EngrSaad2 / University-Management-System

This project has several module like Grading system, Attendance, Personal profile and most importantly admin panel.

Repository from Github https://github.comEngrSaad2/University-Management-SystemRepository from Github https://github.comEngrSaad2/University-Management-System

University Management System

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Developer: SAAD
Email: saad@triangeltech.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raselhasandurjoy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raselhasandurjoy
Company WEB: https://triangeltech.com/
Phone: +8801904654712

About UMS

UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (UMS) is a flagship product of Easy Solution which covers all aspects of Universities, Colleges or Schools. EUMS covers every minute aspects of a universities work flow and integrates all processes with user friendly interface. With hundreds of satisfied customers EUMS is first choice of several state, governments/semi-government universities and institutions. EUMS is an outcome of hard work done by our expert technical team in supervision of several renowned educationists which includes Chancellors, Controller of examination, Directors, Principals, faculties, librarian and IT experts. EUMS is a rare combination of experience and precision. EUMS streamline path of information flow in organization by taking care of following departments:

UMS Departments

  1. Admin Department

  2. Purchase Department

  3. Integrated Accounts department with Cost centre and budgeting

  4. Fee Department

  5. Library

  6. Examination Scheduling

  7. Examination Department

  8. Distant Education

  9. Online Examination

  10. Attendance

  11. Human Resource with recruitment

  12. Recruitment department

(*For complete modules list and demo please contact us)

EUMS is integrated ERP which integrate all available technology like


  2. Bar Code

  3. Biometric Machines

  4. Smart Cards

  5. Rapid Access Terminals

  6. Mobile Application

  7. SMS Gateway

  8. E-Mail Broadcaster

  9. Payment Gateway

  10. Mark sheet /Degree with integrated security

  11. OMR/OCR

  12. GPS integration

  13. Biometric Machines

  14. GPRS machine for attendance in vehicle

Installation Process

For run this project first you have to install local server like xampp. then save this project to htdocs which is located in xampp folder. Then run this by using a browser with localhostor upload it to real time host..

Dont forget to give reference of me


This project has several module like Grading system, Attendance, Personal profile and most importantly admin panel.


Language:PHP 55.4%Language:HTML 21.4%Language:JavaScript 13.8%Language:CSS 6.3%Language:Go 1.1%Language:Hack 1.1%Language:Python 0.9%