ErnandesAJr / certificate-retriever

🏁 Concluded. A script to create a key pair and ask for certificate signature on dojot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Certificate Retriever

A script to create a key pair and ask for certificate signature on dojot

To use MQTT TLS in Dojot, you need to generate a certificate for each device, sign with EJBCA, making a request to Dojot, and finally when making a publication send the certificates.

Requirements and Dependencies

  • The script works on both Windows and Linux operating systems

  • Python 3+

  • Pyopenssl

    • Installation :
      • Linux: pip3 install pyopenssl
      • Windows : python3 -m pip install pyopenssl
  • PyJWT

    • Installation :
      • Linux: pip3 install PyJWT==1.7.1
      • Windows : python3 -m pip install PyJWT==1.7.1
  • Requests

    • Installation :
      • Linux: pip3 install requests
      • Windows : python3 -m pip install requests

How to use

Initial Notes

  • The value <idDevice> is the device ID.

  • The value <userDojot> is tenant. If not specified, it will be requested by the script as well as the user's password.

  • The URL <http://hostDojot:port> is the address of the dojot. If the host or host is https just do not specify the http.

  • The 8883 port is the MQTT secure port by default, but it could be another depending on the deployment, in dojot's official docker-compose is 8883. In "unsafe" mode is port 1883. To check, just look for an ALLOW_UNSECURED_MODE variable in the docker-compose file. If it has true the port is 1883 and you will not need TLS, that is, certificates.


# Clone the project
git clone

# Enter the "certificate-retriever" folder
computer@name:~/ cd certificate-retriever

# Create the certs folder
computer@name:~/certificate-retriver$ mkdir certs

# Run the script
computer@name:~/certificate-retriver$ python3 <http://hostDojot:port> <idDevice> -u <userDojot>

Example of using the script

# Running the script

computer@name:~/certificate-retriver$ python3 http://localhost:8000 339e11
enter your dojot usrname : admin
enter password for admin :
CA certificates retrieved
admin:339e11.key pair created at ./certs//admin-339e11.key
339e11 certificate signed. Avaliable at ./certs//admin-339e11.crt

# View the generated certificates
# Enter certs folder
computer@name:~/certificate-retriver$ cd certs
# List what is inside the folder
computer@name:~/certificate-retriver/certs$ ls # Or dir if windows
IOTmidCA.crt  admin-339e11.crt  admin-339e11.csr  admin-339e11.key

Example of how to publish with mosquitto_pub with the certificates

# sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients #if necessary

# Enter certs folder # if you are not inside
computer@name:~/certificate-retriver$ cd certs

# Publish to the same device that created the certificate
computer@name:~/certificate-retriver/certs$ mosquitto_pub -h localhost -p 8883 -t /admin/339e11/attrs  -m '{"temperature":10.6.3}' -i admin:339e11 --cert admin-339e11.crt --key admin-339e11.key --cafile IOTmidCA.crt -d
Client admin:339e11 sending CONNECT
Client admin:339e11 received CONNACK (0)
Client admin:339e11 sending PUBLISH (d0 ,q0, r0, m1, 'admin/339e11/attrs', ... (20 bytes))
Client admin:339e11 sending DISCONNECT


🏁 Concluded. A script to create a key pair and ask for certificate signature on dojot


Language:Python 100.0%