Empyreal96 / xboxkrnl_chk_5455

My attempt at comparing the 5455 XDK kernel against an older build, NOT COMPILABLE CODE (Mainly psudocode with sections filled in)

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xboxkrnl.exe build 5445 XDK CHK

My attempt at comparing the 5455 XDK kernel an older build, NOT COMPILABLE CODE (Mainly psudocode with sections filled in)

Ongoing learning project for myself, the psudocode is partially modified in refence with various sources and libs, I have very little C and C++ knowledge so expect errors..


This is NOT compilable source code, despite some functions being filled in, this would need extensive work to make buildable..

There will be parts where I have no clue, look for comments // TODO for sections I have not been able to rewrite

Tools used: IDA Pro, Notepad++, CFF Explorer, Lib Viewer


VOID main(
		IN PUCHAR LoadOptions,
		IN const UCHAR* CryptKeys

	/// Find the load options and convert to boot flags for the kernel
  UCHAR buf[64]; // [esp+0h] [ebp-40h] BYREF
  strncpy(buf, LoadOptions, 64); //64 = 0x40u?
  buf[63] = '\0';
  if ( strstr(buf, "SHADOW") )
    XboxBootFlags |= XBOX_BOOTFLAG_SHADOW; //1u
  if ( strstr(buf, "/HDBOOT") )
    XboxBootFlags |= XBOX_BOOTFLAG_HDBOOT; //2u
  if ( strstr(buf, "/CDBOOT") )
    XboxBootFlags |= XBOX_BOOTFLAG_CDBOOT; //4u
  if ( strstr(buf, "/DBBOOT") )
    XboxBootFlags |= XBOX_BOOTFLAG_DASHBOARDBOOT; //0x80;

/// Match the saved keys

// TO-DO
//  *(_DWORD *)XboxEEPROMKey = *(_DWORD *)CryptKeys;
//  *(_DWORD *)&XboxEEPROMKey[4] = *((_DWORD *)CryptKeys + 1);
//  *(_DWORD *)&XboxEEPROMKey[8] = *((_DWORD *)CryptKeys + 2);
//  *(_DWORD *)&XboxEEPROMKey[12] = *((_DWORD *)CryptKeys + 3);
//  *(_DWORD *)XboxCERTKey = *((_DWORD *)CryptKeys + 4);
//  *(_DWORD *)&XboxCERTKey[4] = *((_DWORD *)CryptKeys + 5);
//  *(_DWORD *)&XboxCERTKey[8] = *((_DWORD *)CryptKeys + 6);
//  *(_DWORD *)&XboxCERTKey[12] = *((_DWORD *)CryptKeys + 7);
//  memset((void *)0x80400000, 0, 0x6000u);
  *XboxEEPROMKey = *CryptKeys;
  *&XboxEEPROMKey[4] = *(CryptKeys + 1);
  *&XboxEEPROMKey[8] = *(CryptKeys + 2);
  *&XboxEEPROMKey[12] = *(CryptKeys + 3);
  *XboxCERTKey = *(CryptKeys + 4);
  *&XboxCERTKey[4] = *(CryptKeys + 5);
  *&XboxCERTKey[8] = *(CryptKeys + 6);
  *&XboxCERTKey[12] = *(CryptKeys + 7);
  memset(0x80400000, 0, 0x6000u);
  /// Init system


My attempt at comparing the 5455 XDK kernel against an older build, NOT COMPILABLE CODE (Mainly psudocode with sections filled in)


Language:C 100.0%