Ernar2002 / selenium-ui-test

This is a sample project to automate the smoke testing using Selenium. This project shows how to apply page-object-pattern / model (POM) for Selenium by using Java. TestNG is ued as test framework.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Page Object model Test automation using Selenium with Java, TestNG and Maven

This is a sample project to automate the smoke testing using Selenium. This project shows how to apply page-object-pattern / model (POM) for Selenium by using Java. TestNG is ued as test framework.

Clone this project locally

git clone

If you want to run all tests, you should run: testng.xml


This is a sample project to automate the smoke testing using Selenium. This project shows how to apply page-object-pattern / model (POM) for Selenium by using Java. TestNG is ued as test framework.


Language:Java 56.9%Language:HTML 43.1%