Ephantuz / Ephantuz01

Hi There, this is my Profile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

           Hi there 👋 Buddy, Welcome to my world.  

I have a lot of stuffs to talk about but I Decided to just show you instead What it entails. But before that, let me do my dramatic introduction. This is my GitHub profile and here, it’s where you will find what my world involves and by that, I mean My projects. 😊

             "About me:" 

Ephantus, yep! That’s my name on this world… And am an Engineer, A software Engineer to be precise. I know it’s Title, but I own it here based on my art and wonders I can do. Here, I believe am a mastermind of my art and best of my best. After my senior/high school, I ventured myself into development of softwares and became curious of how systems are designed and developed. How data is kept and retrieved from space, Cloud it’s the name 😊. I was tinkering in between the development process and it took me 3 good years to understand everything I needed.

            "Carrer Profile"

We speak of what one can do here, and me, I develop things from scratch. A Breed hard to find I believe. I’ve mastered my languages and decided what I want. I create systems. Both web Applications to systems applications. I deal with backend (Processing of data), APIs (data flow back to front) to Frond-End (UI and user/customer interface). I’ve also mastered databases, as well as cloud. From Mongo dB Database to AWS server. I started in tech with internships, freelance services, and part-time positions during campus. I have a bit of a diverse job history. I have had some partial positions in help desk, graphics/web design, webapp development, and sysadmin/DevOps. I can help everywhere in the stack. Let's say that I love wearing multiple hats to an extent, well they say “You never know what's coming... "Although my strongest skills are in software engineering and system security, I can work on any similar field or close. A day in my life may consist of: prepping web art, fixing some front-end/back-end bugs, app development, and systems developing and setting up a build or deployment plan and tests when I am lucky.

My Major Skills Are:

| DevOps | PYTHON | NODE | | EXPRESS | REACT{ [js/html/css] } | MongoDB | | Axios | |Redux| |GraphQL| | UX/UI Design  
|  35%   |  68%   | 87%  | |   86%   |        80%             |   59%   | |  53%  | | 48% | |  66%  | |     90%

GitHub Activity Graph trophy

                            - 🔭 I’m currently working on **APIs/Node/React-redux/MongoDB**

                            - 🌱 I’m currently learning **Redux, middlewares, node, algorithms**

                            - 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on **MERN PROJECT**

                            - 🤝 I’m looking for help with **UI & UX**

                            - 💬 Ask me about **react, node, mongoDB, UI & UX**

                            - 📫 How to reach me **litephantus@gmail.com**

                            - ⚡ Fun fact **The first computer virus was created in 1986**

Languages and Tools:

aws azure c circleci express git graphql heroku javascript linux mongodb mysql nodejs postman python react reactnative




github twitter


Hi There, this is my Profile

License:MIT License