Epicheat / Exam-C-tek-2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tek 2 - C exam

If you are using this code in machine test, you can't have a note different of 21.
The script cheatC.sh will parse the subject and generate code for all the exercices.
Some subjects files are in subjects directory, they are real subjects used during real machine tests. You can use them to try the cheatC.sh script.

Use it in exam partition

To use it during a test, you can simply do the following from your std partition:

su root
mkdir /exam
mount /dev/sda6 /exam
mkdir /exam/cheat
cp . /exam/cheat/exam-c-tek-2 -R
umount /exam
rmdir /exam

Then, during a test, all this code will be in /cheat

Parser Usage

./cheatC.sh path/to/subject
     _     FUCK YOU EPITECH    _
    |_|                       |_|
    | |         /^^^\         | |
   _| |_      (| "o" |)      _| |_
 _| | | | _    (_---_)    _ | | | |_
| | | | |' |    _| |_    | `| | | | |
|          |   /     \   |          |
 \        /  / /(. .)\ \  \        /
   \    /  / /  | . |  \ \  \    /
     \  \/ /    ||Y||    \ \/  /
      \__/      || ||      \__/
                () ()
                || ||
               ooO Ooo

<3 karim



Language:C 92.8%Language:Shell 6.3%Language:Makefile 0.9%