Enlumop / discord-webhook-client

Discord webhooks is a professional client for Discord's webhook API.

Home Page:https://packagist.org/packages/enlumop/discord-webhook-client

Repository from Github https://github.comEnlumop/discord-webhook-clientRepository from Github https://github.comEnlumop/discord-webhook-client

Discord Webhook Client


Source Code


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Static analysis

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Install via composer

composer require enlumop/discord-webhook-client

Simple Example

use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Embed;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Payload;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\WebhookClient;

// Create embed
$embed = new Embed();
$embed->setDescription('This is an embed'); // with description

$url = 'DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL'; // Put your discord webhook url

// Create Payload
$payload = new Payload();
$payload->setUsername('Example Webhook Bot') // Change discord bot webhook username
    ->setMessage('This is a message') // Some text before embed
    ->addEmbed($embed) // Add embed

// New discord webhook client
$webhook = new WebhookClient();
// Send message
$webhook->send($url, $payload);


The project is MIT licensed. To read the full license, open LICENSE.md.


Pull requests and issues are open!

Other examples

Only meesage without embeds

use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Payload;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\WebhookClient;

$url = 'DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL'; // Put your discord webhook url

// Create Payload
$payload = new Payload();
$payload->setMessage('This is a message'); // Some text. If You need use the Message Builder

// New discord webhook client
$webhook = new WebhookClient();
// Send message
$webhook->send($url, $payload);

Message Builder Example

use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Builder\TextFormattingCombine;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Builder\TextMessageBuilder;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\Payload;
use Enlumop\DiscordWebhooks\WebhookClient;

$url = 'DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL'; // Put your discord webhook url

// Builder with on auto-newline mode (to disable auto-newline use new TextMessageBuilder(false))
$messageBuilder = new TextMessageBuilder();
$message = $messageBuilder->addText('<@ROLE_ID>') // ping some role
    ->addText('How are you?') // some text without format
    ->addBold("It's time for new webhook tool!") // **Text with bold**
     * Text with multiline codeblock:
     * ```php
     * // It's can using codeblock
     * ```
    ->addMultilineCodeBlock("// It's can using codeblock", 'php')
    ->addQuoteBlock('And some quote!') // > Text with quote block
        "It's awesome!!!111oneone",
        (new TextFormattingCombine())
    ) // ***__Text with: Bold, Italic and Underline__***
    ->addText('Are you reade for this??')
    ->build() // build message (it was returned string)

// Create Payload
$payload = new Payload();
 // Set message

// Send message
$webhook = new WebhookClient();
$webhook->send($url, $payload);

You can also use Message Builder with embed e.g. to field or description

Docs and examples

If you want to see the rest of the documentation and examples, please click HERE


Discord webhooks is a professional client for Discord's webhook API.


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%