EppingForestPipeBand / EppingForestPipeBand.github.io

The Epping Forest Pipe Band website

Home Page:https://efpb.org

Repository from Github https://github.comEppingForestPipeBand/EppingForestPipeBand.github.ioRepository from Github https://github.comEppingForestPipeBand/EppingForestPipeBand.github.io

Epping Forest Pipe Band Website

Deploy Status Built with Jekyll License: MIT

The official website for the Epping Forest Pipe Band

Table of Contents


This is the official website for the Epping Forest Pipe Band, built using Jekyll and based on the Multiverse template. The site showcases our band's activities, history, and gallery.

A Brief History of Our Website

  • 2004: The late, great Alan Ronaldson created our first site at epping-forest-pipe-band.com using “ntlworld homepage”.
  • 2006: We moved to efpb.org, the site was rebuilt from scratch in raw HTML.
  • 2011: The site transitioned to WordPress, improving content management.
  • 2018: We upgraded to a more polished version of WordPress.
  • 2025: The fifth iteration arrives—hosted on GitHub Pages with a renewed focus on the band’s life and work.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

As far as we are aware, we are the only Bagpipe band in the world who practices Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for our website. We use GitHub Actions to automatically build and deploy the site when changes are pushed to the main branch, and we do not use feature branches. This means that the website is always up-to-date and reflects the latest changes. If you belong to a Bagpipe band that also uses CI/CD, please let us know in an issue!

We have the following jobs in GitHub Actions:

  1. deploy.yml - builds the site and deploys it to GitHub Pages
  2. analyse_workflows.yml - analyzes GitHub workflow files for security and best practices using zizmor


The deploy.yml job is triggered by,

  • a push to the main branch.

This ensures that the site is rebuilt when there are any changes. If there are any changes to the assets/images/fulls directory, image thumbnails are also generated.

Analyse Workflows

The analyse_workflows.yml job is triggered by,

  • a push to the main branch of the .github/workflows directory.
  • a schedule of once a month at 00:00 UTC.

This ensures that the workflows are analysed for security and best practices whenever they are changed and also once a month to check for any new security vulnerabilities since we last made changes.


This project uses Jekyll. To install:

Install dependencies

bundle install

Serve locally

bundle exec jekyll serve


Adding Images

  1. Place full-size images in assets/images/fulls/
  2. Create a new file in _images/ with the same name (e.g., 01.md)
  3. Add frontmatter:
title: Image Title
caption: Image Description

Thumbnails will be automatically generated by GitHub Actions when you push to the repository.

Images are stored in assets/images/fulls/ and thumbnails are stored in assets/images/thumbs/. All images are visible on the Archive page at https://efpb.org/archive. This is generated by the thumbnails job in the deploy.yml workflow.

Updating Content

  • Main configuration in _config.yml
  • Social media links in _config.yml under social:
  • Contact email in _config.yml under email: - should be an @efpb.org email address


Regular Tasks

  1. Update images in gallery
  2. Check and update social media links

Build Process

  • Site automatically builds when pushed to main branch
  • Thumbnails are automatically generated via GitHub Actions when images are added to assets/images/fulls/*


Membership Action
Non-members We will gladly accept any contributions to the site. Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes. We will review and merge them as soon as possible.
Members Please submit an issue to request an organisation invite. Once you have been invited, you will be able to push directly to the main branch.

Code of Conduct

When contributing to this repository, please remember this traditional Scottish saying:

We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairns.

This means that we are all the same, and we should treat each other with respect and kindness.

Additionally, as we are open source, everything here is public, so dinnae write anything ye widnae want your Granny tae read!

Contacting Us

Request Action
Technical; code, website, bug reports, feature requests Submit an issue
Anything else; general enquiries, joining or hiring the band Email secretary@efpb.org


  • HTML5 UP for the Multiverse template
  • joaomlneto for the Jekyll implementation
  • All band members!


Code is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

Everything else is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The Epping Forest Pipe Band website


License:MIT License


Language:SCSS 40.6%Language:CSS 36.6%Language:JavaScript 14.5%Language:HTML 7.4%Language:Ruby 0.9%