Ephellon / SynQ

SynQ.js - local storage caching/syncing system.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SynQ.js Help

SynQ.js is a local storage caching/syncing system.

Help is also built into SynQ, just use SynQ.help( string:item-name ) or SynQ.help('*').



Synchronizes an element's value, or innerText (priority to value).

  • Usage: <element synq-data>...</element>
  • Interpreted Type: Boolean


Creates a main object (for multiple frames), and is given the highest priority. Also sets the element's [NAME] to its [ID], or [SYNQ-UUID].

  • Usage: <element synq-host=host-name>...</element>
  • Interpreted Type: String


Synchronizes an element's outerHTML.

  • Usage: <element synq-html>...</element>
  • Interpreted Type: Boolean


Delays synchronizing an element. Especially useful for multiple IFRAMEs with access to the parent document.

  • Usage: <element synq-skip=number-of-delays>...</element>
  • Interpreted Type: Number

synq-skip: defaults to 0 if no value is given.


Synchronizes an element's innerHTML.

  • Usage: <element synq-text>...</element>
  • Interpreted Type: Boolean


The UUID that SynQ generates for each synchronized element.

  • Usage: <element synq-uuid=static-uuid>...</element>
  • Interpreted Type: String

synq-uuid: if you set [synq-uuid], all copies of the element (including across frames) will need to have the same value. Otherwise, SynQ will handle this assignment automatically.



Adds an event listener to SynQ's push, pull, pop, clear, broadcast, retrieve, or cage method.

  • Usage: SynQ.addEventListener(event-name, callback)
  • Arguments: String, Function
  • Returns: Number

event-name: push, pull, pop, clear, broadcast, retrieve, or cage.

return: the number of events attached.


Adds data to a global array.

  • Usage: SynQ.append(array-name, data[, key[, delimiter]])
  • Arguments: String, String[, String[, String]]
  • Returns:

key: the password to lock/unlock the data with.


Removes all owned items from storage (related to SynQ).

  • Usage: SynQ.clear([remove-all])
  • Arguments: [Boolean]
  • Returns: Undefined

remove-all: if set to true, will remove all private items too.


Decodes a URL string.

  • Usage: SynQ.decodeURL(URL)
  • Arguments: String
  • Returns: String


Retruns data from the global storage item (see also, 'SynQ.push').

  • Usage: SynQ.download(name[, key])
  • Arguments: String[, String]
  • Returns: String

key: the password to lock/unlock the data with.


The list delimeter for SynQ to use when storing element values.

  • Usage: SynQ.esc = delimeter
  • Types: String


The Event Listener for SynQ (fires automatically from SynQ).

  • Usage: SynQ.eventlistener(event)
  • Arguments: Object
  • Returns: Undefined


Returns data from the local storage storage item.

  • Usage: SynQ.get(name[, key])
  • Arguments: String[, String]
  • Returns: String

key: the password to lock/unlock the data with.


Displays help messages.

  • Usage: SynQ.help(item-name)
  • Arguments: String
  • Returns: String


An array that's used to hold each item's name in the order they're created.

  • Usage: SynQ.last = ['name-1', 'name-2'...]
  • Types: Array


An array that's used to hold each item's name in the order they're created.

  • Usage: SynQ.lastupload = ['name-1', 'name-2'...]
  • Types: Array


Returns the currently owned storage items.

  • Usage: SynQ.list([show-all])
  • Arguments: Boolean
  • Returns: Object

show-all: when set to true, will return private items as well.


Locks and unlocks a string.

  • Usage: SynQ.lock(data, key)
  • Arguments: String, String
  • Returns: String


Packs (encodes) a UTF-16 character, by using two UTF-8 characters.

  • Usage: SynQ.pack16(character[, character])
  • Arguments: Character[, Character]
  • Returns: String

return: if the second character is missing, then the first character will be returned.


Returns an array of function data.

  • Usage: SynQ.parseFunction(function-string)
  • Arguments: String
  • Returns: Array => {0: [function parameters], 1: [function statements], 2: [function name], length: 3}


Returns a number from an SI formatted* string.

  • Usage: SynQ.parseSize(number[, base[, symbol]])
  • Arguments: String[, Number[, String]]
  • Returns: Number

* Does not recognize 'd' (deci), 'h' (hecto) or 'c' (centi)


Returns a URL object.

  • Usage: SynQ.parseURL(URL)
  • Arguments: String
  • Returns: Object => {href, origin, protocol, scheme, username, password, host, port, path, search, searchParameters, hash}


Removes, and returns the item from the local storage.

  • Usage: SynQ.pop([name[, key]])
  • Argumments: [String[, String]]
  • Returns: String

name: the name of the item to fetch. If left empty, will use the name of the last item created. key: the password to lock/unlock the data with.


Used to prevent a value from being used.

  • Usage: SynQ.prevent(variable, illegal-values, error-message[, helper-link])
  • Arguments: (Array|String), (Array|RegExp), String[, String]
  • Returns: Undefined
  • Throws: Error(<message[ + helper-link]>)

helper-link: the word, or phrase used by SynQ.help to display the help message, e.g. SynQ.prevent(null, [null], 'This is an example error', 'example') => "... see SynQ.help('example')".


Returns data from a local storage array.

  • Usage: SynQ.pull(array-name[, key[, delimiter]])
  • Arguments: String[, String[, String]]
  • Returns: Array

key: the password to lock/unlock the data with


Appends data to a local storage array (delimited by SynQ.esc).

  • Usage: SynQ.push(array-name, data[, key])
  • Arguments: String, String[, String]
  • Returns: String

key: the password to lock/unlock the data with


Gets data from a global array.

  • Usage: SynQ.recall(array-name[, key[, delimiter]])
  • Arguments: String[, String[, String]]
  • Returns: Array

key: the password to lock/unlock the data with


Removes a(n) event listener(s).

  • Usage: SynQ.removeEventListener(function-name[, event-name])
  • Arguments: String[, String]
  • Returns: Array | String

event-name: push, pull, pop, clear, broadcast, retrieve, or cage. If left empty, will remove from every event.


Salts (encrypts) a string, usually a password.

  • Usage: SynQ.salt(string)
  • Arguments: String
  • Returns: String


Adds the item to the storage.

  • Usage: SynQ.set(name, data[, key])
  • Arguments: String, String[, String]
  • Returns:

key: the password to lock/unlock the data with.


Hashes a string (think of SHA, or MD5).

  • Usage: SynQ.sign(string[, fidelity-level])
  • Arguments: String[, Float]
  • Returns: String

fidelity-level: determines the size of the returned string. The closer to 1 the level is, the shorter the string.


The UUID of the current page (if use_global_synq_token is undefined), or current domain.

Current Signature: synq://njp494dk4/


  1. Returns the maximum amount of space for the storage (in bytes; 1B = 8b)
  • Usage: SynQ.size()
  • Arguments: NONE
  • Returns: Integer
  1. Returns the SI formatted version of the given number.
  • Usage: SynQ.size(number[base, [symbol]])
  • Arguments: Number[, Number[, String]]
  • Returns: String

base: the base to use, e.g. 1000; default is 1024. symbol: the symbol to append to the returned string, default is 'iB'.


Removes, and returns the item from the global storage (similar to 'SynQ.pop').

  • Usage: SynQ.snip(name[, key])
  • Arguments: String[, String]
  • Returns: String

key: the password to lock/unlock the data with.


The attribute name(s) for elements to update.

  • Usage: SynQ.syn = ['name-1', 'name-2'...]
  • Types: Array | String
  • Default: ["synq-data","synq-text","synq-html","synq-host"]


Triggers all event listeners for an event.

  • Usage: SynQ.triggerEvent(event-name[, data])
  • Arguments: String[, Array]
  • Returns:

data: the arguments to pass onto each listener.


Locks and unlocks a string.

  • Usage: SynQ.unlock(data, key)
  • Arguments: String, String
  • Returns: String


Unpacks (decodes) a UTF-16 character into two UTF-8 characters.

  • Usage: SynQ.unpack16(character)
  • Arguments: Character
  • Returns: String

return: automatically handles UTF-8 characters, and returns the character iteslf.


Adds data to the global storage item (see also, 'SynQ.pull').

  • Usage: SynQ.upload(name[, data[, key]])
  • Arguments: String[, String[, String]]
  • Returns: String

return: a UUID for the data. data: if no data is given, still returns the UUID. key: the password to lock/unlock the data with.


Returns the number of bytes (1B = 8b) in use.

  • Usage: SynQ.used([synq-only])
  • Arguments: [Boolean]
  • Returns: Integer

synq-only: when set to true, will ony return the amount of owned space SynQ is using.


SynQ.js - local storage caching/syncing system.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%