EnTeQuAk / mailme.io

organize and syncronize your life

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



$ Create your virtualenv (recommended, use virtualenvwrapper)
$ virtualenv env

$ # Clone repository
$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:mailme/mailme.git

$ # Activate Environment and install
$ source env/bin/activate
$ make develop

$ # run tests
$ make test

Edit settings

Create a new file mailme/settings.py with the following content:

from mailme.conf.development import *

Edit and adapt this file to your specific environment.

Setup the database

Create an empty new PostgreSQL database.

$ createdb mailme_dev


You might need to apply a postgresql user (createdb -U youruser) e.g postgres for proper permissions.

$ python manage.py syncdb --migrate --noinput

Superuser & example data

$ # Create a new super user
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
$ python import.py

Now you can run the webserver and start using the site.

$ python manage.py runserver

This starts a local webserver on localhost:8000. To view the administration interface visit /admin/

Run Celery and other services

Other services being used:

  • Celery, is being used to run [regular] tasks, e.g for feed imports.
  • Compass, is being used to compile our scss files and the foundation framework.


To test oauth services we require using a SSL server for local development. It's not required for regular development but the default setup is using SSL.

Please install stunnel.

$ brew install stunnel

To start all of them (including the runserver):

$ foreman start


Please make sure you have the foreman gem installed.

You can find the SSL version on `port 8443 <https://localhost:8443/>`_



organize and syncronize your life
