EpiXCoder / Go_Static_Analyzer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Static Analyzer

Go Report Card

Static Analyzer is a command-line tool that scans Go code repositories for common security vulnerabilities. It helps developers identify insecure coding patterns before they reach production, ensuring better security for Go applications.


  • Repository Cloning: Automatically fetches and clones repositories from a specified GitHub user or organization, with the option to clone either the latest 10 repositories or all repositories.
  • Code Analysis: Parses Go files to inspect their syntax trees for insecure patterns.
  • Pattern Detection: Flags insecure code, including:
    • Hardcoded Credentials: Detects suspicious string literals that may contain passwords, secrets, or API keys.
    • Insecure HTTP URLs: Identifies unsafe HTTP URLs used in network requests.
    • Command Injection: Flags usage of functions that may allow shell command injection.

How to Use

  1. Build the Analyzer: Compile the project to produce the binary:

    go build -o static-analyzer
  2. Get a GitHub Token: Create a personal access token from GitHub.

    Make sure it's valid and has the necessary permissions, like repo scope for private repositories. Create a new token following these steps:

    1. Go to your GitHub account settings.
    2. Navigate to "Developer Settings" → "Personal Access Tokens".
    3. Generate a new token with the required scopes.
  3. Run the Analyzer: Execute the analyzer with the GitHub username and token:

    ./static-analyzer -org=<github-username> -token=<github-token> [-all]

    Replace <github-username> with the GitHub username to analyze and <github-token> with your access token. The -all flag is optional and will clone all repositories if included. Otherwise, the analyzer will scan 10 most recently updated repos.


    To scan all repos:

    ./static-analyzer -org=my-github-org -token=ghp_xxxxxxx -all

    To scan 10 most recently updated repos:

    ./static-analyzer -org=my-github-org -token=ghp_xxxxxxx
  4. View the Report: The analyzer will output the findings to the console and log them to a file, listing insecure patterns found in the repositories.

Example Output

Found issue in repo1/main.go at line 10: Potential hardcoded credentials
Found issue in repo2/server.go at line 24: Insecure HTTP URL detected
Found issue in repo3/utils.go at line 45: Potential command injection detected

Sample Compromised Program

You can clone this compromised repo to test the program: https://github.com/EpiXCoder/Compromised_Repo


go get github.com/go-git/go-git/v5
go get github.com/google/go-github/v41/github
go get golang.org/x/oauth2


  • The static analyzer is currently set up to clone and analyze all repositories or just the most recent 10.
  • The cloned repositories are saved in a timestamped folder to keep them organized.


License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%