Engboilers / ansible-role-homebrew

Ansible Role - Homebrew for Mac

Home Page:https://galaxy.ansible.com/geerlingguy/homebrew/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ansible Role: Homebrew

Build Status

Installs Homebrew on macOS, and configures packages, taps, and cask apps according to supplied variables.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

homebrew_repo: https://github.com/Homebrew/brew

The GitHub repository for Homebrew core.

homebrew_prefix: /usr/local
homebrew_install_path: "{{ homebrew_prefix }}/Homebrew"

The path where Homebrew will be installed (homebrew_prefix is the parent directory). It is recommended you stick to the default, otherwise Homebrew might have some weird issues. If you change this variable, you should also manually create a symlink back to /usr/local so things work as Homebrew expects.

homebrew_brew_bin_path: /usr/local/bin

The path where brew will be installed.

homebrew_installed_packages: []

Packages you would like to make sure are installed via brew install.

homebrew_upgrade_all_packages: false

Whether to upgrade homebrew and all packages installed by homebrew. If you prefer to manually update packages via brew commands, leave this set to no.

  - homebrew/core
  - caskroom/cask

Taps you would like to make sure Homebrew has tapped.

homebrew_cask_apps: []

Apps you would like to have installed via cask. Search for popular apps on http://caskroom.io/ to see if they're available for install via Cask. Cask will not be used if it is not included in the list of taps in the homebrew_taps variable.

homebrew_cask_appdir: /Applications

Directory where applications installed via cask should be installed.

homebrew_use_brewfile: false

Whether to install via a Brewfile. If so, you will need to install the homebrew/bundle tap, which could be done within homebrew_taps.

homebrew_brewfile_dir: '~'

The directory where your Brewfile is located.


Example Playbook

- hosts: localhost
      - mysql
    - { role: Engboilers.homebrew, homebrew_execute: true }



Author Information

engboilers/ansible-role-homebrew, 2017 (originally inspired by Jeff Geerling, 2014).


Ansible Role - Homebrew for Mac
