Enriique / MashiBot

A bot for Pokemon Showdown using code from both boTTT and Art2D2, as well as some of my own code. Everything goes to their respective owners^-^

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A bot for Pokemon Showdown using code from both boTTT and Art2D2, as well as some of my own code. Everything goes to their respective owners^-^

Required Dependencies

These are required in order to use the APIs!

Note: If you don't know what these are, then skip this part for now

League API: npm install leagueapi

bit.ly API: npm install node-bitlyapi

osu! API: npm install osu-api

request API: npm install request

Setting Up Your Bot

Create An Account

Create an account for your bot on PS, pick a username, and register it with a password of your choice.

Download Files

Download all of these files and put them somewhere on your computer in a folder, preferrable named after your bot.

Download Node.js

To run your bot, you must first download a program called node.js. Once it is downloaded, find Node.js command prompt and run it. In the terminal window that opens up, type npm install and press Enter.

Edit the Config File

First off, you should copy the code in config-example.js into a new file named config.js. Here are a list of things to look over:

  • exports.server should be 'sim.smogon.com' if you plan on connecting to the main PS server
  • exports.port should be 8000 for main PS server
  • exports.serverid should be 'showdown'
  • exports.nick is the username of your bot's account
    • Example: 'MashiBot'
  • exports.pass is the password that you gave to your bot's account
    • Example: 'MashiBotPassword'
  • exports.rooms is the names of the rooms that you want the bot to join
    • Exmaple: 'tech', 'moba', 'thp'
  • exports.privaterooms is the names of private rooms that you want the bot to join
  • exports.commandcharacter is what character you want your bot to use for commands
    • Example: '#'
  • exports.defaultrank is the lowest rank users that are able to use your bot
    • Example: ' ' (would allow any user to use the bot's commands)
  • exports.excepts is the users that can use any command of your bot, no matter their rank
    • Example: 'mashirochan'
  • exports.whitelist is the users that cannot be banned by your bot
    • Example: 'leinfiniti', 'aikachan', 'yoshinokun'
  • exports.botguide is the link to a guide for your bot (I recommend using Pastebin)
    • Example: 'http://pastebin.com/QGrSXCQ3'
  • exports.fork is the link to your bot's GitHub page
    • Example: 'https://github.com/mashirochan/MashiBot'
  • exports.avatarNumber is the number of the avatar that you want your bot to have
    • Example: '155'
Editing the Package File

The package.json lists information about the bot. Some things to change are:

  • "name" is the name of your bot
  • "url" is the link to your bot's GitHub repository
  • "name" the second name is your username

Running Your Bot

To run your bot, run the program Node.js command prompt. Next, find the file path to your bot's folder. For example, mine is saved on my desktop so the file path is "C:\Users\Mashiro\Desktop\MashiBot\Pokemon-Showdown-Bot-master". In the terminal window type cd [your file path], and then press Enter. Next, type node main.js and press Enter again to start your bot. You should see things start to pop up, confirming connection to the server and also the joining of the rooms that it was assigned to join.

Making Commands

Function Overview

The standard syntax for a command function is as follows:

[function name]: function(arg, by, room, con) { [function code] },
  • arg is what is input by a user after the command name
    • Example: For '#test hi', arg would be 'hi'
  • by is the user that said the command
    • Example: If I said '#test', by would be '+Mashiro-chan'
  • room is the room that the command was used in
    • Example: If I was in the Tech & Code room, room would be 'techcode'
  • con is the connection of the bot
Outputting Things

The standard syntax for outputting words and data is as follows:

this.say(con, room, '[text you want to output]');
Restricting Commands
  • To restrict a command to only users of a certain rank, use the hasRank function:
if (!this.hasRank(by, '#~')) return false;

This is saying that if the user that uses the command does not have a rank of # or ~, then return false, ending the function.

  • Another way to check if a user can use a command is the canUse function:
if (!this.canUse('[function name]', room, by)) return false;

There is a command called set which sets the required ranks for commands. What canUse does is takes the user's rank and checks the settings.json file to see if the user has at least the rank that was set with the set command. So for example if the command test was set to @ with set, and the user had a rank of +, canUse would return false, ending the function.

Example Command
say: function(arg, by, room, con) {
		if (!this.canUse('say', room, by)) return false;
		this.say(con, room, arg);

Let's say it's a nice, warm summer day and a user is sitting in their basement on PS, chatting in the Tech & Code room, under the username MashiIsCool3327. Their rank is ~, and the set command was used to set say to #. If they were to type "#say Hello" in the chat, the function would first call the canUse function. by, aka the user, has a rank of ~, which is higher than #, in the room, aka 'techcode', so the function returns true. Since !true is false, the function does not return false and continues. Remember how I told you how to output stuff up above? Well the function uses this.say to output the arg, aka 'Hello', in the room, aka 'techcode'. Spooky!

##Useful Functions There are several functions that make your life as a programmer much, much easier. Some are defined in the bot's code, but most of them are pre-defined functions that are commonly used in JavaScript.


toId is a function that takes in a string parameter and puts it in all lowercase, as well as removes all spaces and anything that isn't a number or letter.

  • arg is the string that you want to pass into the toId function.
  • Input: String
  • Output: String with no symbols, spaces, and all lowercase
var a = toId('+Mashiro-chan');
[string].indexOf('[search term]', [index])
  • string is the string variable that you want to search through
  • search term is a string that you want to search for in the string variable
  • index is the index in the string variable that you want to start searching at
  • Input: String, Search term
  • Output: Index of where the Search term first occurs in the String
  • Note: If the search term is not in the string variable, then the function will return -1
var a = 'Hello, my name is bob.';
console.log(a.indexOf('o', 6));
[string].split('split term');
  • string is the string variable that you want to search through
  • split term is a string that you want to split the string variable by
  • Input: String, Split term
  • Output: An array, each term being the parts of the string in between the Split term
  • Note: If the split term is not in the string variable, then the function will return an error
var a = 'Ninetales, Squirtle, Pichu';
a.split(', ');


A bot for Pokemon Showdown using code from both boTTT and Art2D2, as well as some of my own code. Everything goes to their respective owners^-^


Language:JavaScript 100.0%