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Company:University of Sydney

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Erjian96's repositories


The high brightness and dark parts of videos are compressed and lost during the transmitting by the traditional standard dynamic range (SDR). The high dynamic range (HDR) has gained more and more attention, because it can faithfully restore the high brightness and dark parts of grayscale and color level. In order to realize the conversion and coding of HDR of videos, a PQ codec is written on the basis of H.265 in C language and the functions of pre-coding and post-decoding are added. The pre-coding process is divided into Perceptual Quantization (PQ) curve photoelectric conversion, RGB and YCbCr mutual conversion, quantification, sampling. The post-decoding process is inverse process of pre-coded, which includes upper sampling, anti-quantization, color space conversion, perceptual quantification. The core of codec is to use the PQ curve to transform the optical signal into electrical signal nonlinearly, thus expanding the dynamic reproduction range of the traditional transmission system. Finally, decoding videos can realize the whole brightness dynamic range, which is visible to the human eye.


Used python to code the client and server side of the software on Visual Studio by combining the database SQLite3 Collected images from cameras or abstracted local files and realized images processing by operation orders to the server through socket transmission and corresponding functions from OpenCV Called the OpenCV to process image effects to achieve color to black and white, edge detection and face recognition, and can use the database to inquire, increase or decrease users Honed development techniques in C/S construction and exercised the server construction and programming methods



This is a machine learning project. It is designed by Erjian Guo and Tianyue Xing.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


C code to convert BMP to YUV

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


Utilized C#, combined with the database, to write the framework, and then conducted programming on Visual Studio Designed a software with these features including registration, login verification, posters and movie information of uploading database, and used the approximate picture poster, author name, movie name to conduct related movie search Accumulated computer graphics skills, such as image search algorithms, histogram extraction of color features and similarity matching of Euclidean distances



A Transferable and Multiple Consistency aided Fundus Image Enhancement Framework



This is a report and code of YUV to RGB
