to zero
ft_memcpy Copy a memory area to another
ft_memmove Move a memory area to another
ft_strlcpy Copy a string, ensuring a maximum size
ft_strlcat Concatenate two strings, ensuring a maximum size
ft_toupper Convert a character to uppercase
ft_tolower Convert a character to lowercase
ft_strchr Locate the first occurrence of a character in a string
ft_strrchr Locate the last occurrence of a character in a string
ft_strncmp Compare the first n characters of two strings
ft_memchr Locate the first occurrence of a byte in a memory area
ft_memcmp Compare two memory areas
ft_strnstr Locate a substring in a string with a maximum length
ft_atoi Convert a string to an integer
ft_calloc Allocate a memory area and initialize it with zero
ft_strdup Duplicate an existing string

Part 2 - Additional functions

Function Description Status
ft_substr Return a specific part of a string
ft_strjoin Return the concatenation of two strings
ft_strtrim Remove specific characters from the beginning and end of a string
ft_split Return a null-terminated array of strings separated by a specified separator
ft_itoa Return a string that is the representation of a number
ft_strmapi Return a string where a function is executed for each character of a string
ft_striteri Apply a function to each character of a string
ft_putchar_fd Output a character to the specified file descriptor
ft_putstr_fd Output a string to the specified file descriptor
ft_putendl_fd Output a string terminated in \n to the specified file descriptor
ft_putnbr_fd Output a number to the specified file descriptor

Bonus part

Function Description Status
ft_lstnew Return a new list node
ft_lstadd_front Adds a node at the beginning of the list
ft_lstsize Returns the number of nodes in the list
ft_lstlast Returns the last node of the list
ft_lstadd_back Adds a node at the end of the list
ft_lstdelone Frees a node content by aplying a function to it
ft_lstclear Deletes and frees the given node and every sucessor of that node
ft_lstiter Apply a function to each node of a list
ft_lstmap Return a new list where a function is executed for each node of a list


  • ✅ for implemented functions
  • 🚧 for functions in progress


42porto libft implementation


Language:C 98.7%Language:Makefile 1.3%